What Does the Constitution Say About House Impeachment Proceedings
Short Answer: Essentially nothing
Of loose cannons and loose canons in Title VII
At oral argument yesterday, Judge Richard Posner took heat from all sides
Is Mass Incarceration Inevitable? Part 3. What About Violent Crime?
Are we prepared to be more lenient with violent criminals?
Study Finds Marijuana Legalization Had Little Impact on Crime in Colorado or Washington
A comparison with other states finds "no statistically significant long-term effects" on violent or property crime rates.
Oyez! Oyez! Oyez! The October Term 2020 of FantasySCOTUS is now in session
Predict all of the biggest cases at the Supreme Court
Is Mass Incarceration Inevitable? Part 2. Much Smaller is Still Very Large
Measuring the size of the problem and the solution.
When will the European Union order Twitter to silence President Trump?
Episode 282 of the Cyberlaw Podcast
The New York Times Says 'Free Speech Is Killing Us.' But Violent Crime Is Lower Than Ever.
The 2018 Uniform Crime Report contained bad news for pessimists but good news for everybody else.
In Today's America, Everybody Who Disagrees With You Is a Traitor
Throwing the word treason around, unmoored from its actual meaning, is a weapon for delegitimizing political opposition and dissent.
Trump's Civil War Tweet Is Bad. This Other Tweet May Be Unconstitutional.
Plus: newspapers vs. Google, The Federalist vs. the National Labor Relations Board, and more...
2018 National Crime Victimization Survey Declares the Age of Declining Violence Over
But with one huge exception—a massive spike in reported sexual assaults—the 2018 survey found only statistically insignificant increases.
DACA, Major Questions, Gundy, and the Non-Delegation Doctrine
President Trump's Tweet Demonstrates Why He Can Rescind His Predecessor's Immigration Policy
Our Own Nick Rosenkranz Running for Yale Trustee "to Protect Free Speech, Intellectual Diversity"
Vote early (but not often).
Justice Ginsburg Speaks Sensibly about Judicial Confirmations
The Notorious RBG counsels against ideological litmus tests for judicial nominees.
English School Mandates Trousers for All Students
The rationales: avoiding short skirts, and making things easier for transgender students.
Short Circuit: A Roundup of Recent Federal Court Decisions
TSA screeners, background checks, and mandatory bar dues.
Is Rejecting Someone Because of His "Jewish Blood" Race Discrimination Under Title VII? National Origin Discrimination?
A surprisingly unsettled question.
Does the Fifth Circuit Permit En Banc Review of "Interim" Rulings?
Judge Don Willett Says No, Citing "Nonpublic 'Internal Court Policies'"
Electoral Interference in Taiwan
Episode 276 of the Cyberlaw Podcast: An interview with Alex Stamos
Amicus brief on lawsuits against gun manufacturers invokes NY Times v. Sullivan
Courts should stop abusive lawsuits against the First and Second Amendments
New York Cops Protest Pantaleo's Firing by Hassling Fewer People. Crime Is Still Going Down.
The police union's attempt to punish the city for dismissing Daniel Pantaleo is instead showing the problem of overpolicing,
My Contribution to the Inquiry Symposium on Jason Brennan's Book "Against Democracy"
The article is now available on SSRN.
Bloomberg Law's False and Misleading Report about Leif Olson
Reporter Ben Penn failed to detect obvious sarcasm, and made a blatantly false statement about Leif Olson's career
"Litigating Citizenship" Accepted for Publication in the Vanderbilt Law Review
What procedures are constitutionally required when the government seeks to take away citizenship?
So Much Wrongness in Just One Matthew Dowd Tweet
ABC News Chief Political Analyst Matthew Dowd's Tweet on Trump and antisemitism provides a case study in bad Twitter analysis
Frank Brownell Museum of the Southwest
A small and superb firearms museum in northern New Mexico
Alabama's 'Three Strikes' Law Sent Alvin Kennard to Prison for 36 Years. He Stole $50.
The man will finally be released from prison.
Short Circuit: A Roundup of Recent Federal Court Decisions
Counterfeit energy drinks, nunchucks that weren’t, and the dark web