California May Release More Inmates Due to Jail Overcrowding
Plenty of non-violent offenders still in prison
Restaurants Thwart Foie Gras Ban By Giving it Away
Recent California legislation bans the selling of foie gras, but does not prevent the controversial delicacy from being given away.
California Censorship: Televised Discussion of Tax Propositions Cut Off
Cable access to television hearing to discuss three proposed state tax increases turned off.
Anaheim Council Rejects Citizens' Call for Districts
Efforts aimed to get more Latino representation on City Council.
Calif. Official Replaced after Killing Mountain Lion in Idaho
Killing mountain lions in Idaho is not a crime.
So Much for Bridging the Divide: Anaheim Cancels Night Out Event
Fears of more protests cancel event designed to build relationships between police and community.
Stockton, California Went Bankrupt. Is Your City Next?
What to look for as your burg goes belly up!
Ambulance Company Has Novel Idea of Volunteering
California company requires employees to volunteer for selected non-profits on their own time.
Group Sues to Have Killer Whales De-listed as Endangered
Petitioners say listing caused severe cutbacks to affected farms in California
JPMorgan Chase Denies Manipulating California Energy Market
Trader demands money taken by state back.
Half of Caltran Traffic Cams Not Working
California spent at least $5.5 million last year on the cameras.
What the Anaheim Riots Can Teach Other American Cities
It's time to reform the police and cut bureaucratic red tape.
Time for the Union Payoffs! Bullet Train's First Boon Goes to State Highway Workers
A journey of 800 miles begins with spending millions to relocate a small chunk of highway in the middle of Fresno.
UC Davis Chief Defied Panel to Fire Pepper Spray Cop
Investigators had suggested demotion or suspension instead.
Anaheim Holding Special Meeting Over Voting System
City faces lawsuit claiming council election system gives Latinos little representation.
San Bernardino Officially Files for Bankruptcy
California city faces insolvency over debts.
First Hurdle Cleared in Implementing Pension Reform in San Diego, But Big Ruling Still to Come
Judge allows transition to 401(k) programs for new city employees to begin.
California Prof Was Planning High School Rampage Cops Allege
Cops say when they arrested the UC Irvine professor on charges of arson they found e-mails on his cellphone detailing an attack on the high school his son attended when the teen committed suicide.
Anaheim Riots Spotlight Need for Broad Police Reform
The city's law enforcement culture values aggressiveness over community policing.
California Goes Bankrupt
One California city after another becomes insolvent as the state's economic crisis worsens.
How Rail Screws the Poor
As Los Angeles spends billions on light rail, transit use declines.
Gail Collins Hates the Lone Star State
Times columnist messes with Texas and loses in laugh-free, fact-challenged airdrop.