Are The Palestinians Systematically Oppressed?
City University of New York professor Peter Beinart and AEI's Michael Rubin debate Israel and Palestine.
Reason presents a libertarian-themed debate series recorded monthly before a live audience in New York City. Moderated by former Barron's Economics Editor Gene Epstein, the Soho Forum features Nobel prize winners, radical thinkers, and other public intellectuals facing off over the future of bitcoin, electric vehicles, government debt, illegal drugs, robotics, sex work, and other controversial topics.
City University of New York professor Peter Beinart and AEI's Michael Rubin debate Israel and Palestine.'s Scott Horton and The Free Press's Eli Lake debate U.S. foreign policy and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Frontier magazine's Peter Gietl and Salvadoran journalist Ricardo Avelar debate the merits of Nayib Bukele's criminal justice policies.
Glenn Greenwald and Elizabeth Price Foley debate Trump v. United States and its implications for presidential powers.
Two Argentine pundits debate the success of Javier Milei.
David Leonhardt and John Early debate stagnation, inequality, and how people feel about the economy.
Two former Republican staffers, David Stockman and Stephen Moore, debate the state of the party.
Famed economist Arthur Laffer debates Libertarian Party presidential candidate Chase Oliver.
Author Matt Ridley debates virologist Stephen Goldstein on the origins of SARS-CoV-2.
Dennis Pratt and Gene Epstein debate the efficacy of ethical and consequentialist arguments for libertarianism.
Economists Gene Epstein and David Friedman debate the merits of the Austrian and Chicago schools of economics.
The Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Glenn Greenwald takes on famed lawyer and author Alan Dershowitz.
In lieu of the planned debate with Brent Orrell, Gene Epstein and Tom Woods discuss the prudence of COVID-related restrictions.
Columnist Joe Nocera debates Soho Forum Director Gene Epstein.
Eli Lake of The Free Press debates author Jeremy Hammond at The Soho Forum.
AEI's Tony Mills and British biochemist Terence Kealey debate whether science needs government funding.
Stanford's Jay Bhattacharya debates St. John University's Kate Klonick on the federal government's role in social media censorship.
Susan Schneider and Jobst Landgrebe debate the dangers of AI.
Mark Mills and Rosario Fortugno debate the future of electric vehicles.
Yaron Brook and Bryan Caplan debate the merits of anarcho-capitalism.
Corey DeAngelis of the American Federation for Children debates libertarian author Stephan Kinsella.
The Cato Institute's Alex Nowrasteh and attorney Francis Menton debate immigration policy.
Economists David Friedman and Gene Epstein debate how best to persuade people toward libertarianism.
Law professor Andrew Koppelman and Soho Forum Director Gene Epstein debate whether libertarianism has been corrupted.
Two historians go head-to-head on whether the controversial New York Times project has any value.
The Manhattan Institute senior fellow and the NYU historian debate whether black Americans should move away from progressivism.
Is breaking up the U.S. a good idea? Law professor F.H. Buckley and Libertarian Party activist Jonathan Casey debate.
Economists Lawrence H. White and Frederic Mishkin debate whether the Federal Reserve should be replaced with free market institutions.
National Review's Rich Lowry debates the Cato Institute's Alex Nowrasteh.
Stanford's Jay Bhattacharya debates Yale's Sten Vermund on COVID-19 lockdowns, focused protection, and the Great Barrington Declaration.
A livestreamed debate between Binyamin Appelbaum and Gene Epstein
Author Ward Wilson advocates eliminating nuclear weapons. Defense consultant Peter Huessy says that's unrealistic.
Climate scientist Andrew Dessler of Texas A&M University defends urgent action on climate against scientist and author Steven Koonin.
Monetary Metals CEO Keith Weiner defends the future of gold against bitcoin podcaster Pierre Rochard.
Scott Horton vs. Cathy Young in a live debate at PorcFest, in Lancaster, New Hampshire.
Doctors Adriane Fugh-Berman and Jeffrey Singer debate the harms of prescription opioids
Reason's Elizabeth Nolan Brown makes the case for legalizing sex work. Author Julie Bindel wants customers to be held criminally liable.
Brookings Institution senior fellow William Galston debates former State Department diplomat Peter Van Buren
Professor Jonathan Haidt of NYU and Reason's Robby Soave debate the harms of social media and what the government should do about it.
George Mason University Law Professor Ilya Somin debates Libertarian Party activist Angela McArdle
Patent lawyer Stephan Kinsella debates Law Professor Richard Epstein's Scott Horton takes on The Weekly Standard's founding editor, Bill Kristol
NYU's Eliza Sweren-Becker debates Hans von Spakovsky of The Heritage Foundation
The Free State Project's Jeremy Kauffmann debates the L.P.'s Angela McArdle in a Soho Forum debate.
Financial consultant John Vallis vs. George Mason University economist Lawrence H. White
Jacobin's Ben Burgis and Soho Forum's Gene Epstein debate which system better promotes freedom, equality, and prosperity.
Stanford University's Terry Moe and the Cato Institute's Gene Healy debate giving fast-track authority to U.S. presidents.
Ayn Rand Institute's Yaron Brook says yes, Whole Foods' John Mackey says no.
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