The 4 Best Legal Arguments Against ObamaCare
Why the president's sweeping health care overhaul should be struck down by the Supreme Court.
Islam, Free Speech, and Democracy
What really happened in the Pennsylvania "zombie Mohammed" case?
Antonin Scalia's ObamaCare Problem
The Obama administration repeatedly cites the conservative Supreme Court justice in defense of its health care overhaul.
Making State Officials More Accountable in California
Government policy should be driven by what's best for the public, not what's best for public employees.
A Victory for Property Rights in California
The California Supreme Court stands up against government abuse.
The Great Basketball Swindle
A riveting new documentary takes on New York's shameful eminent domain abuse.
Lochner Isn't a Dirty Word
Correcting the cartoonish vilification of a libertarian Supreme Court decision
IPAB: "The Roach After the Nuclear Blast."
ObamaCare's Medicare cost-control panel may be unworkable, unconstitutional, and a barrier to real reform. It's also very difficult to repeal.
The Great Basketball Swindle
A riveting new documentary takes on New York's shameful eminent domain abuse