Can Outrage over the Zealotry of Federal Prosecutors Outlast Swartz Case?
Swartz's case far from an anomaly
Swartz's case far from an anomaly
Aaron Swartz's death inspires effort to scale back federal authority
Would update law to exempt violations of Internet terms of services from criminal prosecution
Could be an interesting example of positive bipartisanship
The Senate Committee on Intelligence member would like to do his job
How should the federal government have handled Swartz's behavior?
Faced federal charges for downloading academic journal records at MIT
The Justice Department claims it "has demonstrated its historic commitments to transparency."
Legal action being considered by the White House
Top deputies admitted to posting anonymous criticism of judges and politicians and commented on cases on newspaper web site
The FBI is conducting its own investigation into alleged campaign finance violations by Michael Grimm, a former FBI agent himself
Sen. Patrick Leahy folds to the Justice Department
The Obama administration has stepped up federal reviews of police departments accused of civil rights violations
The ACLU's tallied 142 people dead at the hands of LVPD since 1990
Controversy over whether defendants who are acquitted can recover fees from the Justice Department
Vice squad now banned from using seized cash and vehicles
The Department for Justice and Securities and Exchange Commission are looking into the bank's power trading operations in parts of the U.S. between 2006 and 2008
Wants to use a recent Appeals Court ruling
"Fast and Furious" fight between White House and Congress
DOJ electronic surveillance has jumped sixty-four percent since 2009
Issa wants all 14 critiqued in report gone
Both had been criticized in report's findings
Claims department made unwarranted arrests in order to maximize deportations
Failure of leadership and lack of accountability at the Justice Department and the ATF
Claims antitrust suit threatened in move to buy competitor
GOP leaders credit "Fast and Furious" investigation.
Federal Officers threatened the owners of the two dispensaries with property seizure if they did not leave the premises.
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