California High School Locked Down Over Overheard Comment
Student heard another student say "it's loaded," and that was enough for a freak out
Student heard another student say "it's loaded," and that was enough for a freak out
After partial legalization, no more, "drugs are bad, mmmkay?"
Says school refused to protect him from bullies
Another application of "parent-trigger" laws
At least they're learning what it's like to be a modern American
Words like "gun" get flagged
State refuses to strike down laws that contradict Supreme Court ruling from 2003
One of lowest-ranked elementary schools in the state
We hope you know this will go down on your permanent record
Let's see ... Under the sofa cushions? Check ...
Public-sector union power has reached the point where even Mayor Bloomberg is concerned.
Ordered $250,000 in renovations to his executive suite, you know, because the children is learning
More thorough than concealed-carry education
School competition leads to surprising tactics to keep attendance from falling.
Everything from false accusations of tagging to farting
Local board approves takeover for failing California elementary school
Ticked off that the independent schools are treated ... independently
Focus on testing "analysis and problem-solving skills," as though schools actually teach that now.
Fallout from Newtown and a fearful population
Past due for reform
6-year-old will have record cleared
State would be able to take over ailing school districts and municipalities temporarily
Wants to give school districts more control over spending and send more money to poor students and English learners
Administrators, teachers and hangers on have increased in numbers way beyond the growth in students
Claims students were questioned and photographed based on race, regardless of whether they were actually in a gang
Cannot speak, read or write but getting A's in classes like algebra, biology
Forced to remove clothes in hunt for a dropped $20 bill
Tony Bennett lost re-election for the post in Indiana last month and was appointed by unanimous vote today
But older students not showing much progress
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