Contributing Editor John McClaughry is a former member of the Vermont House of Representatives and Vermont Senate and the retired president of the Ethan Allen Institute.
John McClaughry
Contributing Editor
Latest from John McClaughry
Wanted: A Better Way To Think About Health Care
If social insurance plans had been designed by libertarian-leaning policy mechanics, what might they have produced?
How We Lost the War on Poverty
Amity Shlaes concludes in her new book that grand governmental schemes to broadly reorder society are doomed to fail.
Exclusive: Ronald Reagan's 1980 Election Eve Speech Draft Was Lost to History. Until Now.
In a speech drafted but never delivered in the waning weeks of the 1980 campaign, Reagan was to say: "The overriding question is not one of Left or Right. It is one of reversing the flow of power and control to ever more remote institutions."
Is Another Financial Crisis On the Way?
We didn't learn the lessons of the last crisis. Does that mean we're doomed to repeat it?
Reanimating Detroit
A new book offers some decent ideas for revitalizing the Motor City—but it doesn't go far enough.
Who Says Vouchers Wouldn't Work?
Vermont's been using them for years, but the debate goes on.
The Affordable Housing Scam
Raking over the politicians, regulators, brokers, and bankers who caused the financial crisis
Who Says Vouchers Wouldn't Work?
Vermont's been using them for years, but the debate goes on.
Housing Protectionism
How a privileged few are preventing average Americans from becoming homeowners
The Rise and Fall of the Loco-Focos
An anti-monopoly, hard-money movement enjoyed a brief moment of glory in the 1830s.
A Plague on All Your Houses
Three new books identify government as the culprit in our serious housing problems but fail utterly to offer appropriate solutions.
A Few Good Children's Books
...and, as our reviewer discovered, there are just a few.