The mischief and the statute 2
Does the statute mean that trains have to stop for squirrels?
President Trump's Tweet Demonstrates Why He Can Rescind His Predecessor's Immigration Policy
Vote early (but not often).
The Notorious RBG counsels against ideological litmus tests for judicial nominees.
The rationales: avoiding short skirts, and making things easier for transgender students.
TSA screeners, background checks, and mandatory bar dues.
A surprisingly unsettled question.
Judge Don Willett Says No, Citing "Nonpublic 'Internal Court Policies'"
Episode 276 of the Cyberlaw Podcast: An interview with Alex Stamos
Courts should stop abusive lawsuits against the First and Second Amendments
The police union's attempt to punish the city for dismissing Daniel Pantaleo is instead showing the problem of overpolicing,
The article is now available on SSRN.
Reporter Ben Penn failed to detect obvious sarcasm, and made a blatantly false statement about Leif Olson's career
What procedures are constitutionally required when the government seeks to take away citizenship?
ABC News Chief Political Analyst Matthew Dowd's Tweet on Trump and antisemitism provides a case study in bad Twitter analysis
A small and superb firearms museum in northern New Mexico
The man will finally be released from prison.
Counterfeit energy drinks, nunchucks that weren’t, and the dark web
Mill's legal problems are now over, but he remains involved in efforts to push for important probation reforms.
My upcoming public speaking engagements over the next several months - almost all of which are free and open to the public.
Crazy pills, a toy gun, and an anomalous elector.
As we await the Trump Administration to finalize a new definition of "waters of the United States," federal courts continue to reject the Obama Administration's effort
An important Fourth Amendment issue that may be headed to the U.S. Supreme Court.
So a Tenth Circuit panel held yesterday.
Judges Ho and Oldham: "Originalism for plaintiffs, but not for police officers, is not principled judging. Originalism for me, but not for thee, is not originalism at all."
The book by political scientist Michael Dichio argues that the Court has done more to promote centralization than protect states, and is the most thorough analysis to date, of this longstanding issue..
The defendants are "Stunna 4 Vegas" and "Dababy"-run company Billion Dollar Baby Entertainment, LLC.
A fake university, safe and sanitary conditions, and old school equal protection.
His stage and screen plays are worth taking a look at.
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