Judge Blocks Unequal Early Voting Rules in Ohio
Can't allow military and overseas voters extra days to vote early and not others
Can't allow military and overseas voters extra days to vote early and not others
Cutting from 14 to 8 days is not disciminatory
Voters will not have to present photo ID in November
Only forty percent of voters think promotion of values is an important role of government
Democrats, especially, seem over their infatuation with the president
Perhaps they've realized the candidates aren't all that different?
Finding it difficult to conduct voter registration drives without yielding fake names and other issues they often define as voter fraud
Firm hired by the GOP may have turned in forged registration forms
The Voter Participation Center is said to be a tad less than above-board
Analysis also shows these to be amongst the least likely to vote
Found 31 cases involving absentee ballots of people voting in two different states for same election
System won't be implemented, though, until a voter verification database is activated
Oppressed opposition urged boycott of voting
Recipients of letters have to prove they aren't dead or lose voting rights
Matt Welch and Kennedy discuss what's in the new issue of Reason.
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has ordered a lower court to reconsider its decision on a new voter ID law
Ranking House Democrat offers help
Democrat drops out of race after party says she voted in both Maryland and Florida in 2006 and 2008
Forget the dead voting, in Nicaragua they run for office too
A former sheriff and former county clerk will be spending some time in the clink
Somebody really thinks aliens are sneaking across the border just to pick between Lousy Choice A and Lousy Choice B?
A state law allows members of the military to vote early for three more days than other voters are allowed
The law specified six types of identification, which minorities are less likely to possess
Squabble over wording runs up against a printing deadline
Says reducing days of early voting discourages African-Americans.
You won't even need a note from your mother as one official in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, says he won't enforce the state law requiring identification
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