Sneak-and-Peek Warrant for Hidden Cameras at Florida Massage Parlors Faces Scrutiny
We were told this sort of spying would only be used to stop terrorists. And yet...
We were told this sort of spying would only be used to stop terrorists. And yet...
"We shouldn't have to think about self-censoring what we say online."
When genetic testing results become a tool for law enforcement
We can think of at least one whistleblower who agrees.
The federal government has no business using information gathered under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act against Americans.
FISA reauthorization would majorly expand use of warrantless digital surveillance data against Americans.
It's time to rein in warrantless domestic surveillance before it's too late.
Vault 7 serves as another reminder of the inherent folly in building government-mandated backdoors into secure systems.
'Fundamentally, security is more important than surveillance.'
The unseen government within the government has so much data on Americans that it can reward or punish at its own discretion.
Terrorism is only a real threat if it frightens us into destroying our liberties.
"I tend to err on the side of security, I must tell you."
Amazon refusing to turn over Echo digital assistant voice recordings in murder investigation.
New Russian anti-encryption and data retention laws look sadly familiar.
It's a good idea and the right thing to do.
Fifteen years later, we really do have "nothing to fear but fear itself"
New Russian anti-encryption and data retention laws look sadly familiar.
"In Russia, the legislation is compared to the USA Patriot Act."
The new surveillance rules have nothing to do with stopping terrorism.
Which side are you on? Government spies or corporate guardians?
Though Section 215 of the Patriot Act has expired, the NSA's other authorities to spy have not.
CIA Director John Brennan: "A wakeup call particularly in areas of Europe."
Anti-trafficking efforts includes everything from offering or soliciting paid sex, to living with a sex worker, to running a classified advertising website.
Why won't Obama put an end to government snooping?
A new book shines some light on the violent radicals of the 1970s but misses their biggest impact on American politics.
The Hacking Team sold many governments-including ours-products to directly target journalists, software developers, and activists for surveillance.
Governments Should All "Go Dark" When It Comes to Spying on Their Citizens
Civil liberties erosions aside, it won't work-but that won't keep him from proselytizing for weakened security.
They want to repeal requirements for warrants and prohibitions on weakening Internet security
Encrypt everything - inhibits data breaches and government domestic spying.
Epic government fail, yet no one is responsible.
According to newly released Snowden docs, the spy agencies use security vulnerabilities to hack and track users.
By hacking the NSA computers. So says security analyst Bruce Schneier.
If section 215 of the Patriot Act expires next week, the feds will need individualized search warrants to spy on us.
If nothing happens, the NSA metadata collection program will die at midnight on Monday.
Another sign of the end times or a renewal of constitutional governance?
Government spying is so common today that it is almost the new normal. Yet government spying is not normal to the Constitution.
President Obama: You can still do the right thing.
And it's way past time that lying domestic spying agency chiefs should be punished.
National Academy of Sciences report finds "no software-based technique can fully replace the bulk collection of signals intelligence."
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