A. Barton Hinkle is senior editorial writer and a columnist at the Richmond Times-Dispatch.
Hillary Clinton's Dubious Immigration Plan
The White House hopeful will say anything to get elected.
The White House hopeful will say anything to get elected.
Why is Mark Herring carrying water for a state agency when he should be securing the rights of the people?
The president knows what's fair to say. And those who disagree? Well, he'll set them straight.
We shouldn't discount the charity of Muslims based on the heinous acts of a minute minority.
FBI forensic examiners provided flawed testimony in hundreds of cases.
Left-wing attitudes hurt the cause of individual justice.
The left makes a first-principles defense of abortion rights regardless of its consequences, but is hostile to individual autonomy on nearly every other issue.
Law enforcement expands the surveillance state in Virginia.
As more people get their power via solar, public utilities are threatened because the cost of the old energy system will fall on a diminishing number of people
The police can break into your home unlawfully and shoot you dead, and nobody is at fault for that except you.
It's time to rein in this abusive state agency.
From trigger warnings to "free speech zones," the First Amendment is in peril on campus.
Of theology, trigger warnings, and tolerance
Cities throw tax money at big deals while small businesses get the shaft for stupid reasons.
Laws against panhandling are unconstitutional, yet officials keep trying.
Investigations occasionally have followed in McAuliffe's wake like a slime trail.
Obama had a good point at the National Prayer Breakfast.
Virginia Democrats make an opportunistic case against charter schools.
The U.S. Constitution may not be perfect, but a new constitutional convention will probably make it worse.
Americans are not yet that dependent upon the providence of their sovereign for their existence. But don't blame the president for lack of trying.
When faced with the choice between protecting children or protecting the public school system, the system's lawyers chose to protect the system.
It's OK to oppose government policies without offering an alternative.
The price system works. Our health care system does not.
A few lessons in crony capitalism from the state of Virginia.
When it comes to the truth, the real bias is thinking any one side has a monopoly on it.
Disclosing donors could impair democracy.
Massive infusion of money through subsidies and student aid offers no incentive to control costs or seek out efficiencies in higher education.
Americans don't like being told what they cannot say or hear.
Most Second Amendment restrictions take rights away from people who don't commit crimes and never will.
Give her credit where credit is due.
Government policy contributes to police abuse.
Soft-on-crime polices don't work. But neither do rampant imprisonment and overcriminalization.
The Nanny State encourages foul habits.
The problem with "certificate of public need" laws.
From civil asset forfeiture to eminent domain, the government covets your cash and property.
Memo to Democrats: Next time read the bill before you sign it.
The major parties are the true problem.
Manure marketing, golf course renovations, a DEA museum, and other wastes of public money.
What happens when central planners bulldoze communities and try to build better ones? Trampled property rights, dislocated families, wasted money, and failed development.
From militarization to asset forfeiture, cops across the country are dodging the Constitution
Censorship isn't just for conservatives anymore. The First Amendment is under fire from all directions.
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