Texans Say It's Time for Gov. Perry to Retire
Polls say they want new blood in the governor's office
Polls say they want new blood in the governor's office
12 percentage point increase since 2008
Anything for a spending cut
Nine percent think luck is how most of the rich got their money
60 percent now favor allowing illegal immigrants a path to citizenship
Around 90 percent would support a background checks for all gun purchases
75 percent would also vote for term limits
But most Americans still want stricter gun laws
Most also think Democrats have an agenda for the future while the Republicans do not
Make them feel disgust, say researchers.
Though "all of the above" gets the most votes
22 percent believe that the president will do a worse job second time round
Slight drop in those who identify as Protestant or Catholic
Believe creation of Palestine best path to peace
Experience trumps expertise
46 percent think the federal government is a threat to rights, 45 percent see it as a protector of rights
Only nine percent are "very confident"
Might be worth the GOP taking a careful look
Majority think things will improve in the President's second term
New Monmouth University/Asbury Park Press poll has the New Jersey governor at 67 percent approval
Huge generational divide in the numbers
Voters finally realize he's part of the cause, not the cure
Daily Kos, SEIU, and PPP were among the most accurate
Good luck calling this one, especially with most Americans hanging-up the phone
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