Book Reviews
Tonight: Jesse Walker and Paul Cantor Discuss the Economics of Apocalypse
In Arlington, Virginia.
Come See Jesse Walker and Paul Cantor Discuss the Economics of Apocalypse
An event in Arlington on November 14.
Hardhats for Peace, Students for War
The surprising shape of public opinion in the Vietnam era.
The War of the Worlds and the Myth of Mass Panic
The 75th anniversary of the broadcast nears.
The Endless Lives of Iain M. Banks
The late science fiction novelist grappled with a fundamental existential-and libertarian-question.
The Future, Darkly
Science fiction author Barry Malzberg's failed but brilliant attempts to win literary glory.
Frederik Pohl, Sci Fi Author, Dies Aged 93
Attended the first sci-fi convention in Philly in 1936
Hardhats for Peace, College Kids for War
The surprising shape of public opinion in the Vietnam era.
Why Somalia Matters
A new book is a powerful antidote to the view of Somalia as the locus of cartoonish violence and exotic pirates.
Guantanamo Pushback
How principled men and women in the military justice system resisted encroachments on civil liberties
The Hidden History of the Pot Lobby
An early activist for marijuana legalization writes a compelling memoir.
Hacking for Freedom
Cory Doctorow's sequel to Little Brother explores the struggle for civil liberties on the Internet.
Is Anarchism Socialist or Capitalist?
A new defense of libertarian anarchism makes the case that the philosophy belongs on the left.
The Conquest of the Future
The lost tomorrows of Gerald O'Neill and Eric Drexler's visions of infinite space and abundance.
America's War with Mexico
A new book paints a vivid picture of the Mexican War and the men who made it.
The Anarchist in the Comic Book Shop
A comic caught between the final gasps of the hippies and the opening blasts of punk
J.J. Abrams to Direct New Star Wars Movie
Ben Affleck was also allegedly under consideration
The Neoliberal Revolution
A new book gives Hayek, Friedman, and others too much credit—and too little.
The Cynicism of Dick Morris
One of the architects of the anti-militia panic is now borrowing the militias' rhetoric.