Government Health Costs Feature in Ryan Proposals
Controlling the metastasizing price tags for Medicare and Medicaid are important, and controversial, parts of his plans
Texas Doctors Flee Medicaid
Declining reimbursement means it's not worth physicians' time to take patients from the program
Doctor Visits Limited for Medicaid Patients
Florida puts caps on trips to the doctor's office as a cost-cutting measure
Texas Likes Those Medicaid Bucks After All
Governor Perry's Planned Parenthood plans rely on Medicaid expansion
Georgia Faces Tough Medicaid Cuts
Even before Obamacare kicks in, health system costs are unsustainable
Texas Dentists Refusing Medicaid Patients
State questions diagnoses and refuses to pay, so dentists terminate care
Medicaid Unaffordable for West Virginia
The current system is bankrupting the state, putting federal-led expansion off the table
States May Expand Medicaid Now, Cut Later
Federal agency says it's OK to cut back when the federal subsidy is slashed
Court Finds Doctor Donation Ban Unconstitutional
Federal appeals court has found that an Ohio law that sought to limit the campaign contributions of Doctors who treat Medicaid patients is unconstitutional.
The State of Virginia Restricts Women's Choice—and Men's, Too
Two Virginia physicians are challenging Virginia's Certificate of Need process, which restricts who can deliver health care services.
The Coming Medical Ethics Crisis
How the government is putting the medical profession-and your health-at risk
Why Medicaid Is No Longer a Voluntary Program
How the Emergency Treatment and Labor Act interferes with state sovereignty
What's Worse Than 'Ruinous'?
Paul Ryan's budget plan deserves a serious response from Democrats.