Hispanic Immigrants Find Their Own Way to the American Dream
Just because they don't get college degrees, doesn't make them failures
Spanish Obamacare Site Just as Terrible as English Site
Reads like it was translated by a computer program, users say
Is the GOP Pushing Minority Voters to the Left?
Shikha Dalmia and Grover Norquist on Republican's Anti-Immigration Stance
Poll: Hispanics More Likely To Identify With Democrats Than Republicans
Only 30 percent of U.S.-born Hispanics identify with the GOP or are Republican-leaning
GOP Dominance of Texas Legislature Could Come to an End
Thanks to growing Hispanic population
Democrats Should Fight For Immigrants, Not New Voters
Latinos want driving rights more than voting rights
Rubio Says GOP Winning Hispanic Votes a "Challenge"
Data from the last election not encouraging
The GOP's Self-Destructive Position on Immigration
Shutting the border because of affirmative action shows that conservatives will use any argument against immigration.
Hispanics Favor Obama Over Romney
President enjoys three times the support of the GOP nominee
One in Three Americans Think Most Hispanics Are Here Illegally
The number is actually around 18 percent.
The Silly Panic Over a Minority White Nation
Claims that whites will be a minority by 2050 are historically outworn.