Can Free Markets Win Votes in the New GOP?
As the party grows more populist, ethnically diverse, and working class, will Republicans abandon their libertarian economic principles?

"Holy Miami-Dade, Batman," tweeted then–Politico reporter Tim Alberta on election night in 2020. Early returns had started rolling in, and the numbers from South Florida were not what people were expecting. President Donald Trump was dramatically exceeding his 2016 totals in the county's majority-Hispanic precincts.
Hillary Clinton had carried Miami-Dade by almost 30 percentage points four years earlier; Joe Biden took it by a mere seven percentage points en route to losing the state. "It was a bloodbath," one former Democratic Party official would tell The Washington Post.
Trump's strong showing in Miami-Dade was an indication that something strange was happening with partisan affiliations. Like most ethnic minorities, Hispanic Americans have long been viewed as a loyal Democratic constituency. But in recent years, that trend has begun to abate.
Back in 2002, journalist John B. Judis and political scientist Ruy Teixeira published The Emerging Democratic Majority, a book that "forecast the dawn of a new progressive era" powered by the organic growth of left-leaning demographic groups, including college-educated professionals and immigrants.
Now the pair have a new book, Where Have All the Democrats Gone? (Henry Holt and Co.), that sounds the alarm about "the cultural insularity and arrogance" driving blue-collar voters away from their party.
"We didn't anticipate the extent to which cultural liberalism might segue into cultural radicalism," Teixeira told The Wall Street Journal in 2022, "and the extent to which that view, particularly as driven by younger cohorts, would wind up imprinting itself on the entire infrastructure in and around the Democratic Party."
Among close political observers, the sense that the major parties are undergoing a major realignment has become pervasive. Whereas the GOP once was popularly associated with country club members and other relatively wealthy, highly educated constituents, the party is increasingly being referred to as the natural home of America's "multiethnic working class." The distinction is less about income, at least for now, and more about education: In 2020, Biden won handily among voters with a college degree, while Trump edged him out among those without one.
Meanwhile, the Democratic Party—once associated with labor unions and the relatively less well-off—is struggling with parts of its former base. A staggering two-thirds of white voters who didn't graduate from college went for Manhattanite Trump over Scranton-born Biden. The former vice president did earn the support of seven in 10 nonwhite voters, a respectable showing, but also an underperformance compared to Clinton's numbers in 2016 and Barack Obama's before that. Miami-Dade was not the only place where people of color swung toward Trump on the margins.
These shifts have caught the attention of political commentators and operatives of all stripes. Some, like Judis and Teixeira on the left, hope Democrats can stem their losses by moving to the middle on social issues. Others, including members of the "New Right," believe Republicans can expand their gains by moving leftward on economics. Hardly anyone seems to think there's a place for a principled defense of free markets and free trade.
If the parties are truly realigning, what does it mean for the future of American politics—and where does that leave libertarians?
It's Not the Economy, Stupid
In terms of pure electoral math, "nonwhites and working-class whites combine for a more than two-to-one advantage over whites with a college degree," Patrick Ruffini writes in Party of the People (Simon & Schuster). "In recent years, all the energy and growth in the Republican Party has come from this multiracial populist coalition."
Ruffini, a GOP pollster, is lauding the same phenomenon in his book that Judis and Teixeira are lamenting in theirs: Working-class whites have abandoned the Democratic Party in droves, while ethnic minorities are increasingly up for grabs. True, highly educated whites have swung toward the Democrats during the same period—and in 2020, that was enough to offset Biden's losses with nonwhite voters and deliver him to the White House. But because the share of Americans with a college degree is not likely to increase much more than it already has, this is questionable as a long-term strategy.
Given these changes, it has become fashionable on the right to demand that the Republican Party shed what is disparagingly referred to as its "free market fundamentalism"—the deregulation and international trade that the GOP championed for decades, in words if not in deeds. A whole ecosystem of nationalist-populist institutions, from think tanks to media platforms, has sprung up to push Republicans to embrace left-wing economics, which can include support for everything from tariffs to pro-labor regulations to industrial policy to targeted antitrust enforcement against disfavored companies.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R–Fla.) offered an example of this perspective in The American Conservative in June 2023. "We are living through a historic inflection point—the passing of a decades-long economic obsession with maximized efficiency and unqualified free trade," he wrote. "It's time to revive the American System," that is, "the use of public policy to support domestic manufacturing and develop emerging industries."
Some members of the New Right go even further, calling, in the most extreme cases, for an "American Caesar" strong enough to purge the land of its libertarian elements and forcibly reorient society to the common good. But even the more temperate voices generally see the idea of limited government as passé.
Advocates of such a turn often point to a widely circulated graph produced by the political scientist Lee Drutman after the 2016 election. It maps the electorate along two axes: economic left vs. right (along the horizontal) and social left vs. right (along the vertical). The upper right quadrant depicts consistent conservatives—those whose survey results are both socially and economically conservative, the vast majority of whom supported Donald Trump. The lower left quadrant depicts the inverse constituency, consistent progressives, the vast majority of whom supported Hillary Clinton. The lower right quadrant is allegedly for libertarians: economically conservative and socially liberal.

Whether that quadrant does a good job of actually capturing libertarians is a different question. Some of the social issues it uses to separate left from right are items that might indeed help distinguish between conservatives and libertarians, such as support for gay marriage and opposition to a Muslim ban. But others are items on which libertarians are not all in agreement with each other, such as whether abortion should be legal or whether illegal immigrants are good for the country. And on several—such as whether black Americans should receive special favors—you would expect libertarians, who tend to believe strongly in equality before the law, to come down on the "socially conservative" side. Taken together, this raises the possibility that quite a few self-identifying libertarians were coded as conservatives.
The economic issues index also is not perfect: Thanks to corporate welfare, a free marketeer might well agree with the supposedly progressive statement that our economic system is biased to favor the wealthy, for instance.
But the chattering classes have focused their attention on the upper left quadrant: people labeled socially conservative and economically progressive, sometimes referred to as the "populist" cohort. When Rubio et al. call on the GOP to move left economically, it is these voters they want to reach. Indeed, among those who flipped from supporting Obama in 2012 to supporting Trump in 2016, populists were overrepresented. It's natural to infer that Trump's willingness to stray from free market orthodoxy—his trade protectionism, for example—was the reason.
But does support for government intervention in the economy really deserve credit for landing our 45th president in the White House? Perhaps not. Look again at the four quadrants: The graph depicts a clear positive correlation between social and economic conservatism, and most people who voted for Trump also said they support free markets and free trade.
Both Party of the People and Where Have All the Democrats Gone? suggest it's social issues that are driving the realignment. In other words, working-class voters didn't rush into the arms of Trump because they saw him as an economic populist; they fled the Democratic Party because they saw it as a bunch of cultural radicals. It's the obsession with stating your pronouns and the perception that Democrats are soft on crime, not the economy, stupid.
"You're going to tell all white people in this country they have white privilege and we're a white-supremacist society?" Teixeira told the Journal. "And that we're all guilty of microaggressions every day in every way? Not only is this substantively wrong in my opinion, but as politics it's batshit crazy. You can't win if people think that's where you're coming from."
Ruffini concurs. Swing voters "are hardly New Right ideologues, espousing a combination of hard-left economic views and hard-right cultural views," he writes. "The key point about these voters is that they are only slightly off-center in their views on either dimension, hardly good recruits for a new ideological vanguard." Nonetheless, of the two, he believes "cultural questions are more and more central to how people vote these days."
This is reflected in a poll of Trump supporters commissioned by the Ethics and Public Policy Center just after the 2020 election. That survey did not find respondents consistently taking the New Right position. On some economic questions, such as whether trade with other countries helps or hurts America, they were split. On others, they expressed traditional free market views, such as that "government doesn't create wealth; people and businesses do." They strongly favored securing the southern border but were somewhat less sure how to handle those illegal immigrants who are already here. More than half believed that "climate change is real but science and technology developed by the private sector and government can help make its effects less severe," a refreshingly middle-of-the-road stance.
When it came to cultural grievances, however, the poll found overwhelming agreement: 89 percent of respondents believed that "Christianity is under attack in America today," 90 percent fretted that "Americans are losing faith in the ideas that make our country great," 92 percent thought that "the mainstream media today is just a part of the Democratic Party," and 87 percent worried that "discrimination against whites will increase a lot in the next few years."
Note that the moral questions of yesteryear, such as abortion and school prayer, are no longer central. Instead, GOP voters appear to be united around issues of culture and identity.
When people on the left discuss how on Earth Donald Trump managed to get elected president, they tend to assume that racial resentment was at work. When people on the right tackle the same question, they usually insist it was an uprising by blue-collar voters who felt "left behind" by our modern, globalized economy.
In The Overlooked Americans (Basic Books), Elizabeth Currid-Halkett, a professor of public policy at the University of Southern California, casts doubt on both those explanations. Her conclusion is that rural Americans who gave their votes to Trump "supported him for a wide range of reasons that had nothing to do with economic grievance or racism."
Currid-Halkett's research shows that on metrics from median income to homeownership to unemployment, rural America is actually doing quite well—especially compared to the prevailing narrative. By one measure, income inequality was higher in urban counties than in rural ones in 2019.
"For the most part, the people I interviewed also didn't feel particularly left behind," she writes. "As a man from Missouri who asked to remain anonymous remarked, 'The truth is, Elizabeth, we don't feel left behind. We want to be left alone.' He meant by the government and the media, which he felt encroached on his way of life." Later in the book, she summarizes the position of rural Americans as follows: "They don't want to feel looked down upon because of their lack of education or their belief in God….They don't want to be canceled for inadvertently saying something 'unwoke.'"
These voters were clearly turned off by the behavior of Democratic elites rather than turned on by Trump's economic agenda. Similarly, a distaste for white Christian identity politics, not a strange new predilection for left-wing economics, may be what's pushing highly educated voters away from the GOP.
"It used to be fashionable for country-club Republicans in [wealthy suburban communities] to say that they were 'fiscally conservative and socially moderate,'" Ruffini writes. "Now most of the rank-and-file voters who describe themselves this way have another name: Democrats."
'I Don't Want To Pay Taxes'
Those who saw nonwhite voters as a permanent Democratic constituency miscalculated on a number of points. For one thing, they failed to appreciate that black and Hispanic Democrats were always more conservative on social issues than their white peers within the party. "Many Black voters hold socially conservative positions on abortion and LGBTQ issues consistent with their higher levels of religiosity," Ruffini writes. They have historically voted blue despite, not because of, the party's cultural stances.
For another thing, America is extremely good at assimilating immigrants into the larger culture. Research from the Cato Institute's Alex Nowrasteh finds that second- and third-generation Americans are hardly distinguishable, politically and ideologically, from those whose families have been here longer. This is one of the reasons the so-called great replacement theory advanced by right-wingers such as Tucker Carlson was always so suspect: Even if the Democratic Party were trying to "import" left-leaning voters from developing countries, it would have no way of keeping them on the left.
"When a group moves from the margins and into the mainstream of American life," Ruffini writes, "history provides ample proof that their politics change to match their newfound social station. After World War II, the children of nineteenth-century immigrants to the United States moved to the suburbs, married across ethnic lines, went to college, and saw their economic fortunes rise. In doing so, they joined a Republican Party many of them had formerly shunned."
The same thing is happening today. Ruffini estimates that, between 2012 and 2020, Hispanics shifted 19 points, African Americans shifted 11 points, and Asian Americans shifted 5 points toward the GOP.
It's not clear Republicans need to embrace leftist economics to win over these groups. Immigrants are highly entrepreneurial, starting their own businesses at a significantly higher rate than does the native-born population. And Hispanics have seen particularly fast-paced income growth in recent years. "They are making it in America," Ruffini writes.
This has the potential to make such constituencies more receptive to free market messages. Party of the People includes an interview with Oscar Rosa, a Texas politico from one of the heavily Hispanic counties along the Rio Grande that swung toward Trump in 2020. "Today, Rosa sees a new wave of Republicans," Ruffini explains. "They are younger and hungrier, able to see a way out of the poverty of their parents' and grandparents' generations."
"The son who's working away at the oil rigs," Rosa said, "who's making $150,000 but only keeping $100,000 after taxes, is like, I'm a freaking Republican. I am a Republican. I don't want to pay taxes."
One poll of Texas Hispanics found that their No. 1 problem with the Democratic Party was that it "supports government welfare handouts for people who don't work." Another poll found that majorities of both Hispanic Americans and working-class Americans believe that "most people who want to get ahead can make it if they're willing to work hard." (In contrast, 88 percent of strong progressives thought that "hard work and determination are no guarantee of success for most people.")
The country as a whole is economically conservative in some important ways. A 2023 survey from the Center for American Political Studies at Harvard University found that a majority of registered voters think the U.S. government is spending too much money, and an even larger majority thinks it has taken on too much debt. Six in 10 say they would support a budget freeze.
Several New Right thinkers have recently become discouraged that more Republicans don't seem to be in a rush to tack left economically. In August, the Catholic journalist Sohrab Ahmari declared at Newsweek, "I Was Wrong: The GOP Will Never Be the Party of the Working Class."
"For half a decade following the rise of Donald Trump," he wrote, "I took a leading part in the effort to bring about a populist GOP." But since "the Republican Party remains, incorrigibly, a vehicle for the wealthy," he said, "I'm increasingly drawn to the economic policies of the Left—figures like Sens. Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders, who…are willing to tackle the corporate hegemony and Wall Street domination that make daily life all but unlivable for the asset-less many."
Last February, political scientist Gladden Pappin (who was since installed as president of the Hungarian government's foreign policy research institute) published a long article at American Affairs titled "Requiem for the Realignment." Much like Ahmari, his complaint was that "neither conservatives at the Heritage Foundation nor 'based MAGA' advocates online have articulated a positive governing agenda that would use the power of the state to bolster the national industrial economy and support the American family." Pappin attributed Republicans' mediocre showing in the 2022 midterm elections to their reflexive invocation of Reagan-era talking points.
To the extent the GOP is hewing to the old playbook, though, it's likely because its base still largely supports economic freedom. Contra Ahmari, it's not just the donor class: According to a recent Gallup survey, 78 percent of Republicans think government is doing too many things that should be left to individuals and businesses, compared to just 18 percent who think government should do more to solve our country's problems. Among Democrats, those numbers are reversed—and at this supposed moment of realignment, the two parties are further apart on that question than they were 20 or 30 years ago.
Alas, it's not all good news. Americans may favor cutting government in theory, but once programs get going, they're damnably hard to eliminate in practice. Ruffini cautions that proposals to reform Social Security and Medicare are unpopular, especially among moderate swing-voter demographics. "The country may well need to reform entitlements to ensure their fiscal solvency," he writes, "but there are substantial political costs for Republicans who try to go it alone. Until and unless a bipartisan solution avails itself, Republicans would be wise to tread lightly."
Those political costs are real. A 2021 analysis by the pseudonymous blogger Xenocrypt found that many of the voters who fall into the upper-left (socially conservative, fiscally progressive) quadrant of Drutman's graph are only there because they don't want to see Social Security and Medicare benefits touched. Remove those two issues and an awful lot of supposed populists look like run-of-the-mill pro-market conservatives. No wonder so few Republican lawmakers are willing to die on the hill of entitlement reform.
Henry Olsen, a conservative Washington Post columnist who has more than earned his reputation as a shrewd observer of global politics, takes an even stronger view. Republicans "can't be the party of tax cuts to the exclusion of government spending," he says. "They don't have to be the protectionist party. But they do have to be the party that stops treating free trade as religious doctrine. And if the party doesn't want to do that, it will eventually find itself on the outs with its voters."
He doesn't think the GOP should reject markets entirely or "become indistinguishable from the Democrats," Olsen says. But he supports far more economic intervention than a libertarian would like. He thinks government has a responsibility to keep our food and drugs safe, to make sure workers aren't being exploited by employers, and to prevent "industry concentration" and the "unfair competition" that results. "A conservatism that wants to say 'no, no, no' to all of that," he concludes, "is a conservatism that wants to continually be a minority, and wants the country to move even further left than would otherwise be the case, because it forfeits the opportunity to define the center."
Recent elections do suggest a realignment is occurring, with more-educated voters increasingly identifying as Democrats and less-educated voters increasingly identifying as Republicans. Judis, Teixeira, and their allies hope the Democratic Party will adapt by moderating its cultural stances. Olsen and his allies hope the GOP will be more willing to compromise on economics. The result, as the ideological center of gravity on both sides shifts toward the middle, is that the major parties could start to look more and more alike.
This, in fact, is what the "median voter theorem" suggests should have been happening all along. That's the idea from political science and public choice economics that says, in essence, that elections will be won by whichever candidate is closer to the average member of the electorate—and that, as a result, candidates will tend to converge toward the center.
It's great if that means less mindless woke overreach by the left. But is there hope for economic freedom in such a future?
No More Pastel Shades
Libertarians needn't despair just yet. There may be tough times ahead for advocates of free minds and free markets, but then, what's new? We can take some solace in the knowledge that, while the median voter theorem might seem to have logic on its side, the reality has never been quite what the model would predict.
Part of the reason is that a major party that actually moves to the middle opens itself up to a third-party challenge from the outside flank. Another part is that it's hard to get people excited about milquetoast centrism. As Olsen himself put it in a recent column, "Historically, American voters have been attracted to parties and political figures with strong agendas and stronger personalities." They want "bold, unmistakable colors," to borrow President Ronald Reagan's metaphor, not "pastel shades."
A candidate with the conscience of his convictions who knows how to connect with voters can be a powerful force. At the same time, most regular Americans are not wedded to one ideological position, especially when it comes to complex economic policy questions: Their intuitions are often self-contradictory, and exposure to more information (like how much a proposed government program would actually cost!) can move the needle quite a lot.
All of which suggests that efforts at persuasion are not futile. We've already seen that Hispanic voters and other former Democratic constituencies exhibit an openness to free market ideas. The notion that left-wing positions are always better for working-class Americans is a gross oversimplification, after all. Just ask the many energy-sector employees in places like Louisiana and Texas how they feel about the Democratic Party's environmental agenda.
If we care about America's future, giving up on fiscal sanity is simply not an option. The entitlement system is going broke, whether or not it's politically popular to do something about it. Social Security and health insurance programs such as Medicare account for nearly half the federal budget, and as the ranks of retirees swell, they will consume an ever larger share. Debt service—that is, paying interest on the trillions of dollars Washington borrowed to finance its previous overspending—has exploded as interest rates have risen in the last couple of years. These problems are structural, and they will sink our economy eventually if they're not addressed.
Dismissive as he may be of libertarianism, Olsen understands this and has some ideas. "My view is that what the Republican Party needs to do is treat the budgetary crisis as a moral question as much as a political question," he says. "In large part, we have a deficit because we've been giving money, both through the tax code and through expenditures, to people who don't need it."
Olsen thinks the path forward is to eliminate tax breaks and subsidies that go to the rich. First and foremost, that means implementing a means test for entitlement programs: People bringing in hundreds of thousands of dollars in retirement income neither need nor deserve the same Social Security benefits as those who are just scraping by, he says. But it would also involve reforms like doing away with the tax break enjoyed by elite university endowments and ending farm subsidies. (Hilariously, "common-good conservative" Rubio, by insisting on handouts for his pals in the sugar industry, is a major obstacle on that last item.)
"I would never use the word austerity," Olsen says. "You're talking about a question of morals. The welfare state exists in theory to help people who need it overcome obstacles they can't bear on their own. The welfare state in practice—particularly because, for the left, the welfare state is meant to socialize life—gives money willy-nilly to people who need it or don't need it." That has to change, as libertarians and blue-collar voters alike should be able to agree. And approaching the budget with that goal in mind, Olsen says, "could go a long way toward closing the deficit."
An enduring tension in politics, Ruffini writes, is that "to get to 51 percent, the coalition needs to not entirely make sense." Yet there's no reason working-class and nonwhite Americans have to be at odds with those who strongly favor economic liberty. "When people hear about Republicans as a working-class party, they might assume this means an embrace of left-wing ideas about government spending, taxation, and regulation," he writes. "But the new Republican voters are not demanding this, and the current working-class realignment is happening under the umbrella of a pro-capitalist" GOP.
The Democratic Party has driven away droves of swing voters with its radicalism. The Republican Party has a choice about how to try to keep them. It can double down on the culture war, inflaming political tensions further. Or it can appeal to their aspirations; to their support for equality of opportunity, not equality of outcomes; and to the widely held belief that America is, and should remain, a place where people get ahead by working hard, not by looking to the state to solve their problems.
The second option is not only healthier for our country. Done well, it might just be smart politics.
This article originally appeared in print under the headline "Re-Examining the Realignment."
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Sorry, just skimmed the article, but what's the "correct" figure in the illustration?
Red and orange circles are more "diverse", "equitable", and "inclusive" than light-blue and dark-blue circles... Depending upon WHICH circles you circulate in... So "51" is in!
In other circles, ORANGE circles are DEFINITELY in! Especially if the circles are colored in with orange skin bronzer, from The Orange Man GREAT!
So either way, "51" is in! (Douglas Adams was WRONG! The Meaning of Life is NOT 42! It is 51!)
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I am creating an honest wage from home of 1900 Dollars/week, which is wonderful, below a year gone I was unemployed during an atrocious economy. I convey God daily. I used to be endowed with these directions and currently, I have to pay it forward and share it with everybody,
Here is where I started….......
Can't a God "convey" himself without biz-op Spam?
51. If it looked like 57 you might have some colorblindness.
It's the name of a popular brand of Brazilian sugar cane shinny. The communist president they elect right after every Christian National Socialist elected orders people shot, jailed or auctioned off to the DEA during his only term. In El Salvador (Jesus in English), a mohammedan DEA candidate is looking to be elected despite a constitutional term limit. Your tax dollars paid for this.
"It used to be fashionable for country-club Republicans in [wealthy suburban communities] to say that they were 'fiscally conservative and socially moderate,'" Ruffini writes. "Now most of the rank-and-file voters who describe themselves this way have another name: Democrats."
Thanks, TrumptatorSHIT, ya fucked THAT all up!!! Asshole!!!
Those voters may be somewhat fiscally conservative and socially moderate, but the Democrats they elect are neither.
The best analogy would be the Republicans are Boss Hogg and the Democrats are Pol Pot.
Hogg was a greedy, two-bit crook focused on manipulating the system and enriching himself, but he didn't hate Hazzard, or it's culture, and didn't actively wish them harm.
Pol Pot was an insane ideologue and psychopath, who with a religious fervor wished to destroy Cambodia, Cambodian culture, and Cambodians. He tried to tear it all down and out of the ruins build a utopian socialist state. He removed children from their parents, and indoctrinated them, and had them hating their parents and their culture while giving fanatical obedience to his ideology.
Pol Pot is the ultimate evolutionary form of the democrats. You see it in Marxist filth like ‘The Squad’.
First off, Mega Props for referencing Pol Pot, most people jump to Hitler or Stalin but Pol Pot was a real scary mother fucker. Both Germany and Russia recovered from their dictators. Cambodia is still a third world shithole.
The Dead Kennedys wrote their song "Holiday in Cambodia" about how college graduate leftist who pushed for socialist reforms should take a holiday in Cambodia where they are doing what those idiot graduates want us to do. If you are not familiar with the song give it a listen. I always have it on my Playlist.
"Both Germany and Russia recovered from their dictators."
MrMxyzptlk, I have a hard time keeping y'all straight, truth be told, but ass I recall, I think that you might be one of the more sensible commenters around here...
On this one, I must differ! Germany recovered, yes! Russia is STILL in the grips of people who fall for the utterly stupid illusions of electing and erecting and WORSHITTING "Strong Men" who will take CARE of them!!! This is what I say to THAT! STOP worshitting all of these pussy-grabbers, please!!!
Are humans REALLY, fundamentally better than the monkeys at the zoo, who will throw their shit at you? I think that the answer is “no”! This is why we can’t have nice things!
The other reason why we can’t have nice things, is that we are all pussy-grabbers! It gets more complicated from there!
Hey conservatives!!! How about a “Grand Compromise”? Y’all give up your “abortion boners”, in exchange for lib-tards giving up their “gun boners”?
This looks like a prime opportunity for me to explain a few things I’ve learned on this planet, while becoming a geezer. A few things, that is, about human nature, and excessive self-righteousness, tribalism, the “rush to judge” others, and the urge to punish.
“Team R” politician: “The debt is too large, and government is too powerful. If you elect ME, I will FIX that budget-balance problem SOON! But, first things first! THOSE PEOPLE OVER THERE ARE GETTING ABORTIONS!!! We must make the liberals CRY for their sins! AFTER we fix that RIGHT AWAY, we’ll get you your budget balanced and low taxes!”
“Team D” politician: “The debt is too large, and I’ll get that fixed soon, I promise you, if you elect ME! First, the more important stuff, though: THOSE PEOPLE OVER THERE ARE OWNING GUNS!!! We must PROTECT the American People from guns and gun-nuts!!! AFTER we fix that RIGHT AWAY, we’ll get our budgets balanced!”
And then we gripe and gripe as Government Almighty grows and grows, and our freedoms shrink and shrink. And somehow, the budget never DOES get balanced!
Now LISTEN UP for the summary: Parasites and politicians (but I repeat myself) PUSSY GRAB US ALL by grabbing us by… Guess what… by our excessive self-righteousness, tribalism, the “rush to judge” others, and the urge to PUNISH-PUNISH-PUNISH those “wrong” others! Let’s all STOP being such fools, and STOP allowing the politicians OF BOTH SIDES from constantly pussy-grabbing us all, right in our urge to… Pussy-grab the “enemies”, which is actually ALL OF US (and our freedoms and our independence, our ability to do what we want, without getting micro-managed by parasites)!!!
Shorter and sweeter: The pussy-grabbers are actually pussy-grabber-grabbers, grabbing us all in our pussy-grabbers. Let us all (as best as we can) AMPUTATE our OWN nearly-useless-anyways pussy-grabbers, and the pussy-grabber-grabbers will NOT be able to abuse us all NEARLY ass much ass these assholes are doing right now!
Or do you ENJOY seeing extra tax money of yours endlessly wasted ass BOTH SIDES pussy-grab each other in grandstanding maneuvers that actually do us no good at all?
Now I see your udderly stupid comment about abortion!!! Stupid self-righteous pussy-grabber!
The likes of Der TrumpfenFarter-Fuhrer and Ron DeSatan spend OODLES of taxpayer dollars “making the libs cry” with UDDERLY stupid KulturKampf wars (“Drag Queen Shows” cum to mind), while said Libs spend OUR money getting their panties in a wad concerning should-be-free speech (“trigger warnings” etc. for the snowflakes) on campuses. And ONLY brilliant geniuses like me can actually see that we’re all, collectively, getting abused by letting the political pussy-grabber-grabbers, grab us by our pussy-grabbers!!! WTF will it take for us to WAKE THE FUCK UP?!?!?
You people are too stupid and too self-righteous to even see your stupidity and self-righteousness. I pity the fools! Keep right on letting the parasitical politicians grab you by Your Perfect Pussy-Grabbers, then, You Perfect FOOLS, and SUFFER the effects of your foolishness, till MAYBE one day ye will wake the fuck up!!!
The politicians of BOTH SIDES (butt truly mostly of "Team R" in your specific case) have grasped you VERY firmly by your pussy-grabber! Butt you can SNOT see shit!
^Team blue, folks.^
Or simply the spastic asshole who needs to fuck off and die.
SHOW us how it's done!
Or are ye a "do ass I say, and not ass I do" kind of asshole? The answer is ass oblivious ass your assholery is!
I see both the idiots above you as grey boxes. Did the first one call me stupid or something? I don't feel like unmuting and remuting he/she/it.
Morons are SOOOO stupid that they refute shit by NOT reading it! And then they ask questions of OTHER idiots, such ass, "Hey, other idiot, can you answer me a question about what the smart people wrote? 'Cause I'm too stupid and lazy to read it! Oh my Government Almighty, if I tried to read it, my so-called "brain" would hurt, and I might be challenged to try and LEARN something!!!"
Gudrun Himmler 2.0 Steph is just the flack to insinuate girl-bullying, prohibitionist Republican National Socialists are somehow "Libertarian."
Catholic pro-lifer Stephanie Slade is willing to vote for a Democratic Party that supports post-viability elective abortion.
She draws the line, however, at voting for a GOP that's hostile to Charles Koch's economic agenda.
Charles Koch’s economic agenda is ECONOMIC FREEDOM, under which the vast majority of us thrive and prosper. We don't wait for 5 hours in bread-lines, either, in order to eat! And there's no starvation!
Under LACK of economic freedom, shit is the opposite! That is true, even IF we turn ALL of the nubile babes into womb-slaves!
So Charles Koch, for one, has his priorities straight! How about YOU?
If only there were some way to not get pregnant.
Twat, to not get RAPED, for example?
Also there is "getting lied to by scumbucket men."
THE “LYING LOTHARIO” PROBLEM: Well, a lot of pro-lifers are men, and I would bet that even those pro-lifers who are women? Very few of them have found themselves in the following shoes: Lying Lothario endlessly says “Love ya, babe, Love-ya, Love-ya, Love-ya, NOW can I get down your pants?” After she falls for him and he gets her pregnant, the abuse (from him) begins, and she finds out that he has 7 other “Love-ya, Babe, my One and Only” babes on the side, 4 of them also pregnant by him! So abortion is “veto power” against scumbucket men. If these behavioral genes get passed on and on, humans will evolve into something like elephant seals, where the men most skilled at lying and fighting off the other lying men, get a harem of 40 babes, and the rest of the men get nothing (other than caring for the resulting babies)! So abortion is empowering women to fight off this sort of thing… And reserve their baby-making powers for men who are less lying scum, and will actually make good fathers to the children.
So they want to “capitally punish” the “offenders” (abortion-providing doctors, so as to “dry up” the sources for safe abortions), while they have never been in the above-described (lied-to female) shoes! Willfully blind self-righteousness, basically…
Or maybe some of the anti-abortion men fantasize and lust after being the elephant-seal-like men who can gather the baby-making powers of a harem of 40 lied-to women, under the new scheme of things?
I am glad that SOME you oppose theft. Theft by deception is also theft; I hope you can see that! When a severely lying Lothario-type dude (as described above) appropriates the baby-making powers of a deceived young woman, that, too, is theft! Abortion is anti-theft, when a deceived woman no longer wants to rent out her womb to a deceptive scumbag, prospective god-awful supposed "father" of a sperm donor!
Those who are anti-abortion unmarried men should be out there desperately courting women who have already been deceived by scumbucket men, and volunteering to raise these unborn children (who are NOT your biological offspring), to fend off a HUGE root cause of abortion, and to put your money where your mouth is! And married anti-abortion men? Check with your wives; see if they mind you donating all of your spare time and money to helping out these future unmarried moms! THESE actions will relieve the pressures towards abortions!
Helping out pregnant women till the give birth, and then abandoning the support of said women (immediately or near-immediately post-birth), scarcely substitutes at ALL, for the loving support of a husband or father for 18 years, by the way!
"Twat, to not get RAPED, for example?"
Alright, child killer, how about everyone who's raped gets to kill their fetus, but if you were too lazy to use a IUD, the pill, a condom, spermicidal sponge or any of a hundred other measures, you don't?
Too bad there isn’t a pill that can be taken up to three days after intercourse that would circumvent pregnancy.
Fascists, I mean Rethugglicans, in any number of states, will NOT even allow abortions in cases of rape! Try to keep up! › 6588425 › rape-pregnancy-us-abortion-bans
Rape Led to 64,000 Pregnancies in States With Abortion Bans
Jan 25, 2024U.S. abortion Rape Led to 64,000 Pregnancies in 14 U.S. States With Abortion Bans, Study Says Anti and pro abortion protesters hold up signs at a rally in St. Paul, Minnesota in 2022... › world › 2024 › jan › 25 › abortion-after-rape-laws-bans?
Nearly 65,000 US rape victims could not get an abortion in their state ...
Jan 25, 2024Nearly 65,000 rape-related pregnancies likely occurred in the 14 US states with near-total abortion bans following the US supreme court's 2022 Dobbs decision - yet just 10 legal abortions are ...
Links are fucked up above 'cause I was lazy, but this shit is WAY the hell easy to find!
It's called horseshit, sqrlsy, but you're cool with that because you want your far-left sources to lie to you.
Perfect Minds never change. NO data from ANYWHERE will EVER change Perfect Minds. TWAT a surprise!
"Not getting lied to by men"
OK, let's go back in time then, and judge women as less capable, and in need of legal protection. And restore all the customs that would help them avoid any situations where they might be exploited.
"And restore all the customs that would help them avoid any situations where they might be exploited."
Womb eviction, as chosen (or not chosen) by the womb-owner (hey, "womb-owner" sounds a LOT like "woman"; Is there some sort of Cosmic Message there?) is DEFINITELY a measure by which womb-owners can help themselves avoid situations where they might be exploited!!!
Character-judging brain-scanners might help ass well! "Hey, dude, ya want down my panties? Brain-scan first!" ... It just might start happening soon! It won't be a single day too soon, IMHO!
Or we could just euthanize SQRLSY.
Hey Punk Boogers! HERE is your “fix”! Try shit, you might LIKE shit!!! … If’n ye check ’em out & buy their service, ye will be… A Shitman hiring a hitman!!!
Maybe on a field trip/clinical consultation to Canada.
restore all the customs that would help them avoid any situations where they might be exploited.
The woke "feminists" have been working on that.
We could try holding women be as responsible for their actions as men.
Just a crazy idea.
Sure, why not-twat? Why NOT tell womb-slaves and women NOT to get men pregnant by LYING to them?!?! OR by raping them, either!!! GREAT IDEAS, here!!!! Keep 'em cumming!!!
Koch is to lefties what Soros is to wingnuts - a convenient boogeyman ginned up to stoke partisan chest-beating.
Who on the right worships the Koch like you do Soros?
I've contributed more to Reason than I have to OSF you moron. They are both pro-capitalism, pro free speech, and anti-fascist. I used to donate to the ACLU but stopped about ten years ago.
And you're in the Trump Cult for crying out loud.
No no. I get youre a pathalogical liar, sevo reminds us often.
But who on the right worships Koch like you do Soros?
translation: How dare you disagree with what we say about you! That makes you the liar!
It's like middle school around here.
Is this where I dehumanize you calling you a dog barking?
Sarc’s more like a clown honking.
A dog dressed as a clown?
That works.
It’s like middle school around here.
Idiot drunken wife-beaters who've had CPS called on them aren't allowed to wander into middle-schools.
The drunk kissy Sarc comes to the Marxist pedophile’s rescue.
How expected.
And there you go again, debasing yourself by white knighting the Pedo. Why? Because people you hate are having a heated discussion with him, and therefore you feel the need to jump in and make an ass of yourself.
It’s like middle school around here.
Remember, this is coming from the guy who claimed to have fucked another commenters' mother. It's just so bizarre he's the biggest violator of his own standards yet he continues to attack other people for breaking them.
Self-awareness was never a Sarcasmic superpower.
You’re the Moonie-grinning Trump Cultist. I am an atheist therefore I don’t worship anything or anyone.
I like the ideas of:
Ayn Rand Karl Popper/Soros/Open Society Hayek/ Adam Smith Buffet/Soros on capitalism and reflexivity
I know you’re vapid so here is a definition of the latter:
Reflexivity is a theory that positive feedback loops between expectations and economic fundamentals can cause price trends that substantially and persistently deviate from equilibrium prices1. The theory was first proposed by investor and philanthropist George Soros2. Soros’ reflexivity theory states that investors don’t base their decisions on reality, but rather on their perceptions of reality. The actions resulting from these perceptions impact reality, or fundamentals, which then affect investors’ perceptions and, thus, prices34.
Now, am I any good at applying it in real life money?
Rarely. It takes full-time research and years of patience. Soros has it and I don't.
"No you don't! I'm going to tell you what you believe because that's what I practiced arguing against! You're a liar! Liar liar!"
Wonder if you see the irony of your strawman.
Now. Since I cite my assertions regarding you with your word for word statements, please provide your citation for your assertion here.
You cite things out of context and claim your false inferences are what was really said. Keep on citing what I say. It only makes you look really stupid.
You are not citing anything, though. He at least cites what you write. You, on the other hand, make up straw men and then proceed to lose arguments to them.
Which is sad and something I once felt impossible, but there ya go.
Seriously? He constantly attacks me and the others by saying "That's not what you think, this is what you think".
You don't see that?
Pour sarc.
Hey sarc, I get the it’s Saturday, but it’s still a bit early to be shitfaced, you pathetic drunk.
I cite you word for word and provide links when asked.
I even have linked examples of you lying about what you said. Lol.
How pathalogical are you?
I even have linked examples of you lying about what you said. Lol.
No, you cite things I said, infer something, claim that what you inferred is what I really said, and call me a liar when I say what I actually said.
Or, to put it another way, you tell me what I think and then call me a liar when I tell you what I really think.
"You, on the other hand, make up straw men and then proceed to lose arguments to them.
Which is sad and something I once felt impossible, but there ya go."
It really is the damndest thing. Sarcasmic's kind of incredible sometimes.
Here you go sarc. Me saying you said something. You lying about it. Then me posting you the original post. This happened in 24 hours.
Straight caught in a lie.
He cites your entire comments over and over again. How exactly is that out of context?
Sarc always lies. He has zero credibility. Like most alcoholic shitweasel pussies.
sarcasmic 5 hours ago
Seriously? He constantly attacks me and the others by saying “That’s not what you think, this is what you think”.
Assuming arguendo this is true, what standing do you have to be upset about it since this is exactly what you do?
The future JAZ embraces lies with the authoritarian politicians and pundits that are reinventing themselves as ardent deniers of economics having consequences, including mass migrations and anthropogenic climate change.
Cue usual mantras from coprophile peanut gallery.
Lol. This coming from the guy who created a spam website to trick readers.
Amazing how your tribe all push the same narratives by the way.
The only admitted copraphiliac here is Sqrlsy, and you two intellectual pillars are on the same page for most things.
"the guy who created a spam website"
You mean 'spam vvebsite'.
Sarc, buddy, we’re talking about shrike here. You know, the same guy who spent 8 years with his tongue up Obama’s asshole and who’s never seen a Democrat policy he didn’t try to cheerlead in these comments. We literally have over a decade of his posting as evidence of what he actually thinks.
turd, the TDS-addled ass-clown of the commentariat, lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a kiddie diddler, and a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit
You and sarc can lie as much as you want, declaring everyone trump cultists. The problem is it only works on you two idiots, 3 counting jeff. Lol.
Not everyone is a trump cultist. Just the folks who defend everything he says and does with accusations of derangement. Which describes you to a T.
Who here defends everything he says?
You and shrike mention trump more than anyone else where. You push every narrative including authoritarian Hitler. You defend the state attacks against him and his supporters constantly.
Everyone who disagrees with a single state attack against him you declare a cultist.
You have full blown TDS. You bring him up in threads that don't involve him constantly.
You push every narrative including authoritarian Hitler.
No, I criticized what he said. I never called him Hitler. That's you lying again.
You defend the state attacks against him and his supporters constantly.
Everytime you say that I point out that it’s a lie and tell you what I really think, and you correct me and tell me what I really think.
As I’ve said many, many times, I think prosecuting the guy is shameful. I have said that the classified documents charges are his fault, but never defended the charges.
As always, you lie.
Remember, to those with advanced TDS, NOT criticizing Trump at every opportunity is proof of love for Trump.
It's like meeting people who early in every conversation have to work in some condemnation or insult of Trump and/or his supporters. I wonder how many of them suspect me of sin when I don't echo back.
Let's be clear here.
You criticized him dozens of times with using dehumanizing language. You ignored the same usage against conservatives given to you multiple times. Then you used dehumanizing language yourself this week.
Then you added words to his statements to closely match Hitler rhetoric and continued to do so for a dozen posts despite correction.
You push the lefts narratives ignorantly and blindly while calling anyone who doesn't a cultist.
sarcasmic 4 hours ago (edited)
Flag Comment Mute User
Everytime you say that I point out that it’s a lie and tell you what I really think, and you correct me and tell me what I really think.
This is an interesting sarc comment. Note the underlying principle is that decent people only criticize others for what they actually say.
But here is the real sarc:
sarcasmic 4 days ago
Flag Comment Mute User
Now pretend like you give a fuck about Floyd rioters or immigrants. Oh, you don’t because you see them as leftist political enemies. You jump up out of your rocking chair cheer when they’re killed.
Note the contradiction. While he whines that others criticize him for things he doesn't say (it doesn't even matter if it's true in the case he asserts it) he undeniably engages in this himself. In fact it is the single core element of his commentary.
turd lies when he knows he’s lying. turd lies when we know he’s lying. turd lies when he knows that we know he’s lying.
turd lies. turd is a TDS-addled lying pile of lefty shit and a pederast besides.
Posting a link to child porn isn’t a contribution. Neither is all the other bullshit you post.
The only constructive contribution Shreek can make is his suicide.
Another candidate for a trip to Canada.
Soros funding socialism and Nazi anti Jew terrorist groups:
Can't be.
Buttplug and Diet Shrike insist that's just cOnSpiRacY tHeoRiEs.
Not surprising, but I guess for Soros: once a Nazi, always a Nazi.
turd, the ass-clown of the commentariat, lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a kiddie diddler, and a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit
Lots of focus on why people are 'joining' the republicans when the obvious and simple answer is that the democrats have dropped the facade and openly embraced their previously hidden fascism, and people are leaving them.
Try looking at where all the 'independent' voters come from, republican or democrat voters.
And forget quadrants; the choice is between individual freedom and government control. Use whatever labels you wish, that is the choice.
The author made sure to throw in populist to scare the readers.
Voila !
When this Arizona nighthawk's pupal case splits ,he will inflate the bat wings of a full-grown climate populist.
Don't you mean 'nighthavvk', scammer?
Democrats abandoned working class voters in favor of the woke elites and the non-working dependent class.
They have been since the late 60s. Nothing was more emblematic than them throwing out elected Illinois delegates from the 72 convention.
The Illinois primary required voters to select individual delegates, not presidential candidates. Most Illinois delegation members were uncommitted and were controlled or influenced by Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley, the leader of the Chicago political machine. The delegation was challenged by McGovern supporters arguing that the results of the primary did not create a diverse enough delegation in terms of women and minorities. The credentials committee, headed by Patricia Roberts Harris, rejected the entire elected delegation, including elected women and minorities, and seated an unelected delegation led by Chicago Alderman William Singer and Jesse Jackson, pledged to George McGovern.
Needless to say McGovern went on to a huge loss but the dems operate on the same basis to this day.
The hard core left has always been dominated by elitist groups who think they are morally and/or intellectually superior. They might align with working class or other "oppressed" groups, but only to further their agenda. And even the few who might actually want to improve the lot of the rabble do not see them as equals.
Well, to be fair Pol Pot was a working man's leftist. He killed everyone who wore glasses because he figured they could read and were dangerous. He killed anyone with a college education because he figured they were dangerous. Of course he killed a lot of children for being... fuck. I've no idea what that wacko thought kids were.
They also way overplayed the open borders insanity that everyone besides far left partisans like jeffsarc realize it’s a problem.
Reason writers are confused because their TDS keeps trying to label Trump a populist (a leftard party) while compulsively trying to play ignorant about him being more Libertarian-Leaning than the post-GOP (now the Anti-Trump GOP).
The supposed 'new' party aligns with the GOP's actual party platform more-so than the old GOP that was loaded with RINO'S (Democrat ideology deceptively marking themselves as Republicans).
This is precisely the reason for Trumps success. GOP was getting tired of RINO'S in their party and Trump (Libertarian-Leaning Republican) finally got a win. Rand Paul was more-so but I think many didn't see him bold enough to take on the [Na]tional So[zi]alist[s] who have basically become nothing but a HATE the USA party and conquer it for a Nazi-Empire.
The essence of populism (right or left) is that the “elite” are fixing the system to the detriment of the working class.
Fatass Donnie is 100% populist, you mouth-breathing moron. So is that idiot Bernie Sanders. They both stoked your idiot fears of how free trade/immigrants are taking your shitty metal-bending jobs in the Rust Belt.
And both are wrong.
Everything you write demonstrates your desire for singular globalist control of people. You aren't a classical liberal lol.
What you Trump-tards don't realize is that us globalist capitalists (see The Economist) seek remedies that involve existing and inevitable structures.
For example, back in 2000 the EU prohibited General Electric from buying Honeywell.
How can that be? The EU killing a deal between two US corporations?
Because globalism is already here and some hick populist con man president can't do anything about it.
Yes. I already said you support globalist single design authoritarian control. Don't have to reconfirm it. We already know.
He's upset he never made it to epstien island
turd lies. The TDS-addled turd lies when he knows he’s lying. turd lies when we know he’s lying. turd lies when he knows that we know he’s lying.
turd lies. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit and a pederast besides.
"us globalist capitalists (see The Economist) seek remedies that involve existing and inevitable structures."
By amassing power in your captive NGOs and disenfranchising the hoi polloi, yes, we know.
Dude, everything you've ever posted here shows you to be a globalist elitist. Everything, including the one time you posted dark web links to hardcore child porn here. Classical liberal, my ass, Pluggo.
Imagine calling a NY/NJ loud mouth asshole a “hick”.
Goddamn you’re dumb.
To be fair, it is Turd. In addition to being a pederast and a massive liar, he's also abysmally stupid.
Speaking of the greedy capitalists at the Economist:
Donald Trump poses the biggest danger to the world in 2024
The Economist said in its annual "World Ahead" guide Thursday that another four years of Trump in the White House would be "more damaging" than his previous term.
"China and its friends would rejoice over the evidence that American democracy is dysfunctional" and Beijing "could easily miscalculate over Taiwan, with catastrophic consequences."
And Russian President Vladimir Putin "would have an incentive to fight on in Ukraine and to pick off former Soviet countries such as Moldova or the Baltic states," according to the outlet.
Of note: The "greatest threat" Trump poses "is to his own country," the Economist argues. The "moral authority" of the U.S. would decline "because America will have voted him in while knowing the worst."
While "pursuing his enemies," Trump "will wage war on any institution that stands in his way, including the courts and the Department of Justice," the Economist said.
turd lies when he knows he’s lying. turd lies when we know he’s lying. turd lies when he knows that we know he’s lying.
turd lies. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit and a pederast besides.
Why do you hate capitalist pigs, Sevo?
I know, your life is not what you wanted it to be - mopping up splooge in the Tenderloin every weekend for a living.
Face it, you made some bad choices.
Man up, Sevo.
And go take your Droxy.
How badly does turd lie? Well, this badly:
Sarah Palin's Buttplug 2
April.20.2021 at 10:47 pm
“Ashli Babbitt attacked the USA much like the 9/11 hijackers did.”
Equating a murder victim to terrorists flying an airliner into a building; that's had badly turd lies.
turd certainly is dishonest, but he’s got a heaping helping of stupid to go with his dishonesty. Stupid, lying, despicable steaming pile of TDS-addled lefty shit and proud to be!
I see your opinion piece lacks these things called facts.
Well, it is opinion and it is predictive.
Can they use Donnie's "alternate facts"? You know, bullshit he just makes up?
Everything you post is bullshit, pedo.
Now go turn yourself in for your crimes against children.
turd lies. That's not a surprise to anyone who reads his constant stream of bullshit.
But it's becoming obvious that as Misek is too stupid to understand the concepts of "evidence" or "relevance", the concept of "honesty" is simply beyond turd's ken.
So you admit your citation has no actual value other than to defend your raging biases and TDS.
turd lies. turd lies when he knows he’s lying. turd lies when we know he’s lying. turd lies when he knows that we know he’s lying.
turd lies. turd is a TDS-addled lying pile of lefty shit and a pederast besides.
"Donald Trump poses the biggest danger to the world in 2024"
Am I the only one delighted that Trump is a world ending threat to the corporatists and Keynesians and their globohomo crusade?
LMAO.... Sure, sure... The "working class" has obviously experienced UN-surmountable gains in the USA (ya know like manufacturing) since the ZERO-tax for China came to town.
Who are you trying to kid?
Do you have a random word generator? That is gibberish.
turd lies. turd lies when he knows he’s lying. turd lies when we know he’s lying. turd lies when he knows that we know he’s lying.
turd lies. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit and a pederast besides.
Makes more sense than your interpretations of articles you've posted here but never read.
The TDS-addled turd lies. turd lies when he knows he’s lying. turd lies when we know he’s lying. turd lies when he knows that we know he’s lying.
turd lies. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit and a pederast besides.
Well, neither Trump nor Sanders is wrong about the elite/Davos/WEF class fixing the system to the detriment of the working class. Even if both are wrong about what to do instead.
No, they're both wrong.
But since you didn't pose an argument to the contrary it ends here.
Remember, turd lies. That's not a surprise to anyone who reads his constant stream of bullshit.
But it's becoming obvious that as Misek is too stupid to understand the concepts of "evidence" or "relevance", the concept of "honesty" is simply beyond turd's ken.
"No, they’re both wrong."
This is the part where you're supposed to tell us why, instead of going "nuh-huh" and running away.
There are no shitty metal-bending jobs in the Rust Belt you dumbfuck. Those have been moved to China. There are no shitty jobs of any kind for these undocumented tourists to do. That, why the black community is up in arms, they perceive that these migrants are horning in on the welfare benefits they claim as their own.
And in other news...
But we were told that Trump was going to start WWIII.
Yeah, yet another win for the adults being back in charge: new uses of military power hitting targets in Iraq and Syria.
It’s worth remembering that one of the “classified” documents Trump is in big trouble over, one he specifically wanted to keep, is allegedly a military plan for extensive action against Iran that he rejected. We obviously can’t see it, but he claims he held onto it as proof that he was pushing back against hawkish policies emerging within the entrenched bureaucracy.
No wonder Biden's handlers wanted that paper back.
I still see comments on other sites blaming Trump for Ukraine.
So much as “free market” means “stampeding as many illegals in the country as possible”, “ceding national autonomy to the great global Fabian/Corporatist U.N. whatchamacallit” and “becoming wholly dependent on communist China for all of our basic necessities”, then I’d hope not.
Think of it not as a New World Order, but more of a "Great Reset."
Given these changes, it has become fashionable on the right to demand that the Republican Party shed what is disparagingly referred to as its “free market fundamentalism”—the deregulation and international trade that the GOP championed for decades, in words if not in deeds.
The market the old neocon guard of the GOP championed was not free trade. It was a series of agreed to regulations and trade advantages for countries involved. It said broad regulations, broad tariffs, and broad restrictions on import export. Calling this free trade was a marketing gimmic and nothing more. This was done largely at the behest of corporations.
Over the last few decades this has caused many issues, best exposed by the covid issues. Supply chain disruption was ignored as a risk which 20 years ago would have appeared as a cost assessment on balance sheets. It has led to the use of foreign intervention and associated costs to protect and influence the designed markets of these agreements. This is a large reason for the push into Ukraine which became a primary exporter of items such as fertilizer. It led to interventions in the Middle East. And on and on.
Calling these plans free market shows a naivete not understood by the idealist advocates who continue to chant false narratives.
This isn’t to say pushing free market ideals is bad. But wrapping non free market ideas in a facade of free markets is. The shouts of free market to protect non free market acts is pervasive and common.
WEF and globalization is the ultimate corruption of the above. A controlled global system that actually limits trade and freedom leading to one of the largest rises in authoritarian acts we have ever seen.
The market the old neocon guard of the GOP championed was not free trade.
It was a lot freer than the protective tariffs and merchantilist policies you promote with derision and contempt.
And sarc rushes in to prove his utter ignorance. His stupid and complete lack of any actual knowledge.
Which administration didn't push tariffs? I'll wait.
You continue to demonstrate how dumb you are.
I specifically said "protectionist tariffs." That is not something that every administration pushes. Only the ones you support.
What would be a non-protectionist tariff?
A protectionist tariff is meant to artificially inflate the price of imports to the point where foreign competition loses its comparative advantage.
A non-protectionist tariff would be a tariff that doesn't raise prices of imports to that level.
A non protectionist tariff would be a retaliatory tariff used to undo a non free market act by another actor. Such as was done under Trump and sarc continues to remain ignorant about.
This crackdown was in response to tariffs placed due to the theft backed by the state.
A retaliatory tariff is the very definition of a protectionist tariff.
This is true.
No its not unless you are stretching the definition of what a protectionist tariff is, generally as a means to account for price deltas or protect domestic industry from foreign industry.
These tariffs were not done for this reason. It was to stop anti free market practices by China.
A protectionary tariff is a tariff meant to influence consumer behavior. Doesn't matter what the stated motivation is.
These tariffs were not done for this reason. It was to stop anti free market practices by China.
Why? You cite IP a lot. Why raise tariffs over IP? To protect American competitors. It's still protectionism.
And here sarc validates he is wrong. The tariff mentioned was to influence Chinas behavior, namely their government, not the consumers.
Thanks for proving me right yet again sarc.
A simple example for you but I know it won’t help your ignorance.
Company A and company B produce a similar item and sell for $10. They each sell 1M units.
Company A invests 1M into production and IP, develop a method to reduce costs by $2. They can bring their prices down to $9. 1M in costs is spread at $1 a unit.
Company B steals the IP and reduces their prices to $8. They didn’t have to pay for research.
Companu A is now disadvantaged on the market from theft.
You want to reward company B, because quite frankly you’re economically retarded.
Wow. Way to show your complete ignorance. Lol.
What specific industry was trump protecting with the tariffs imposed due to theft? Hint. He stated why the tariffs were going into effect. You can read what he said instead of being ignorant. It was done in response to ACTIONS in China you retarded fuck.
Does ATM share my ignorance? Is he a retarded fuck? After all, he just agreed with me.
He was wrong as well, yes.
By the definition you are pushing all tariffs are protectionary, but that is not true.
Embargoes and tariffs are often done in response to actions, not to protect domestic market conditions. Sorry youre ignorant to basic theory.
By the definition you are pushing all tariffs are protectionary, but that is not true.
Um no. Here's what I actually said.
But keep on lying and telling me what I really think. I'd be shocked if you told the truth.
And then climed a retaliatory tariff done to stop anti mafket behavior was protectionist.
People can read what you wrote retard.
Which GOP administration didn't push protectionist tariffs? Answer the question retard. Every major global trade deal includes protectionist tariffs. Again, you demonstrate your ignorance. Those deals limit the amount of trade, set bartered tariff rates, etc.
Second question for you. Who is the only president to offer zero tariffs if other countries agreed to do the same?
You’re entire argument is a fallacy because it rests on the false premise that all tariffs are protectionist. As usual I’m not sure if you’re stupid or a liar.
edit: and above you claim retaliatory tariffs are not protectionist, when they're the definition of protectionist.
So your argument is that non-protectionist tariffs are protectionist, and protectionist tariffs are non-protectionist.
Is it opposite day or something?
Do you understand how ignorant and retarded you look right now?
Now answer the fucking question. Which prior GOP administration had no protectionist tariffs? You made the claim.
Who is the only president who offered not tariffs if other countries did as well?
You truly dug your own whole and are proving how little you understand about economics or any other subject.
Stop avoiding the question. Defend your assertion or admit it is wrong and you based it from ignorance.
Your question is based upon your false assertion that all tariffs are protectionist, except the ones that are.
Then you say I'm the one who looks stupid. Sure dude. Whatever you say.
My question has nothing to do with your claim you fucking moron. I even clarified despite your ignorance to match the assertion you made.
Now answer the question. All youre proving is your entire initial statement was a false one based on ignorance.
When are tariffs not protectionary?
You appear to claim that all tariffs are protectionary, except the retaliatory ones. Which is interesting, considering that the purpose of retaliatory tariffs is to raise prices of imports in order to influence consumer behavior and get them to buy domestic.
You appear to claim that all tariffs are protectionary, except the retaliatory ones.
When did I make this claim?
Which is interesting, considering that the purpose of retaliatory tariffs is to raise prices of imports in order to influence consumer behavior and get them to buy domestic.
Yet again 100% wrong as stated above.
Seriously, are you illiterate?
Now when will you back the assertion you made at the beginning of these responses?
Back up your assertions retard.
By the way. I will add fallacy and tariffs to words you dont actually understand lol.
This is the utopian fallacy at work. "Unless we have totally free trade, we must have protectionism."
Now do immigration...
Reason did that yesterday, you'll never stop 100% of the illegal immigration, so why try at all?
Same thing with theft. Think of all the money we can save not spending on locks for homes, cars, banks, etc.
Now do Covid...
If you don’t have free trade you, by definition, are going to have protectionism…
Have you ever wondered why it is so much cheaper to buy a Chinese product from eBay or Amazon and have it shipped to your home than for similar American products? It is true – according to Amazon’s Vice President of Global Policy Paul Misener, you can buy a one pound package from South Carolina and have it shipped to New York City for approximately $6 whereas the same product shipping from Beijing to New York only costs about $3.66. Sending that same package from NYC to Beijing costs around $50.
I wonder how all these free traders enjoy their tax dollars being spent on postage subsidies to foreign countries, particularly China which is the second biggest economy in the world? Have you seen postage costs from Europe? Probably higher than a tariff.
In other "this never happened in 2020" voting news and "mail on ballots are completely safe and effective"....
Federal prosecutors have charged a New Jersey political operative with a mail-in voter fraud scheme that involved paying "messengers" to cast ballots in the names of people whom they never met.
Former Atlantic City council president Craig Callaway was arrested Thursday and charged with “procuring, casting and tabulating fraudulent mail-in ballots” in the November 2022 general election, according to U.S. Attorney for New Jersey Philip R. Sellinger's office.
New grand jury report regarding the years and policies surrounding covid is out.
We many interesting things. Such as admittance that due to financial incentives hospitals reported deaths as due to covid even when they weren't.
An analysis of the report is here including laughably small IFR numbers once they accounted for died of covid vs died with covid (tweet 4)
laughably small IFR numbers
Those were right there on the CDC web site all along for anyone who bothered to look.
The ones on CDC combines bands and were higher. It still showed age deltas. For example on the CDC site it showed 15% over the age of 75. Here it shows 13% over age 85.
An aside: I do like the main stream media admission now about "died with" vs. "died from".
How many alt-right "conspiracies" have now come true in the past few years?
As sarc tells us, we were conspiracy theorists until the media changed their minds.
Fact-checkers changed!
All of them
Brianna Lyman
CNN's Erica Hill quite literally stunned speechless after CNN's John Miller said migrants steal in NY, spend in FL, but return to NY because they'll actually be held accountable in the sunshine state:
"So what the detectives are telling me is, they have crews here that operate in New York, do all their stealing, then go to Florida to spend the money and come back. I’m like, ‘Why don’t they just stay and steal in Florida?’ They said, ‘Because there you go to jail,'" Miller said.(video)
Hilarious on all levels.
These same people were surprised that when California decided not to prosecute shoplifters who stole less than 950 dollars worth of stuff that the end result was organized crime rings where 30 people would hit the store at once and each steal 900 dollars worth of stuff, then move on to the next store in the next town.
I love how the dude looks at her like “Oh shit, did he just say something we weren’t supposed to say on air?”
Hardly anyone seems to think there's a place for a principled defense of free markets and free trade.
If the parties are truly realigning, what does it mean for the future of American politics—and where does that leave libertarians?
Nowhere. That's where.
Libertarians (faux-libertarians) did it to themselves when they decided to hate Trump for being *domestically libertarian* instead of a globalist shill. Faux-Libertarians are building their own globalist utopia now and they are the one's re-aligning the party.
I can trust that you will not read the article, just as you've never looked into any of the economic terms I've suggested, because you don't want to pollute your mind with leftist nonsense, right?
You read neither history books nor articles dumdum. Lol.
What a sad attempt at an appeal to authority for a topic you've continued to show a complete ignorance to.
Asking someone to learn basic economics is an appeal to authority? Looks more like you defending deliberate ignorance.
Basic economics ... Is or is-not the US manufacturing and production in better shape now than before the ZERO-Tax on China-production came to play????????
Seems the 'basic economics' you want to be learned doesn't fit into *reality* and as such would be more appropriately aligned with BS propaganda.
US manufacturing output is at an all time high. US manufacturing employment is down because of automation and increased efficiency. You a Luddite now?
Sure, sure…. That’s why everything I buy is Made in the USA.
You’re following/preaching a narrative that has no reality.
The US makes the complex stuff.
The cheap shit you buy at Dollar Tree is likely made in China.
Green energy that dolts like you fawn over?
China owns the market. They own the raw supplies of almost all of it.
The TDS-addled turd lies. That's not a surprise to anyone who reads his constant stream of bullshit.
But it's becoming obvious that as Misek is too stupid to understand the concepts of "evidence" or "relevance", the concept of "honesty" is simply beyond turd's ken.
...but there is some economic error in the black or white of nation free-trade I'll admit is a reality. The side-blinders of such a economic-focal point is that error. So more appropriately should be correcting all this "free trade" for china bandwagon for "free trade" for the USA domestically.
Until the "free trade" bandwagon can acknowledge the completely hypocritical as well as Anti-USA stance they carry really is the error in economic judgement lies in them. You wouldn't be meeting so much opposition if you simply changed your 'globalist' focal point to 'domestic'.
I read the article but didn't take it as the wisdom of a god in complete contrast to common-sense of *reality*. Something a lot of people should practice a little more-so.
Labeling Trump a populist just because he made 'fairer' international trade deals and didn't support a foreign invasion of the US is OCD run-wild and wildly dismisses every Libertarian thing he did do domestically.
What's 'fairer' about making Americans pay higher prices for imported products and products made from imported materials?
...because they aren't paying 'higher' than domestic.
As-if that wasn't a no-brainier.
There's an impact on paleos and other 'inside the tent' strategies though.
When those tents realign, those who just go along turn out to have abandoned the principles that they originally went into the tent to sell.
They didn't change the tent. The tent changed them.
I have observed that when people gravitate to one or the other tents, it's usually because of one or two issues that are important to them. They then adopt all the other policies the tent promotes.
Or that were important to them at the time.
A Tariff is not an embargo. The right still supports tax-cuts but it doesn’t support JUST tax-cuts for Chinese goods and it recognizes that national defense should be funded by international markets.
Like I said before; If you’re not here to support “free trade” domestically more-so than foreign you just picking China over the USA. Make China Great Again!! /s F'That noise. It's plenty great enough already.
When it came to cultural grievances, however, the poll found overwhelming agreement: 89 percent of respondents believed that "Christianity is under attack in America today," 90 percent fretted that "Americans are losing faith in the ideas that make our country great," 92 percent thought that "the mainstream media today is just a part of the Democratic Party," and 87 percent worried that "discrimination against whites will increase a lot in the next few years."
In short - MAGA. Poorly educated whites who cling to their guns and Bible tales.
Where have I heard that before?
“cling to their guns” in defense of Socialists clinging to Gov-Guns in their purifying the population of evil-capitalism (i.e. earned ownership) attempt.
You leftards all carry the same criminal mentality… If you can’t be allowed to use gov-gun-force to STEAL other people of their *Earnings* and property you call them GreedyCapitalistPigs… The most arrogant self-projecting criminals one will ever meet.
No, I am a GreedyCapitalistPig, you moron. I'm for free trade and no corporate income tax.
Globalists don't believe on free markets dumbass, they promote managed markets.
This is exactly what I discuss above. But then again your distinction of terms works on idiots like sarc. How much did you earn by finally catching someone?
Hint: If you were a greedy capitalist pig, you would not need to say it so often.
Like how you never have to say you're a pedo. Everybody already knows.
turd lies. That's not a surprise to anyone who reads his constant stream of bullshit.
But it's becoming obvious that as Misek is too stupid to understand the concepts of "evidence" or "relevance", the concept of "honesty" is simply beyond turd's ken.
turd is a TDS addled lying pile of lefty shit.
Please don't forget that turd lies. turd lies when he knows he’s lying. turd lies when we know he’s lying. turd lies when he knows that we know he’s lying.
turd lies. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit and a pederast besides.
For another thing, America is extremely good at assimilating immigrants into the larger culture. Research from the Cato Institute's Alex Nowrasteh finds that second- and third-generation Americans are hardly distinguishable, politically and ideologically, from those whose families have been here longer. This is one of the reasons the so-called great replacement theory advanced by right-wingers such as Tucker Carlson was always so suspect: Even if the Democratic Party were trying to "import" left-leaning voters from developing countries, it would have no way of keeping them on the left.
We all know Tucker Carlson would never lie to promote an agenda. Just ask his former employer.
Tuckster is an elitist who dupes his idiot audience for a living.
Remember turd lies. turd lies when he knows he’s lying. turd lies when we know he’s lying. turd lies when he knows that we know he’s lying.
turd lies. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit and a pederast besides.
Thank you for pointing out the ignorance of the author with this passage in particular.
Great replacement was born of the left and continues to be pushed openly by the left. But again, youre so ignorant to every topic you dont realize that. Lol.
The media under Obama praised and pushed it openly for fucks sake.
Your anger makes you stupid.
Great replacement was born of the left and continues to be pushed openly by the left.
So, like protectionism and merchantilism, it's yet another leftist policy that you promote while claiming to hate everything leftist. Interesting.
What a ridiculous response. You’re not even trying.
Why is that ridiculous? One of the excuses he uses for hating immigrants is that they're all going to vote for Democrats, displacing Republicans, resulting in a permanent Democrat majority in government. That's the replacement theory isn't it? And he just said that came from the left. So he's promoting leftist ideas, just like he promotes leftist economics.
I'm against wealth redistribution, which is a leftist concept of lowering "income inequality" by taking money from the wealthiest households and transferring it to the poorer ones. I'm not a leftist for accepting that this is what they want to do because I'm vehemently opposed to it. You're intentionally being an idiot and it's utterly ridiculous.
I'm also not a communist because I believe communists want the workers to seize the means of production. Because they do want that, it's literally in their manifesto. I'm not a communist for opposing communist ideas.
At least you know what leftist means, instead of using it to describe anyone who doesn't back Trump.
I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about Jesse. He promotes debunked protectionist and merchantilist economics that were traditionally supported by the left.
I can’t even tell you how gratifying it is watching this half-literate drunken fuckwit try to dump a bucket of gatorade over his own head in celebration of his sophisticated comprehension of economics and then use the fucking term “merchantilist” three times.
If you ever finally manage to get to the third page of Economics In One Lesson some day, see if you can spot where you fucked up you retarded drunk faggot.
(inb4 he blames it on a typo... three times in the same thread)
Domestically or Foreign? Now you are purposely playing the same, same game.
If you say "great replacement" you are an alt-right MAGA fascist.
If you say "demographics is destiny" you are a serious thinker and hero of the left.
Midnight Cowboy assures us Donald Trump is even more Christian and patriotic than Adolf Hitler.
Several New Right thinkers have recently become discouraged that more Republicans don't seem to be in a rush to tack left economically.
Interesting that the most vocal haters of "leftists" are the same people who want Republicans to tack left economically.
Only if you're a drunk retard living in a section 8 apartment on SSI because your wife left you for sexually abusing her children and have no clue what any of the relevant terms in the quoted passage mean.
Leftist is new National Socialist for Jew. You can recycle Hitler speeches by search-and-replace.
Yes, the GOP will abandon their “Libertarian principles”, meaning it will increasingly oppose mass immigration, corporatism, globalism, support of totalitarian regimes, and hostility to Christianity.
If only Reason and the LP would abandon their “Libertarian principles” and actually become champions of liberty and freedom as well.
^BINGO ... "champions of liberty and freedom" domestically instead of globally (while exempting the USA from the agenda) of which it actually has any authority to change.
It's like a Catch-22 agenda. The Libertarian for foreign but not domestically while not adhering to being a war-hawk on foreign soil. It's just like watching a dog bark and chase it's tail into exhaustion.
Point A. "Back in 2002, journalist John B. Judis and political scientist Ruy Teixeira published The Emerging Democratic Majority, a book that "forecast the dawn of a new progressive era" powered by the organic growth of left-leaning demographic groups, including college-educated professionals and immigrants."
Point B. "This is one of the reasons the so-called great replacement theory advanced by right-wingers such as Tucker Carlson was always so suspect: Even if the Democratic Party were trying to "import" left-leaning voters from developing countries, it would have no way of keeping them on the left."
So which is it Stephanie? The Leftists have been openly advocating for "The Great Replacement" since at least 2002 but Carlson is a crazy conspiracy theorist for pointing it out? The fact that it's not working out the way they planned only reveals their stupidity. Not Tucker's.
The Dems don't even have to try to keep immigrants on the Left, since the Republican drive them that way by being so unwelcoming.
And the theory isn't "suspect," it's spot-on.
Republicans are not unwelcoming to immigrants or college educated professionals.
Republicans are unwelcoming to people who use the government to enrich themselves at the expense of others: big tech oligarchs, government bureaucrats, academics, big pharma, drug addicts, welfare queens, etc.
Opposing government dependence is the point of opposition to the Democrats.
The Dems don’t even have to try to keep immigrants on the Left, since the Republican drive them that way by being so unwelcoming.
Lyndon “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for 200 years” Johnson agrees. You fucking moron.
Just wait until those immigrants send their kids to public schools, where they learn about rainbow genders and dead gods (except the state).
That YouGov poll of Trump voters that was cited in the article is pretty incredible. Thanks for linking to it, Ms. Slade.
Here are a few choice tidbits:
This is noteworthy IMO because this poll was conducted just a week after the Jan. 6 2021 riots. So 80% of Trump voters said they would either definitely or probably vote for Trump in 2024 just one week after this riot. Incredible.
What's incredible about it? They bought the Big Lie, hook line and sinker. From what I've gathered from the comments, many now don't trust juries either because they've decided against Trump. If elections and juries can't be trusted, what's left except autocratic totalitarian dictatorship where the "right people" make all the decisions?
Which was the real Big Lie though?
Trump: The Dems stole the election by changing the rules at the last minute and cheating on the count.
Obama: There was an election, and Joe Biden is the President.
Lol, did you forget that your Big Lie copypasta goes on your SQRSLY handle again, drunky?
Well, since Trump isn’t responsible for the riots and asked people to behave peacefully, I don’t see how this is “incredible”.
It is deeply disturbing, however, that Democrats support the actions of the FBI and the justice system post January 6. Apparently, support for abuse of power and totalitarian police state tactics is now acceptable among Democrats.
What did the Democratic polling look like for Biden/Harris after Harris contributed to a bail fund to spring thousands of rioters from jail who subsequently went on to commit multiple rapes, assault, and a murder, you fat waddling piece of shit?
This is a curious piece--lots and lots of data, but no recognition of the fact that Trump lost the popular vote twice, first by three million, and then by seven million, to two seriously uninspiring Democrats. "Even" Biden probably could have beaten Trump pretty easily in 2016 if he had run. He certainly wasn't/isn't hated nearly as much as poor Hillary. The author also seemingly doesn't want to notice how strongly Trump reversed the neoliberal policies regarding free trade, and the extent to which Biden has continued those policies. As for government spending, however much people complain, as super liberal Mitch McConnell once said, "No one ever got elected promising to spend less money." Blacks and Hispanics are voting more for Trump on social issues, I would say, but the real driver is that, as lower income voters, they are likely to take the old "common sense" view of economics: there aren't enough "good jobs" to go around, so we have to make sure that "we" get them. This means that they support tariffs and "industrial policy". To the extent that the Republican Party still follows "traditional" Republican economic policies, well, that simply reflects the economic power of the "donor" class. Trump always takes good care of his billionaire buddies.
Pretty much anyone but Hillary would have beaten Trump in 2016.
The popular vote total in a Presidential election is like total yardage in a football game, an interesting statistic that has no impact on who wins.
Like which team scored the most total runs in the world series.
Just a number, no impact on who wins the trophy.
There is no prize for the largest number of fans in attendance, just for the highest score.
"This is a curious piece–lots and lots of data, but no recognition of the fact that Trump lost the popular vote twice, first by three million, and then by seven million, to two seriously uninspiring Democrats..."
He also didn't win "most likely to succeed" in high school. Did you have a point other than to demonstrate your TDS?
He certainly wasn’t/isn’t hated nearly as much as poor Hillary.
He certainly is now.
Just for the record, Hilary hasn't been poor since Whitewater.
Some things never change. We still don't use the popular vote to elect presidents, and Anal Vaneman still can't spell his own name.
I would be willing to bet that at least 90% of the population does not sit around ruminating about tariffs and trade deals. They are much more worried about things that they perceive to affect their own well being like inflation, war, immigration etc. Sorry but I'm not shedding any tears for Reason's beloved country club Republicans.
This is literally just Chuckie Koch indulging his persecution complex because he lost control of the party he bought through his employee's byline.
When it came to cultural grievances, however, the poll found overwhelming agreement: 89 percent of respondents believed that "Christianity is under attack in America today," 90 percent fretted that "Americans are losing faith in the ideas that make our country great," 92 percent thought that "the mainstream media today is just a part of the Democratic Party," and 87 percent worried that "discrimination against whites will increase a lot in the next few years."
Note that the moral questions of yesteryear, such as abortion and school prayer, are no longer central. Instead, GOP voters appear to be united around issues of culture and identity.
Is it so shocking that, after decades of left wingers pushing identity politics, people on the right end up being defined by their opposition to those politics?
92 percent thought that “the mainstream media today is just a part of the Democratic Party,
The other 8 percent don't watch TV?
Lots of people don't watch TV news.
Free Markets can win with the new GOP. Free Trade cannot. And no, they aren’t the same. Enough people here have pointed out how free trade is actually subsidized trade, where government run markets are given a competitive edge in a government suppressed market.
And yes, the American market is government suppressed by regulation and over-taxation. Which is why capital keeps moving away from the masses and into the hands of very few, because in an over regulated economy, efficiency of scale is in the hands of big corporations.
So decreased regulations and freeing up the American markets would win support.
Government policy is just another comparative advantage or disadvantage.
Say some product is subsidized by a foreign government, allowing them to sell it at a lower price than any domestic producers. They've got a comparative advantage because they can sell it at a lower price.
What's the proper response? Raise taxes on Americans to make it fair on American producers, or thank the foreign taxpayers for subsidizing stuff we buy? I say the latter.
Yeah, tariffs are like hitting your left foot with a hammer because the other guy hit your right foot with a hammer.
This is also true.
Tariffs are consumption taxes. Every dollar raised by consumption taxes is a dollar that does not have to be raised by taxes on productive activities. That’s a good thing.
Furthermore, if you favor trade with China in any form (let alone tariff-free trade) you are not a libertarian.
If we were using tariffs as replacements for income taxes, I might be persuaded. But that's not how anyone is proposing using them, especially not a "retaliatory" tariff. It's another tax on top of what we're already taxed. And it's a tax whose sole reason for existing is to change behavior. It's equivalent sin taxes on things like soda and cigarettes. They're morally dubious as they force participation in a specific values system, but beyond that, they tend to be ineffective either for changing behaviors or raising revenue.
And it’s a tax whose sole reason for existing is to change behavior. It’s equivalent sin taxes on things like soda and cigarettes.
I believe they call that social engineering.
Excise taxes on liquor funded the early United States government almost entirely for about half a century. Who knew James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington were social engineers? You truly get some fascinating historical insights from drunky.
We all understand why liquor taxes would be a personal hobbyhorse of yours though.
The Whiskey excise tax was repealed during the Jefferson administration. It did not fund the US Government for 50 years, it lasted barely over ten years as an excise. The difficulty of collecting it creating significant problems and shortfalls, and some large percentage of all American spirits were not ever taxed because they were boot-legged.
Beyond that, yes, it was ABSOLUTELY pushed as a social engineering brainchild by Alexander Hamilton, among others.
That the articles which have been enumerated, will, better than most others, bear high duties, can hardly be a question. They are all of them, in reality—luxuries—the greatest part of them foreign luxuries; some of them, in the excess in which they are used, pernicious luxuries. And there is, perhaps, none of them, which is not consumed in so great abundance, as may, justly, denominate it, a source of national extravagance and impoverishment. The consumption of ardent spirits particularly, no doubt very much on account of their cheapness, is carried to an extreme, which is truly to be regretted, as well in regard to the health and the morals, as to the œconomy of the community.
Should the increase of duties tend to a decrease of the consumption of those articles, the effect would be, in every respect desirable. The saving which it would occasion, would leave individuals more at their ease, and promote a more favourable balance of trade. As far as this decrease might be applicable to distilled spirits, it would encourage the substitution of cyder and malt liquors, benefit agriculture, and open a new and productive source of revenue.
In his own words, it's a tax on luxuries and it would be desirable if the excise resulted in a decreased consumption of spirits. That's why they started with spirits and not agricultural products in general.
They’re morally dubious as they force participation in a specific values system
They most certainly are. China, for example, is a hostile totalitarian nation that violates the NAP towards its citizens and towards other nations. Therefore, the value system of a libertarian requires punishing anybody who does business with China. Are you a libertarian?
but beyond that, they tend to be ineffective either for changing behaviors or raising revenue.
If tariffs don’t do anything, why do you get so worked up about them?
But in reality, tariffs on China shift supply chains away from China. They don’t raise a lot of revenue because they are not supposed to; they are not tariffs on foreign goods, they are tariffs on a particular hostile power.
They most certainly are. China, for example, is a hostile totalitarian nation that violates the NAP towards its citizens and towards other nations. Therefore, the value system of a libertarian requires punishing anybody who does business with China. Are you a libertarian?
Stick a "Made In China" sticker on all products made in China, and allow consumers themselves to decide how much their values are worth when it comes to avoiding products. The government deciding that people have to participate in that choice is coercion.
Persuasiveness is important.
One thing that would do much better in switching people to buying American would be to bring down the costs of American products. That means reducing the environmental regulations hoops that manufacturers are having to jump through, reducing costs of labor (potentially through reducing the minimum wage) and reducing any other onerous tax or regulatory burdens. We've regulated American industries into deciding not to make things in America, forcing them to work with unions when the unions negotiate themselves out of business, and by putting barriers in place that make it nearly impossible for mid-size and smaller manufacturers to join the marketplace.
A lot of the evils of cheap overseas manufacturing comes not from foreign government policies, but shitty domestic policies. Shoving a tariff is an attempt to force adherence to the domestic policies that are harming your own domestic production, and it just encourages smuggling, boot-legging, and other measures while raising costs.
Stick a “Made In China” sticker on all products made in China, and allow consumers themselves to decide how much their values are worth when it comes to avoiding products.
Compliance with the NAP is not voluntary. If an entity violates the NAP, it is banned from a libertarian society. If you refuse to participate in the banishment, you yourself will be banished.
The government deciding that people have to participate in that choice is coercion.
If you do not participate in the banishment of people who violate the NAP, you cease to be a member of a libertarian society and others will treat you accordingly, meaning they will neither deal with China nor with you. You’re free to start your own society somewhere else.
One thing that would do much better in switching people to buying American would be to bring down the costs of American products.
This is not a question of utility or preference. Participating in the violation of the NAP, aiding/abetting/financing violaters of the NAP, is not acceptable in a libertarian society.
A lot of the evils of cheap overseas manufacturing comes not from foreign government policies, but shitty domestic policies.
Again, that is true but irrelevant.
No it wasn't publicly sold that way but it was obvious that's how it went. Trump raised Tariffs and did domestic Tax-Cuts and De-Regulated for Domestic.
"Consumption taxes"? All taxes are! What's the difference between laying a tax on the value of a good as it's sold vs. laying it on its production?
Taxes on income or capital gains are not consumption taxes.
Sales taxes are usually consumption taxes.
I don't know what "taxes on production" are.
So how is it that it doesn’t enter your head to argue for increasing economic freedom in our own country?
I don't know what you're talking about. I argue for that all the time.
Why do you equate using taxes to raise prices of imports with economic freedom?
Something about subsidizing slave labor camps just rubs certain people the wrong way, drunky.
Also, other than the freedom to exchange child pornography with your new butt buddy shreek, you do not argue in favor of increasing freedom in the United States. You have argued for summary executions for misdemeanor trespassing and unpermitted parading for Christ's sake.
You dumb twat, do you not realize this is a position you can use to argue tariffs are good? It's just utilizing unavailable competitive advantage to get your government to jak up your competitor's prices. Congrats dumbass you played yourself
It technically only raises taxes on the people that choose to buy that product (obviously more broad in regards to raw materials). The goal of shifting consumption of that good to either another foreign producer or a domestic producer makes sense in the current government/economic structure we currently operate under, even if it isn't necessarily Libertarian.
(I’ll note that unless we achieved anarchy/minarchy, the government is going to direct this stuff to a lesser/greater extent and trying to nudge people into buying a product NOT produced by slave labor is at least a noble goal. I’d also note that the libertarian response to the scenario you’ve provided is for our government to remove the barriers they cause the domestically produced item to cost more. Of course, this may necessitate a reduction in Americans standard of living that they are not willing to accommodate.)
Let’s summarize your comment…
“Say some product is ?subsidized? (i.e. STOLEN by GUNS) of a foreign government, allowing them to sell it at a lower price than any domestic producers.
Raise taxes on Americans to make it fair on American producers, or thank the foreign (Gov-Guns) for STEALING stuff we buy?
I say the latter.”
(2) self-describing mentalities stick out like a sore thumb.
1) You support the Armed-Theft of others labors.
2) You think the USA should try and compete with Armed-Criminals.
So your entire comment in a nutshell is that there is nothing wrong with armed-theft and making livings off of criminals is Libertarian.
It’s A-Okay with you if I pay a robber to go steal all your belongings and property and sell it for next to nothing ... and it’s just all your fault for not stealing more than the robber I hired (competition).
THIS ^^^^THIS RIGHT HERE^^^^ is the problem with Democrats mentality. They are criminals at heart. Always trying to STEAL. Never wanting to *EARN*.
History and their current disastrous policy KILLS entire swaths of people because ‘Guns’ don’t make human resources and sooner or later the ZERO-SUM resources game turns society into a dog-eat-dog.
whether illegal immigrants are good for the country
What?! A Reason writer recognizing the distinction between legal and illegal immigrants? Amazing!
Read some interesting details about the BLS's BS January report. Lot's graphs and shit but a couple of choice nuggets.
"But wait there's even more, because just as we enter the peak of election season and political talking points will be thrown around left and right, especially in the context of the immigration crisis created intentionally by the Biden administration which is hoping to import millions of new Democratic voters (maybe the US can hold the presidential election in Honduras or Guatemala, after all it is their citizens that will be illegally casting the key votes in November), what we find is that in January, the number of native-born worker tumbled again, sliding by a massive 560K to just 129.807 million. Add to this the December data, and we get a near-record 1.9 million plunge in native-born workers in just the past 2 months!
Said otherwise, not only has all job creation in the past 4 years has been exclusively for foreign-born workers, but there has been zero job-creation for native born workers since July 2018!
What "libertarian economic principles" does the Republican Party have? I guess they tend to favor modest tax cuts a little less regulation. On spending they are almost as bad as the Democrats.
A few libertarian leaning Republicans managed to get to Congress, but in the presidential primaries they peaked at Ron Paul's 4th-place finish in 2008 with 5.6% of the vote.
"Ron Paul’s 4th-place finish in 2008 with 5.6% of the vote."
Fairly impressive when you consider that they literally locked his delegates out of the building and refused to seat them at the RNC after sabotaging his campaign in several states with ridiculous new caucusing rules.
What “libertarian economic principles” does the Republican Party have?
Turning a blind eye to illegal immigration. There hasn't been a limited government type since Eisenhower, It's all tax cuts and foreign wars with them.
reforms like doing away with the tax break enjoyed by elite university endowments and ending farm subsidies.
And tax the churches.
The constant pressure to tax unrealized gains and subsidize consumption for immigrants comes from democrats. Will *family offices* be the Democrats donors carve outs for the new wealth taxes? The working class, white collar workers will never get out of those taxes. Union workers are still KULAKS, while paying unrealized gains taxes in the form of property taxes. Add additional wealth taxes and you will own nothing and find yourself in commie mafia state.
The irony of greedily eyeing other peoples' money and calling those people greedy never dawns on them.
+100000000 lol.... So well said. Endless examples of Leftard Self-Projection.
It’s perfectly reasonable for republicans to be “populists”, if populist means educating blue collar workers on how the state steals their tax money to pay for whatever redistribution schemes Democrats/WEF are cooking.
Food, Water, Sewer, trash pickup, housing, electricity, and healthcare are not free for Colorado taxpayers one dollar over median income and pretty damn expensive. Under median income, all these things are heavily subsidized. If you’re an illegal immigrant these things are magically FREE. Socialism is unsustainable, but that’s what the Democrats are doing now. Republicans are educating the tax paying blue collar masses on the grift and scheme.
People bringing in hundreds of thousands of dollars in retirement income neither need nor deserve the same Social Security benefits as those who are just scraping by, he says.
Apparently Henry Olsen has no fucking idea what the word "deserve" means.
Mr. Olsen may "need" more s.s. because he is just scraping by, but those couples who popped out seven kids or bought a boat and took expensive vacations instead of contributing to their 401ks don't "deserve" more.
You paid into it with the agreement that you're getting it back later. Nobody "deserves" Social Security, but if deserving is a factor, it's probably the people who paid the most into it who deserve to get returned that money on the back end. It's all giving you someone else's money in the end, even if you're paying into it much more than you've gotten out, so nobody can really "deserve it."
So this is what the Washington Post considers a conservative.
You paid into it with the agreement that you’re getting it back later.
Nope. There was never any guarantee you would get it back.
Start broadcasting that right now and see what happens to the program.
Every millennial I know, even the idiot ones on Reddit, understand that SS won’t be there when we retire (some of us in a little over 20 years). Personally, I already planned to work til I die, but that’s cause I hate sitting idle (commenting here notwithstanding).
Bingo... "Nope. There was never any guarantee you would get it back."
1932 Voters electing FDR who UN-Constitutionally (illegally) pitched a "New Deal" [Na]tional So[zi]alist ?Security? (i.e. Nazi-Security) for the USA.
So as long as the current voters aren't willing to end Nazi-Security and re-establish Constitutional Law (the USA) what-ever they loose is completely accountable by their willingness to aid and embed the criminal.
People bringing in hundreds of thousands of dollars in retirement income neither need nor deserve the same Social Security benefits as those who are just scraping by, he says.
The reason Social Security isn’t means tested during payout isn’t because government wouldn’t like to do it, but because doing so is an administrative nightmare and because it causes moral hazards.
High earners are already getting a lousy deal on Social Security and are massively subsidizing the system. Turning that screw even further won’t fix the system.
The problem with Social Security is that it is a government-run program that’s used a as a piggy bank by the government. Privatize it and all these problems go away.
^THIS... Privatize it then when the "program" steals $ the government can actually prosecute. The dumbest thing about asking the "halls of justice" to provide is it literally cancels all paths to justice.
Wait, you think same-sex marriage doesn't divide libertarians?
As long as it's not mandatory, I don't see why it would.
You haven't seen us argue about it here?
There is no "right" to government granted status-symbol.
There has never been restriction on private status-symbols.
So this "Muslim Ban", is that when Obama created a list of nations likely to export dangerous immigrants and Trump tried to restrict them? Well libertarians certainly agree Obama was an asshole.
No. The libertarian position is that marriage is a private matter and government shouldn't be involved in it.
I'm a libertarian, I agree to the extent it's possible, and that's why I think governments should not be instituting same sex marriage. However, as long as government runs courts ruling on cases that hinge on whether particular individuals are spouses, government has to be involved with it; there's no way around it unless the courts stop adjudicating family law — leaving such disputes to be
As far as government is concerned, marriage is just a contract. It's an agreement to share household resources and responsibilities, especially as they concern children. People can add religious layers on top of that if they please, that's up to their religion.
It would be better if people started viewing that union as a more explicit contract, and actually entered pre-nuptial or post-nuptial agreements just to ensure they've considered how to deal with custody disputes in the event of a dissolution. Then the only thing government has to do is uphold the enforceability of the contract, and we wouldn't ever consider the race or genders of people who are parties to the contract.
This is the way.
In a perfect world that would be the case. But "married", formerly defined as man and woman, is written into thousands of federal state and local laws. As a practical matter Roberta is correct. Changing the definition to include same sex marriages is a whole lot easier than changing all of those laws. My wife and I were friends with a gay couple before gay marriage was "legalized". One of them died unexpectedly and his partner got nothing even though they would have qualified as a common law marriage. All of the assets went to the dead mans adult son. But it's far from a perfect solution. For instance. If two sisters live together for a lifetime when the first one dies the surviving sister cannot get survivor social security benefits and is likely to lose half of the household income. I personally agree that government should get out altogether and let people assign any assets or benefits due to anyone they choose. But nobody is even seriously talking about it. The gay problem is solved and I guess that's all that mattered.
There was never a gay problem to begin with. There was never a law making poop-hole poking illegal. If poop-hole poker wanted to contractually assign all their estate to the other poop-hole poker that isn't illegal either.
Marriage law was setup for 'offspring' of (2) people. Poop-hole pokers aren't able to produce that. The only "gay problem" was poop-hole pokers wanting entitlements as-if they could make what they by nature cannot.
How about the voters who made up their minds on personality, deciding they wanted an asshole, not a jerk?
Don't blame me. I voted for the turd sandwich.
Dunno who's in the grey box below but for the record I voted for Gary "Turd Sandwich" Johnson in 2016.
Iraqi headquarters is reduced to rubble as pictures show aftermath of Biden's revenge strike: Militia says they do not want to 'escalate tensions' with the West after '34 Iran-backed fighters' were killed
Biden's sporting a war-boner. Hope Trump doesn't get one.
If only there were some sort of record of what Trump would do as president we could make a fair comparison.
Don't you remember WWIII, IV, and V? And the literal Hitler Neo-Nazi party takeover, including the dismissal of Congress and the Supreme Court? Plus the executive orders that stripped the vote from women and black people, and sent them back into subservient roles?
Some of the social issues it uses to separate left from right are items that might indeed help distinguish between conservatives and libertarians, such as support for gay marriage and opposition to a Muslim ban
Nothing says “Libertarian” like wanting government to define marriage and wanting to flood the country with anti-gay totalitarian theocrats. /sarc
'Libertarians needn't despair just yet. There may be tough times ahead for advocates of free minds and free markets, but then, what's new?'
I don't despair. As the Democrats, driven by their progressive wing, diminish, those that are most driven by activism will have less influence in our society and government. In my experience, black and hispanic cultures, especially those leaving the DNC tent, are more inclined to prefer a MYOB approach. And to the extent that Trump populism is a reaction to wokeness, as woke goes away, so does Trump. I can then imagine (or at least wish for with some optimism) a society more inclined to live and let live. Sure, they all might not support free minds and free markets as much as me, but I can live with that.
"As the Democrats, driven by their progressive wing, diminish..."
Christ what a retard.
"As the Bolsheviks, driven by their revolutionary wing, diminish..."
Trump will be dead in the next 5-10 years, and then you'll have to actually face the reality that you live in a one party totalitarian shit hole.
Still fighting the Bolsheviks, are you?
Did you spend the last 50 years in a basement in Petrograd, or are you freelancing while on the run somewhere in Africa?
What's so totalitarian about Trump? Tax-Cuts?, Exiting the Paris Accord?, Cutting EPA funding?, School-Choice?, What???????
You leftards project more than you do anything.
Placing loyalty and obedience above principles and competence
Admiring other authoritarian leaders and their policies
There are other examples.
That Trump is both lazy and incompetent in executing authoritarian policies is a separate issue.
But I suspect in your case, there's a syllogism which goes
I am not an authoritarian
I like Trump
Therefore Trump isn't an authoritarian
The way other people treat me determines my respect for them. I don't care what's going on inside their heads. I apply the same standard to politicians.
The modern progressive left:
Placing loyalty and obedience above principles and competence? Check
Admiring other authoritarian leaders and their policies? Check
Nationalism? Nope, but what about the opposite?
Oh.. I'd say the Left is very much Nationalism...
Anti-Patriotic Nationalism (kill the USA) but most definitely 'Federal' everything.
I hold no brief for the progressive left. Find someone who does.
SRG2’s proclamation of the ‘facts’ without a single item of evidence.
Holy Crap dude. Not a SINGLE point just a proclamation.
It’s pretty bad when you can’t even make ONE-SINGLE legitimate point.
TDS is a disease.
When the facts are known and widely reported I shouldn't need to have to repost them
The only widely reported ones are Preventing Invasion and Tariffs that are getting milked for every drop leftard rags can manage to milk while Tariffs are being boosted under Biden as well and Democrats are crying about the Immigrant buses...
There is no case against Trump except he's not 100% perfect to a T or "mean tweets". Pathetic. Absolutely Pathetic.
The elephant in the room is Javier Milei. How could anyone's analysis of the politics in any country fail to at least nod to that development?
The Republican party has given itself over to the MAGA cult lmao. Deplorables if you will.
Remember that binder of documents that Trump ordered declassified and the IC refused to and a copy went missing? And the Biden regime was desperate to find it at Mar A Lago but never did? Yeah me neither. Well it looks like Jack "8-0" Smith is gonna take another stab at it.
When the dust settles and some sort of Nuremberg-style court is trying the Fedsurrectionists, guys like Jack Smith need to be made examples of.
Not a chance in Hell.
The interesting facet of the article is that it's written as a lament, as in "if only the Reps/cons had chosen differently". But in truth they did with the Tea Party. Yet our response was to attack them over imperfections in other areas rather than encourage and ally with them on the financial/economic side.
This is largely because the activist / media leadership of libertarianism is very different from the rank and file, just as is true of Dems and Reps. The leadership is largely drawn from the cultural leftist group, which internalizes the leftist belief that any disagreement with them is driven by racism/sexism/homophobia which describes effectively everyone one the right. It was more important to this group to alienate the right and maintain their support for the left than it was to advance libertarian economic priorities.
This is the crux of the Mises Caucus takeover. Rank and file libertarians were tired of being led by "libertarians" who are in every respect other than economics far leftists. The effect of the traditional leadership is complete marginalization since they intentionally alienate the right and the left will never compromise on economics. While the MC hasn't done everything right at least they recognized the total ineffectiveness of the traditional leadership's policies.
"This is the crux of the Mises Caucus takeover. Rank and file libertarians were tired of being led by “libertarians” who are in every respect other than economics far leftists."
Whoa there. That sounds like some kinda scary populism to me.
Early Libertarian leadership mostly came from right side. Conservatives made it clear they wouldn't tolerate allies who were economic "conservatives" but also for "liberal" individual rights like opposing the draft, legalizing pot, and treating folks equally before the law.
Early Libertarian leadership mostly came from right side.
My sense is that early libertarian leadership was largely apolitical, they evolved from economic and social study rather than a political movement. They mostly seemed to be people who recognized public political arguments were nonsense and tried to create a better understanding of reality. I think it's true that more on the political right adopted/were influenced by their philosophy, and this was largely because people on the left didn't care about reality, which is essentially the same today.
Well let’s look at some of the early top leaders in the LP: David Nolan – founded the Goldwater club at M.I.T. in 1964. Ed Crane – admirer of Goldwater. Ed Clark – Republican until 1971. John Hospers – don’t know before 1971 but joined Republicans in 1991. While anti LP, Ayn Rand – a Republican – had many followers (“students of Objectivism”) within LP. Yes, Tonie Nathan was a Democrat …until she read Rand.
The party was founded because Nixon (embarrassing so) was a Republican who governed like a full blown Marxist. He did a lot of things Republicans at the time hated so they broke away and formed a party for Republicans who didn't want any more of this Marxist shit. Problem is as long as the Republican Party gives them Marxist Lite they defect back to the GOP because the Democrats are supposedly so much worse and every vote for a Libertarian is a vote for a Democrat. The GOP sold that line and minor parties have been a dead game since then.
Trump doesn't like free markets. The GOP is the party of Trump. As you seppos would say, "do the math".
Meh. Trump wants to distort markets. Leftists want to end markets.
Foreign or Domestic?
Globalists trying to pretend there isn't any difference; "do the math".
As a longtime libertarian who was raised Republican and first voted in 1976 for Gerald Ford, then switched to Democrat (I disdained Reagan because he advocated bans on abortion, contraception, marijuana, pschodelics, hippies, strip clubs, porn and gays) for 36 years, and then switched to Republican in 2016 to vote for Ron Paul (and then voted for Trump twice in 2016, again in 2020 and will do so again in November), I disagree with some/many of Stephanie Slade's assertions about libertarians.
While all freedom loving libertarians support women's choice to abort an unwanted fetus, Stephanie Slade falsely claims that many libertarians support abortion bans (without acknowledging that abortions bans have been championed by fundamentalist Catholic and Christian theocrats (i.e. Conservatives) for the past 175 years.
You’re not a libertarian, you’re a progressive with unorthodox preferences.
The roots are actually fundamentalist Catholics which at the time had practically a 90% Democrat (not conservative) affiliation. Poll after poll showed Republicans supported RvW so I have no idea why Republican politicians are trying to carry water for an old Democrat agenda.
The authors of that chart inaccurately classified many/most libertarians as either social conservatives or economic liberals.
While many/most Americans are truly economic conservatives and social liberals (i.e. libertarian), the authors of that chart falsely classified only a tiny minority of Americans as libertarians.
The devil is in the details of the survey's biased questionnaire, and the author's biased presumptions/assumptions.
Only a tiny minority of Americans are libertarians. Libertarianism is more than just “economic conservative/socially liberal”.
ZeroSLEDGE hammers away at voters under thirty, 72% of whom support the Libertarian Roe v Wade decision after the 1973 electoral vote count. Without ever letting on that there is such a word--much less thing--as libertarian, their hacks report in the passive voice that Orange Hitler's Suprema Corte declared open season on armed bullying of pregnant women (get this!) during the Biden Administration.
"Can Free Markets Win Votes in the New GOP?"
Of course not.
The republicans, like their best buddies, the democrats, do not want a free market.
Otherwise the masses might make more money, keep it for themselves, and won't need The State, it's onerous rules, regulations and laws, or the filth who "represent" us, and there's nothing more sad than a politician that can't find work.
Friend, if you're a fan of rich, luxurious cheeses, I have three words for you: Délice de Bourgogne, by the way, they're currently on sale . Produced in Burgundy, this fine French cheese has a host of exciting flavors hidden beneath its blooming rind: salty, sour and tart, with an intoxicating sweetness that wraps it all together.
Fuck off, KAR.
Take your own advice.
I am an advocate of individuals liberties, free markets, and consistent application of the NAP.
That is what libertarianism ought to be. Instead, American libertarians are statists and progressives.