Game of Thrones Rape Scene Provokes Mixed Messages From Feminists
The latest episode of Game of Thrones has touched off a raging debate that reveals cracks in feminist dogma about "rape culture."
'Ban Bossy': A Bad Remedy for a Fictional Problem
Using girls as props for activism that schools them in invented victimhood is not feminist advocacy, it's feminist malpractice.
Throwing Down with The Lost Sisterhood: Amazons, Academics, and Adventure
Anne Fortier's novel envisions women "who live outside of society"
The Trouble With 'Ban Bossy'
Call me a crazy anarchist, but social pressure against bossing people around strikes me as a good thing.
Is There a Cyber War on Women?
Some pundits say women are under attack on the Internet. But do they have the data to back up their claims?
Freedom Feminism Still Isn't Either
Any so-called "freedom feminism" that includes Phyllis Schlafly and the anti-choice wing of the conservative movement is not libertarian, says Sharon Presley.
Defending Freedom Feminism
Not reactionary, says the author, but rather a call for a reality-based, liberty-centered, male-respecting, judicious feminism.
What "Optional" Means In Saudi Arabia
Good news, but not necessarily as good as it sounds at first.
Can Christina Hoff Sommers Save Feminism?
A conservative writer's "freedom feminism" agenda is short on both freedom and feminism.
The Gender Battlefield: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Unfortunately, the state of feminism in 2013 may have hit a new low
India's Feminist Vigilantes
The Pink Gang takes a DIY approach to fighting rapists and abusers.
Feminists Make Great Free Market Capitalists
And their influence in the market is going to keep growing.
Doris Lessing's Impatience With Political Correctness
As we bid Lessing farewell, the blight she spoke of-"political correctness" and, in particular, its toxic feminist strain-is on the move again.
British Students Ban "Blurred Lines" From Their Own Universities
Once upon a time, students' political leaders kicked against authoritarianism; now they enforce it.
Obama's Fed Pick Preferences Have Feminist Critics Yellen
Is Obama a closet sexist? Or, may there be a different explanation?
Feminism Can't Cure India's Rape Epidemic
The country's progressive laws mask a broader institutional failure
How Margaret Thatcher Advanced Women's Liberation
Feminists should celebrate the iconic British leader.
Tunisian Who Posed Topless Flees Family, Country
Her efforts at feminist activism were not well-received
Obama's Sexist Double Standard
What the Kamala Harris controversy reveals about about sexism and the left.
The Feminine Mystique at 50: Pioneering, Yes. Radical, No
Remembering the egalitarian approach to women's rights.