After 53 Earth Days, Society Still Hasn't Collapsed
The Limits to Growth is still “as wrongheaded as it is possible to be.”
The Limits to Growth is still “as wrongheaded as it is possible to be.”
Not a single judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit sought to reconsider a stay of a district court opinion barring consideration of the Biden Administration's social cost of carbon estimates.
But only if politicians 30 years from now keep promises made by politicians today.
Plus: Why high inflation is getting more attention than low unemployment, how to make supply chains more resilient, and more...
Plus: China's unsustainable COVID lockdowns, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's performative anti-immigration antics snarl supply chains, and more...
Proposition 12 threatens the national food economy.
Higher egg prices are not a crisis in the middle of a pandemic full of supply problems.
Market-driven dematerialization is the unsung environmental success story of the 21st century.
Dutch officials are updating zoning laws to allow homes that are fixed to the shore but rise and fall with the water.
Do California's rules violate the dormant commerce clause?
A cost-efficient and humane method for processing rabbit meat is preferable to the state's current system.
Once again, Washington is giving us every reason to believe it's selling favors to cronies even if it means everyone else loses.
Contamination from the Navy's Red Hill underground fuel facility on Oahu has reduced Honolulu's water supply by 20 percent. Water officials are considering a moratorium on new construction to conserve water.
Over the last 100 years, we've seen a 98 percent decrease in climate-related deaths. You can thank fossil fuels.
Authoritarianism grows increasingly popular, with environmentalists among the greatest enthusiasts.
For years, experts warned that any given hurricane or heat wave cannot be attributed to long-term changes in average temperatures. But it turns out that climatologists and meteorologists sometimes can establish such causal relationships.
The president is running from his own hefty contributions to record gas prices and inflation.
In a brief per curiam opinion, the Fifth Circuit concludes the plaintiff states lack standing to press their claims.
The White House's latest attempt to scapegoat rising prices ignores everything that happened before the past three weeks.
The president's anticipated executive order stopped short of feared regulations but suggests federal unease with uncontrolled development.
Companies may be required to provide broader climate-related disclosures to investors, but would such a requirement survive legal challenge?
A windfall profit tax on oil companies didn't work in the 1970s and it won't work today.
Plus: Misconceptions about public opinion, suit challenging D.C. therapy rules moves forward, and more...
Oil supplies were already tight before petro-state Russia invaded Ukraine.
New U.N. report says we are about to "miss a brief and rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a liveable and sustainable future for all."
Gasoline may reach an average of $4 per gallon.
Supplying the power gives you power.
The most important environmental case of the 2021-22 term will be heard next week.
Well-intentioned regulation often constrains the development and deployment of clean technologies.
Why the arguments the Supreme Court lacks jurisdiction to hear the latest climate change case likely lack merit.
A federal district court has taken the unusual step of enjoining an Executive Order setting forth an Administration's regulatory priorities.
Another good reason to stop subsidizing people to live at the beach.
Almost all of America’s avocados come from a single Mexican state. A threatening message threw it into disarray.
Global temperature to rise to around 2.2°C above the pre-industrial average by 2100.
Nothing new under the sun as Biden decides to extend Trump's solar panel tariffs for four more years.
The Glasgow Declaration's empty platitudes confirm that China will not be hectored by the U.S. into making any significant changes to its climate policies.
"Every house that's built is one more acre taken away from (mountain lions') habitat. Where are they going to go?" asks Woodside Mayor Dick Brown.
The Solicitor General and NGO respondents argue that the petitioners lack appellate standing to challenge the D.C. Circuit's interpretation of the Section 111 of the Clean Air Act.
Michael and Chantell Sackett say they shouldn't have to spend years—and hundreds of thousands of dollars—just getting permission to build on their suburban lot.
Nuclear power wasn’t green enough for German leaders, so now they depend on energy from Russia.
The Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland won't let the animal rights group advertise on public buses.
A House Energy Subcommittee Hearing entertains dangerous and disingenuous rhetoric against technologies for freedom.
Insofar as the Court was concerned about pretext, it may be more difficult for the EPA to reduce greenhouse gases using regulatory authority to control emissions.
"We can't even do the things we want to on our own property that aren't even hurting anyone."
Media elites ignore the heartland-themed show, and the real issues behind it, at their own peril.
Fowl regulations are improving in some places, ruffling feathers in others.
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