Bring Back the Flophouse
To revolutionize housing for singles, look to the past.
Judges in the Bay State will soon have the power to determine whether a bank can foreclose on a home or must modify the mortgage.
Clinton sowed the seeds of the Great Recession by helping to inflate the housing bubble.
Lancaster accused of abusing authority to try to drive out minority Section 8 residents
3.8% surtax on certain investments starts next year
Housing continues recovery; rest of economy, not so much
Taken as a sign of recovery until the next piece of bad news is taken as a sign that the recovery has stalled
The average rate on the 30-year loan declined to 3.49 percent from 3.55 percent last week
It's just as well. How California is spending its portion of the money is slightly better than what Harris wanted.
It's left out of the platform to give a hypothetical President Romney room to maneuver
Will settle allegations of selling risky mortgage-backed products to non-profits, municipalities.
Sacramento and Elk Grove join the ranks of municipalities considering using eminent domain to grab delinquent home loans
There won't be a recovery until credit card and household debt levels come down.
No longer looking into company's role in selling $1.3 billion of subprime mortgage securities.
Housing authority did not have key to room where alarm was.
The Peace and Freedom Party nominates a former sitcom star.
Never mind that it's nutty, politicians are getting enthusiastic about a plan to use eminent domain to grab mortgages
The FHFA resists the Obama Administration's attempt to further distort the housing market.
The Golden State's bizarre new mortgage "solutions" won't fix the the problem.
Sometimes leading indicators are deceiving.
Anyone who says we are in the midst of a housing recovery is wrong.