Executive order
Trump Order Opens New State-Level Immigration Law Fights
Texas and California represent polar opposites on federal cooperation.
Undocumented Aliens May Be Safe in Sanctuary Cities, Thanks to Conservative Justices
The ruling against Obamacare's Medicaid mandate renders the order toothless.
Federal Judge Orders 'Sweeping' Stay of Trump's Immigration Ban
Says officials may not remove, detain or block entry of those with valid immigration visas.
Trio of LGBT News Stories Shows We're Not Backsliding on Cultural Acceptance
Trump to keep Obama's anti-discrimination order.
Number of Americans Killed by Terrorists Who've Entered U.S. as Refugees? ZERO.
Donald Trump's poorly designed and xenophobic executive order is attempting to improve on a perfect record. Republicans need to push back.
Trump's Executive Order on Regulations Is Welcome, But More Is Needed
President Donald Trump followed-up a busy and divisive first week in office by issuing an executive order that takes aim at the federal regulatory state.
Federal Judge Stays Trump's Order to Remove Immigrants, Refugees Here Legally
Executive action targeted travelers from seven Muslim-dominated countries.
How the Supreme Court's Conservative Justices May Have Saved Undocumented Aliens in Sanctuary Cities
Trump's executive order is toothless
Trump Brings Back Ban on Funds for Groups That Promote Abortion, While Congress Reconsiders Global Anti-Prostitution Pledge
Here we go again, and again, and again...
#ThanksObama: 5 Scary Powers Trump Will Take Over as President
Obama's power grabs are now Trump's precedents.
President Donald Trump Could Make Military Interrogations Medieval Again
The next commander-in-chief could legally bring back torture.
The Supreme Court's DAPA Decision Means More Ethnic Warfare on Immigration
Both parties have prefered to play identity politics rather than fix the problem
SC's DAPA Cop Out Guarantees a Racially Polarized Election
Both parties have played partisan politics with immigration for 10 years
Obama's Cynical Games May Doom Immigration Reform
If he loses, he'll only have himself to blame.
Reason Debate On DAPA
Two libertarian scholars go toe-to-toe on Obama's immigration executive order
The DAPA Debacle Shows Obama Has Failed as a Unifier
The Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments today in the backdrop of a deeply divided country
Scalia May Have Supported Obama's Order to Legalize Undocumented Aliens
The justice got an unfair rap from liberals that he was an anti-immigrant bigot.
Obama Oversteps His Authority With Gun Orders
The president is without authority to negate the congressional will, and any attempt to do so will be invalidated by the courts.
Ky. Governor's Action on Ex-Felon Voters Should Get More Attention Than Kim Davis Pandering
Bevin sends mixed messages on limits of executive power.
Obama's Cynicism Just Screwed Over Undocumented Latinos Big Time
A 5th Circuit panel just blocked the implementation of DAPA, effectively killing the program
Hillary Clinton Reacts to Gun Tragedies with Old Policy Proposals
More background checks, more assault weapon bans, more suits against gun makers and sellers, and expanding group of people to whom gun ownership bans apply.
Court Refuses to Let Obama's Immigration Executive Action Proceed
The only winner ultimately might be Hillary: Republicans and Latinos will both lose
Obama's Lone Wolf Presidency
When the president effectively writes the laws, Congress is effectively neutered.
House Passes Clean DHS Funding Bill: Republicans Divide Themselves Instead of Democrats
They passed a clean bill with no poison pills against the Obama executive order
House Democrats Join Restrictionists in Rejecting the Three-Week DHS Funding Extension
They wanted to give Republicans rope to hang themselves
Senate Passes A Clean DHS Funding Bill while House Republicans Consider "Options"
House Republicans don't grok that there is no way to win this fight
Obama's Incompetence Might Doom his Immigration Executive Action
Asking the 5th Circuit Court to overturn last week's block might be too little too late
Republicans on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown Over Obama's "Executive Amnesty"
They can't figure out a way to fund the DHS and defund Obama's executive action
Should Obama Push Executive Action on Immigration After His Shellacking?
Yes, if he doesn't want 2016 to be an even bigger debacle
Obama's Executive Order Tyranny
How dangerous is a president who wants to rule by pen and phone?
Obama Says His Ambitions Have Not Shifted Despite Talk of Executive Power
Made the comment in a CNN interview
The Growing Power of the Presidency
From Lincoln to Obama, the Executive Branch Has Expanded its Reach
Lawmakers Unsuccessfully Tried to Ban President's 'Signature' Drone Strikes
Failed in committee