Are You an "Electronic Child Molester?"
10 Dumb Quotes About Video Games From Pols And Pundits
10 Dumb Quotes About Video Games From Pols And Pundits
Hillary Clinton is a long-standing and unblushing advocate of frequent military intervention abroad.
For the chattering class, Jeb will always be the Bush who got away.
Flight 370 conspiracy theories; college basketball players should share NCAA revenue; distrust of NSA and Facebook; concerns about police misconduct
Hillarycare was tossed onto the ash heap of history-but it still had profound consequences.
Adds, "She wouldn't be my candidate"
There are plenty of male politicians who need that advice, too, frankly
Not happy about the expected 2016 presidential hopeful's past being brought up
According to new book HRC
Reportedly bonded when she was Secretary of State
85 percent of Democratic primary voters say Benghazi will have little impact on their decision to vote for Clinton; 5 percent said it would make them more likely
Two and a half years before convention
It certainly will be coming up a lot should she run for president
Priorities USA will back her if she runs in 2016
The expected 2016 candidate made a trip to the state last fall
Former secretary of state expected to announce her political plans this year
Made the comment while speaking to CNN's Wolf Blitzer
Former Secretary of State met with aides for presentation on preparing for the campaign over the summer
Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-Ga.)
Both of their scores have dropped since 2012
In the meantime, near-daily speculation will continue
Meeting never took place
Clinton may end up distancing herself from her old boss as the widely anticipated presidential campaign gets closer
It's the 50th anniversary of his assassination. You may have heard about it.
Says that he has "no idea" if his wife will run
The whole "If you like it, you can keep it" debacle is not going away
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