NSA Isn't as Bad as the Stasi, Insist Agency's Defenders
That's not as reassuring as they think
Here's Your Checks and Balances: NSA 'Continually' and 'Systematically' Violated FISA Court Limits
But it's fine because officials were informed
NSA Violations of Surveillance Rules Were Repeatedly Reported to Intelligence Court
According to declassified documents
Boston Cops Wary of Having GPS Tracking Devices in Their Cruisers
Don't like the idea of being monitored
NSA Faces Court Challenges Over Domestic Spying
A little more attention than the agency likes
Sousveillance Turns the Tables on the Surveillance State
Who watches the watchers? You.
Supreme Court Won't Hear Challenge to NSA's Collection of Phone Records
Declined without comment
Indonesian President Recalls Ambassador in Australia Following Spying Leaks
Documents leaked by Edward Snowden reportedly show that an Australian security agency targeted the phones of Indonesian officials
E-Verify Turns Work Into a Privilege, and Empowers the Surveillance State
It's a bit of immigration "reform" that nobody needs.
Western Union Shares Fall After Report of CIA Data Gathering
Agency reportedly tracking international money transfers
CIA Using Patriot Act to Justify Collecting Bulk Data on Money Transfers
As part of international efforts to track terrorism
Tech Giants Using Harder-To-Crack Code To Protect Networks From NSA Snooping
Revenge of the nerds
Thousands of Americans' Personal Data Shared with IRS, CIA
As a result of criminal investigation of two men
US Requests for Google User Data Have Tripled over Three Years
These are domestic authority requests, not NSA surveillance
Tech Firms Object to Getting Redacted Version of Government Response to FISA Disclosure Request
Google, others want to reveal how government asks for user data
Senate to Start Sweeping NSA Intel Review
Will look at how information as gathered as well as how activities are directed
Obama Says He is More Involved in Intelligence Operations Relating to Threats Than Any President
Well, that's reassuring...
Seattle PD Keeps Mum About Tech Surveillance System
Doesn't want to disclose what mystery boxes actually do
President Obama: Pardon Edward Snowden
The whistleblower may not be asking for clemency, but he should get it.
How Can the NSA Spy on Merkel, the Pope, the U.N., and the Rest of Us?
The federal agency is out of control.
British Authorities Claim Snowden Leaks Will Help Pedophiles
That is a pretty desperate claim
Dutch Groups Sue over NSA Data-Sharing
Collection of lawyers, privacy advocates and journalists
Apple Releases Transparency Report of Government Data Requests
As much as the feds allow them to say, anyway
FBI Monitored Over Mistaken Threat
Site passed along hacking threat to FBI. FBI thought was threatening to hack them.
German Parliament's Intelligence Committee Calls For Investigation Into Alleged British Spying
British ambassador was summoned yesterday
New Zealand Passes Email, Phone Surveillance Law
Forces telecommunications companies to allow intelligence agencies to access emails, phone calls, and texts
Washington Post Explains How It Knows NSA Accessed Google, Yahoo Data
In response to NSA criticism of reporting
Brazil Acknowledges It Spied on American Diplomats
Officials have been complaining about American surveillance
Snowden Says US and UK "Worst Offenders" When it Comes to "Criminal Surveillance Programs"
Comments made in letter published by German newspaper Der Spiegel
UK Ministers Banned From Bringing iPads To Cabinet Meetings Because of Spying Fears
Chinese could be listening