Iceland's Government May Not Help NSA Whistleblower
New prime ministers closer to Washington than his predecesor
Opposition to Snooping Unites Liberals and Libertarians
Oddly, it's also uniting Democratic and Republican control freaks
Surveillance Whistleblower Once Worked for CIA, Now a Defense Contractor Employee
Edward Snowden says, "I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things"
NSA May Have More Ability To Process the Data it Taps Than Previously Admitted
"Boundless Informant" tracks and organizes the data down to the IP address level
Massive NSA Spy Center Under Construction in Utah
Because there's not enough snooping going on, yet
Our Open Surveillance 'Debate': DOJ Wants to Block Release of Secret Court Opinion
That didn't take long at all
Warrantless GPS Tracking Blocked by Massachusetts Court
Somebody remembered the Fourth Amendment!
NSA's Phone Surveillance Is Illegal, Says EPIC
Which may be why the feds are so pissed about the leak
As Bradley Manning Heads to Court, World Focus on Government Secrecy
Awkward for the administration
Obama: Eager to Have 'Debate' over NSA Surveillance
Now that we've found out about it, of course
Obama Says Surveillance Program Is Legal and Limited
And we should believe this because ... ?
Director of National Intelligence Calls Surveillance Leaks 'Reprehensible'
A word some might use to describe what the NSA has been getting up to
Department of Justice Could Go After Glenn Greenwald Over NSA Leak; What About Leon Panetta?
Panetta highly unlikely to face prosecution
Tech Companies Deny Giving Data to the Government
Statement from Apple says the company had never heard of PRISM
Sen. Paul: NSA Scandal Would Not Be Happening Had Obama and Congress Obeyed the Fourth Amendment
Also points out Senator Obama would not be happy about what President Obama has been getting up to
Congress To Review Domestic Surveillance Laws
They've been the ones repeatedly approving the laws that have caused recent uproar
The New York Times Revises Editorial Slamming Obama
Now says he has not lost all credibility, just some of it
Surveillance of Telephone and Internet Communications in the Former Soviet Union
America, land of the free---what are you, a terrorist?
Rand Paul: NSA Phone Records Grab an 'Astounding Assault on the Constitution'
Says Obama Administration has "sunk to a new low"
Author of PATRIOT Act Calls NSA Phone Tracking Excessive
The kind of abuse he was worried about
NSA's Phone Records Spying Specifically Targeted Americans
In at least one case, foreigners were excluded
Senators: Verizon Monitoring "Nothing New"
Funny, because they struck down a FISA amendment last year to let Americans know how widespread it was
Feds Confirm Fox's Rosen as Subject of Leak Investigation
FBI had been attempting to keep it classified