Charging Ahead
To speed along the success of the electric car, improvements in battery chemistry will matter as much as the price of oil.
A Better Way to Frack?
A new technique for natural gas extraction eliminates fears about contaminated water and stops opponents in their tracks.
The Future of American Energy Policy
Finding middle ground in the battle between drillers and renewers
Environmentalists Were For Fracking Before They Were Against It
Shale gas is still the bridge fuel to a low-carbon energy future.
Why Isn't Obama Celebrating High Oil Prices?
Understanding the president's environmental inconsistency
Carbon Rationing by Other Means
After Congress fails to regulate greenhouse gases, the president hands the job to the EPA.
Deconsumption Versus Dematerialization
How to protect the environment by doing more with less
Some Really Inconvenient Truths
Bjørn Lomborg fights the forces of climate hysteria in the new documentary Cool It.
Fixing the Global Warming Establishment with New Lipstick
A review of the IPCC process is a huge missed opportunity
Is Gassing Wolf Pups Better Than Hunting Their Parents?
Environmentalists force a tough choice in the Northern Rockies.