Former CalPERS Officials Indicted on Fraud Charges
Federico Buenrostro Jr. and Alfred J.R. Villalobos both deny involvement in the pension scandal
Calif. Legislators Seek More Taxes, Fees
They never give up, even after getting a tax increase just passed
This Is What It's Like to Take on School Unions As a Democratic Leader in California
Gloria Romero fights for school choice from the left.
Under Pressure, CA Considers Reversing Retroactive Tax
Or businesses could just move to more sensible jurisdictions
California Lieutenant Governor Says War on Drugs is an "Abject Failure"
Says marijuana should be regulated and taxed
$1 Million Worth of Marijuana Found in Crashed Boat on Californian Beach
Being investigated by Homeland Security
Piedmont, California to Install Cameras at Entry Points
Village is one of wealthiest in the state, rattled by string of burglaries
California Starts Free Cellphone Program with Help from Federal Money
For those making less than $15,000 a year
Working Class Flees California
It's not the wealthy leaving, but those who would like to be someday
Californians Aren't Buying Enough Gas. Solution: Raise Gas Taxes!
State will soon have highest rate in the country
Poll: 61 Percent of California Residents Support Gay Marriage
Voters banned it in 2008 via proposition 8
So. Cal Wildfire 30 Percent Contained
2,000 residents without power, only one house damaged
Public Pension Managers Shine Some Sunlight on Crisis with Hawaiian Vacation
Just say "aloha" to those terrible return numbers
Politically Motivated Investment Guidelines Making Bad Public Pension Programs Worse
Even as funds lose money, leaders call for decisions based on politics, not success
California Legislators Propose 2,000 New Bills
Bet the word "restraint" doesn't show up in many of them.
CA Tries To Tax Nevada-Based Businesses
Reaching across the border to tap states that don't suck
Bell, Calif., Corruption Case Goes to Jury
Former officials face sentences of up to 20 years if convicted
Former Compton Mayor Being Retried for Corruption Points to Corruption in Former Compton Police Department
Omar Bradley says he took on the police department and, even though it was disbanded, the police won
Four Dead After Shooting Spree in Orange County, California
Shooter believed to be among the dead
Dorner Manhunt Reveals Police Contempt for Public Safety
It's sad when people are more worried about the police than they are about a murderer on the loose.
Man Arrested in Connection to Threat Made on California State Senator
Leland Yee, a gun control advocate, received a letter that outlined which weapons would be used to kill him
Christopher Dorner May Be Heading Towards to Mexico
Investigators think the ex-LAPD cop has had help evading capture
The Phantom of Christopher Dorner Haunts Southern California
Allegedly murderous ex-cop perhaps not the best person to represent anger over police abuse
Calif. Inmate Lawsuits Cost State Hundreds of Millions
Governor challenges lawyers over legitimacy of cases
Twelve-Year-Old Arrested in California For Threatening to Kill Teacher and Students
Faces possible felony charges