Double Jeopardy for George Zimmerman?
The Department of Justice wants to waste more money trying him for a federal hate crime.
The Department of Justice wants to waste more money trying him for a federal hate crime.
Corrupt FBI let mobster Whitey Bulger keep killing-and it cost innocent lives.
Part of the duties of the little-known Community Relations Service
Seven men fatally shot over eight-month period
Well, he will certainly try to now, won't he?
Using same asset seizure rules applied to other illegal activities
An average of 36 per year, compared to 20 under George W. Bush
Asks judge to appoint independent monitor if she rules tactics are unconstitutional
They're doing a heckuva job, they say
That didn't take long at all
Related to surveillance of reporters
Currently those who kill protected species can't be prosecuted unless it can be proved they knew of the animal's status
Denies request to toss demands as illegal
None of them should be attending
Isn't the Attorney General bound by the same laws to tell the truth as the rest of us are?
The meetings will, of course, be off the record
Charles Ramsey's been in charge since 2008
Federal prosecutors unseal indictment against online currency exchange
Stole credit card information and other data
When the Obama Administration loses David Axelrod...
Obama has asked Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate the case
Apple still faces DOJ accusations
DOJ took records for calls from at least five numbers associated with Fox news and two numbers from inside the White House
The prosecution, meanwhile, wants to censor the Internet
It probably won't really help protect leaks, but it's a start
Attorney has already resigned over incident
Well, that's going to open some floodgates
Bears a resemblance to the recent Associated Press scandal
Wants Obama to "rein in" the investigation
Were any laws broken by singling out conservative groups?
Did it really have no other way to track down a leaker?
Obama's war on transparency continues
Is there a rule of threes for scandals?
ACLU requested documents on government's policy of intercepting text messages
Unconstitutionally bans pretty much all talk that may be of a sexual nature
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