John Stossel is the host and creator of Stossel TV. The former host of Stossel on Reason, Fox Business' Stossel, and ABC's 20/20, he has won 19 Emmys and authored several best-sellers, most recently No, They Can't: Why Government Fails—But Individuals Succeed. He is also the author of a popular weekly column that is syndicated via Creators.
Latest from John Stossel
Stossel: Glenn Beck vs. Big Tech
Glenn Beck says social media outlets are biased against conservatives.
Stossel: Live Free at Sea
Maybe the ocean is a place where we can experiment with new ways of living.
Why Is the Media So Negative?
"Everything that's bad is politics; everything that's good is the market."
Stossel: Life Is Better Than Ever
Don't believe news reports—we're healthier, richer, and safer than ever before.
Charter Schools vs. the Education Monopoly
“If I choose for my child to go to a charter school, then that's where my taxes should go!"
Stossel: Let Charter Schools Teach
Governments limit charter schools, even though charters often do better than government-run schools.
Stossel: Lessons From Africa
Entrepreneur Magatte Wade explains how regulations are keeping Africa poor.
Stossel: Trump's Deregulation
President Trump has cut a lot of regulations—but increased some others.
The Case for Legalizing Organ Sales
People already legally sell blood, plasma, and bone marrow. Why not a kidney?
Stossel: Save Lives, Sell Organs
Critics say organ sales would hurt the poor. In fact, it would save lives.
Forget Fake News, the Real Problem Is Stupid News
Most "news" is just press releases and breathless exaggerations of isolated problems.
Taxpayers Lose When the Government Gives Out 'Free' Stuff
Never before have presidential candidates offered so many giveaways.
Stossel: Free Stuff 2020
Presidential candidates promise expensive new programs. We added up the cost.
What Bernie Sanders Gets Wrong About the Minimum Wage
Politicians can’t repeal the laws of supply and demand.
Stossel: Minimum Wage Hurts Beginners
How Seattle’s $15 minimum wage killed entry-level jobs.
How 'Ag-Gag' Laws Stifle Free Speech
The government shouldn't pass special laws that prevent people from revealing what's true.
Stossel: No Filming on Farms
Farm groups get politicians to pass laws against secret filming on farms.
Government Bullies Want to Seize This Man's Home Because of Overgrown Grass
If governments can oppress, they usually will.
Stossel: Mow Your Lawn or Lose Your House!
Florida man may lose home because he didn’t cut his grass.
Celebrate Limited Government on the Fourth of July
Remember that the Declaration of Independence stands for inalienable rights.
The Depressing State of the 2020 Presidential Race
Lots of bad ideas from both sides of the political aisle.
Stossel: 2020 Candidates' Worst and Best Ideas
Stossel reveals the good, the bad, and the ugly of the 2020 campaigns.
Stossel: In Defense of Capitalism
People acting in their own self-interest created modern prosperity, says Ayn Rand Institute's Yaron Brook.
The Case for Designer Babies
We already give our kids music lessons, braces, and tutoring. Why not also give them better genes?
Stossel: Don't Be Scared of Designer Babies
Gene-editing technology will eventually allow parents to alter their future offspring's intelligence, height, eye color, and more. And that's worth celebrating.
The Case Against Government-Mandated Parental Leave
Let employers and employees work it out to meet individual needs.
Stossel: The Paid Leave Fairy Tale
Why mandated paid family leave is bad for business and bad for most women.
Stossel: Harvard Caves to Student Mob
Alan Dershowitz: "The inmates run the asylum."
Stossel: Money, Money, Money
A new documentary reveals how stable currency leads to prosperity.
The Sex Trafficking Panic
"The victims are the sex workers…getting harassed and locked up in cages by the cops."
Stossel: Moral Panic Over Sex Work
Police often accuse people of "sex trafficking." Usually, it’s simply prostitution.
How Independent Journalists Are Beating the Mainstream Media
“I don't know who to believe. Why don't I just go there and see for myself?"
Stossel: The Rise of Citizen Journalists
A new wave of journalists, like Tim Pool, use "new media" to tell it like it is.
Stossel: Inequality Myths
Contrary to what most of the media says, the poor are getting richer and income mobility is high.
The Green New Deal Will Hit the Poor With Higher Energy Costs
"It's upside-down Robin Hood.”
Stossel: Enough Crony Capitalism!
How established businesses use government to limit competition.
Stossel: The Breakfast Myth
People claim breakfast is the "most important meal of the day." But it's not.
Stossel: Venezuela Is Socialism
Media personalities claim socialism didn't cause Venezuela's collapse, but it did. Here's how.