Houston Tries Rehab for Jailed Prostitutes
Legalizing prostitution would work even better
Faces seven years in prison and permanent ban from office
Former Italian PM accused of, among other things, frequenting an underage prostitute
Feds can't require group support laws against prostitution in order to qualify for HIV-prevention funding
Maybe start a human tracking index and rate the U.S. to make you feel better?
Prostitutes testified being treated well
Accused her of breaking the Sale of Goods Act
Memo says a U.S. ambassador solicited prostitutes
Accusations of sexual assault, consorting with prostitutes, and drug use
Some said the campaign glorified prostitution
Plea agreement leads to 10-month sentence
"I love him," says one, another explains why having his name tattooed on her doesn't mean she's enslaved
Veena Malik starring in Zindagi 50-50
Illegal there like in most of the U.S.
You let politicians on here and not hookers?
Coordinated a liaison with another soldier, allegedly
You can list "prostitution" as a skill
Residents aged 75 and 66, plus a 54-year-old crossing guard
Facing up to 14 years in prison
Can the federal government link organizational funding with taking a formal stand against prostitution?
Rules out people who think activities among consenting adults should be legal
Enjoys the work, apparently
That's his defense, sounds like
Whoah ... Making life easier doesn't come naturally for the French
Prostitute said she slept with Beckham but he proved he didn't
Positions getting painful, customer base dropping
Prostitute who admitted to the Post she was paid to lie not the same one on the DC's video
Prostitution may be on rise in country
Where there's smoke there's often some kind of fire
Was sentenced to eight months for running a brothel since 1996
E-mail was apparently published by CREW nine months ago
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