The State of Our Union Strong, Most Presidents Agree
"Strong", "sound" and "confident" mainstays of presidential vocabulary
"Strong", "sound" and "confident" mainstays of presidential vocabulary
The former president wades in
One of the architects of the anti-militia panic is now borrowing the militias' rhetoric.
The former president is popular there
To curb spending, Republicans will have to insist on clear, enforceable measures to induce greater discipline, and stick to them.
They warn Romney's proposed tax cuts would add to the national debt
Clinton sowed the seeds of the Great Recession by helping to inflate the housing bubble.
At 46 percent it beats Romney's 43, Biden's 42 and the GOP's 41. Obama scores a favorability rating of 52 and Bill Clinton 64 twelve years after he left office
Thinks the GOP nominee will have a tough time explaining the remarks in upcoming debates
Clinton's speech started in primetime but ended after it, he officially entered Barack Obama's name for the Democratic nomination
Will be making an economic case, so he better be bringing that charisma
The former House speaker and presidential hopeful said Bill Clinton would remind viewers what a failure Barack Obama's been
That guy plugs this guy
Although Clinton is set to be given a prominent spot at the convention few believe he agrees with the President on economic recovery.
Bill Clinton steams into Badger State, talks selective recall support, fails to draw blood from Scott Walker.
Why does every SOTU sound eerily familiar? Because presidents have been saying the same things for a half-century.
Revolutionary violence is as American as an apple pie we threw away
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