Will Russia Ever Be Free?
Promise and peril in post-Putin Russia

Eager though we all are to learn how the Ukraine war ends for Ukraine, there is another great unanswered question about the invasion: How will the war end for Russia?
Will it revert to a quasi-Soviet totalitarian past, this time with a simulacrum of capitalism and an ideology of religious nationalism instead of communism? When Vladimir Putin's death or downfall comes, will that bring a new liberal "thaw"? Or will the country slide into violent strife between warlords like the late Yevgeny Prigozhin—leading, perhaps, to an even more belligerent fascist dictatorship? Or will the Russian Federation disintegrate as the Soviet Union did 32 years ago, with some of its constituent entities breaking off into independent states? And would that reduce Russia to a shrunken, humbled, impoverished, and increasingly irrelevant country?
Russia still commands a vast nuclear arsenal, and there is no realistic scenario where that's going to change soon. Russia's sheer size, its cultural influence, its place at the intersection of Europe and Asia, and its vast network of international connections give it, like it or not, a pivotal role in global politics and development. Whether Russia moves in a liberal or anti-liberal direction, whether it embraces markets or militarism, tolerance or tyranny, will influence social trends in many other countries.
For the past decade or so, under Putin's authoritarian rule, Russia has been a superspreader of global anti-liberalism. Now the war in Ukraine has dramatically reduced Moscow's influence by severely damaging its image, its international standing, and (thanks to Western sanctions) its economic reach.
But what next? Is the idea of a free, prosperous, peaceful Russia a serious possibility or a pipe dream?
What if Russia Wins?
Russia, of course, might win the war. Here's a possible scenario after a Russian victory.
By the start of 2024, the Ukrainian offensive (or counteroffensive) fails or at least is perceived as a failure, and the West pressures Ukraine to make territorial concessions in exchange for continued aid. The peace accords allow Russia to keep Crimea and at least some of the territories annexed last year, including the land bridge to Crimea and perhaps Mariupol, which Putin appears to view as an especially valuable prize. It's enough of a victory for Putin to position himself as a winner, especially if some or all of the economic sanctions on Russia are lifted (perhaps in exchange for limited reparations to Ukraine, which Kremlin propaganda could spin as generous fraternal aid).
It is certainly possible that, as Ukraine fears, Putin and the war hawks in his entourage would view such a peace deal as a breather for a new military buildup and a new effort to bring all of Ukraine under Russian control by installing a Moscow-friendly regime in Kyiv. Some Russian propagandists talk about Ukraine as a stepping stone toward rebuilding a Russian/Soviet empire, and even some Russian military men have echoed such themes; an interview from July shows Andrey Mordvichev (who commanded Russian Army divisions at the battle for Mariupol and was recently promoted to the rank of colonel-general) talking about the alleged need to attack Eastern Europe.
But given the current state of Russian armed forces and the population's lack of appetite for war (when the Russian government tried partial mobilization in 2022, the result was a mass exodus of men), such fantasies are likely to remain fantasies. Ukraine is only likely to agree to such concessions on the condition of NATO membership, which would essentially preclude another Russian invasion, perhaps with face-saving assurances to Russia that no NATO bases will be placed in Ukraine.
In this scenario, Russia's current neo-totalitarian cocoon will only harden. Political prisoners will remain in prison (unless, perhaps, they are traded for some valuable Russian prisoners of war), and there will be new prosecutions for sharing "fake"—i.e., accurate—information about the war or about Russian war crimes. Access to truthful reporting on these topics will remain severely restricted; the Kremlin will almost certainly further tighten restrictions on the internet.
Since the myth of the righteous war will be the foundation of the regime's survival, authoritarian, anti-Western, and anti-liberal propaganda will likely intensify. A cohort of Russian children will be raised on history textbooks (already introduced at the start of this school year) that portray Russia as both the indomitable bastion of all virtues and the eternal victim of nefarious Western intrigue, that discuss the mass-murdering tyrant Josef Stalin in positive terms, that treat Soviet-era dissidents and defectors as selfish and disloyal, and that glorify the "special operation" in Ukraine as part of Russia's historical mission to vanquish Nazism.
How long would such a hardline regime survive? At least as long as Putin does—and that could be a while.
Losing the War, Winning Freedom
It's a broad consensus among Russian dissidents of all stripes—not counting hawks who "dissent" in the sense that they think Putin isn't waging war ruthlessly enough—that undoing Russia's dictatorship will be impossible unless Ukraine wins the war. As chess grandmaster and opposition activist Garry Kasparov said in February at the Munich Security Conference, "Liberation from Putin's fascism runs through Ukraine." A joint "Declaration of Russian Democratic Forces," spearheaded by Kasparov and a fellow opposition leader, former businessman Mikhail Khodorkovsky, unequivocally called for the withdrawal of Russian troops from all territories recognized as Ukrainian under international law (which would include Crimea, annexed in 2014) as well as war crimes prosecutions and compensation for "the victims of aggression."
Such an outcome would indeed be a resounding and humiliating defeat.
The idea is not that disgruntled Russians will vote out Putin and his United Russia party, which currently controls the Duma (Russia's so-called parliament) and most local governments. In September, appearing on a YouTube channel created by former staffers of an independent radio station that had been shut down days after the start of the war, Khodorkovsky argued that peaceful transition at the ballot box is currently impossible in Russia: The entire system is designed to leave no chance of that happening. Khodorkovsky thinks the peaceful protest the Russian opposition has traditionally practiced is also futile: He is outspoken in insisting the opposition must be prepared to participate in violent action.
What Khodorkovsky has in mind is not a pro-freedom, anti-Putin uprising—the level of repression and surveillance in Russia today makes organizing dissent extremely difficult—but simply chaos, which, to paraphrase Game of Thrones' Littlefinger, the opposition can use as a ladder. The most likely scenario is an "elite coup": Some people within Russia's political elites get sufficiently fed up with Putin to remove him from power one way or another. Many Russian pundits have sarcastically mentioned "the tobacco-box option," a euphemism for regime change by assassination: In March 1801, Czar Paul I was attacked in his bedchamber by a group of high-level conspirators and knocked unconscious with a tobacco box before being strangled to death with a scarf. A less drastic way of removal would be to either officially place Putin under arrest or force him to announce a sudden retirement for health reasons.
It's almost impossible to intelligently assess the probability of any of those outcomes. But massive discontent with the war and with Putin is rife among Russia's business elites. This class once accepted a deal under which they got guarantees of stability in exchange for not seeking influence as independent players in Russian politics. That "stability" worked, for better or worse, given Western countries' willingness to do business with resource-rich Russia. But the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 spectacularly blew up that stability.
While Russian markets haven't tanked completely, thanks to continuing oil and gas purchases by non-Western partners, the rich and powerful have certainly taken a hit: Russian billionaires lost a combined $80 billion in the first week of the war. What's more, much of Russia's post-Soviet privileged class now finds itself cut off from access to its vast assets in the West. Bank accounts and investments have been frozen; luxury homes, villas, and yachts are out of reach.
Public expressions of discontent have been extremely rare, which is not surprising given how dangerous such expressions are in today's Russia. But on two occasions in the past year, leaked recordings of cellphone conversations showed B-list Russian businessmen lamenting the war, describing Putin as a "retard" who keeps saying that "everyone is an enemy, but we're going to win," and predicting that the current regime would eventually turn Russia into a "scorched desert."
Are there people with such views sufficiently high up in the Russian power structures—and with enough loyal armed men under their command—to carry out a coup, whether lethal or nonlethal? There is no way to be sure. For years, a great deal of talk has circulated about rival factions or "clans" within the regime, but all such information comes from supposed insiders or ex-insiders whose accounts cannot be confirmed. (It is alleged, for instance, that the June mutiny of Prigozhin's Wagner mercenary group was coordinated with one such faction.) But a successful coup certainly cannot be ruled out. The Prigozhin mutiny clearly showed that the Russian populace will not take to the streets to support Putin despite his nominally high approval ratings. (There was no outpouring of popular support for Putin either during or after the 24-hour rebellion, and many people in Rostov-on-Don, the city where Prigozhin's private army briefly made its headquarters, cheered for the mutinous mercenaries.)
The liberal opposition is extremely unlikely to seize power after Putin's ouster. But there is a more likely (and more morally gray) liberalization scenario. If the architects of an anti-Putin coup are people who want to rebuild good relations with liberal democracies and start reintegrating Russia into global markets and communications, they will have to demonstrate that the new regime is committed to liberal reforms. This will require holding elections with legitimacy in the eyes of the world, giving pro-freedom, pro-democracy parties and candidates meaningful opportunities to get their share of political power. A post-Putin regime might also bring at least some liberal opposition figures into the government, or into a power-sharing coalition, making them the human face of the new Russia.
Such a scenario might just mean a new crony-capitalist regime willing to use opposition leaders who are popular abroad, such as Khodorkovsky or the jailed Putin opponent Alexei Navalny, as a front for a corrupt political establishment. But any post-Putin government creates a window for meaningful change.
A Russian Spring—a fresh opportunity for political pluralism, the rule of law, civil society, and a market economy—may not seem very likely now. The liberal opposition is too small and fractured; Khodorkovsky's Open Russia movement, for instance, has been feuding with Navalny's Anti-Corruption Foundation. Support for liberal ideas after almost a quarter-century of Putinism is fairly low even among young people (though measuring public opinion in a fear-ridden authoritarian country is no easy task), and most of the population seems to be mired in a passivity that analysts have described as collective learned helplessness.
Still, it's the most optimistic scenario, and it has at least a chance.
Private Armies and Scattered Principalities
A Russian coup could also lead to a far darker outcome: open armed conflict between rival political factions—some of it based on ideology, some on raw competition for power and wealth—and the emergence of multiple regional centers of power. This scenario looks especially plausible given the expansion of so-called private military companies (a misnomer, since they are typically entangled with the state) since the start of the Ukraine war.
These companies have existed in Russia for years; Gazprom, the majority state-owned oil and gas giant, has had several as a security service. During the war, these paramilitary units gained a new visibility when Prigozhin's Wagner Group, its ranks padded with convicts recruited from penal colonies, played a pivotal role on the frontline and was elevated in official propaganda to the status of legendary heroes.
In summer 2023, as Prigozhin grew increasingly defiant, Putin took steps to bring the Wagner Group to heel by requiring all "volunteers," i.e., mercenaries, serving in the "special operation" in Ukraine to sign contracts with the Ministry of Defense. It was the Wagner Group's refusal to comply that led to Prigozhin's mutiny—a saga that ended with the Wagner Group being dismantled and with Prigozhin apparently blown up aboard his business jet.
But private military companies that do not answer to the Ministry of Defense can still legally function as long as they're not fighting in Ukraine. A month after the Prigozhin mutiny, new legislation was passed allowing regional governors to start such quasi-armies. Putin may think that they're a way to prevent or put down future rebellions, but they could easily have the opposite effect.
In other words, Russia has a lot of armed groups in the pay of corporate behemoths and government officials. It's not hard to imagine how this could go if the Putin regime collapses and the government fractures.
A protracted civil war seems unlikely, since most of the Russian population is too cowed and passive to mobilize for one side or another. But conflicts between armed groups controlled by a new breed of warlords may well lead to actual warfare, with disgruntled veterans (some of them violent ex-convicts) contributing to the turmoil. Post-Putin Russia could be an impoverished wasteland with well-protected islands of affluence, virtually autonomous cities run like medieval principalities, and roving gangs and militias. Depending on how impoverished it becomes, conflicts over resources could become frequent and brutal.
All that could lead to another frequently mentioned scenario: the dissolution of the Russian Federation.
A Russian Breakup
The Russian Federation currently has 89 distinct areas known as "federal subjects," 83 of them internationally recognized. (The other six are territories annexed from Ukraine in 2014 and 2022, portions of which Russia currently doesn't control.) That includes 21 non-Slavic "autonomous republics" such as Chechnya, Dagestan, Bashkortostan, Chuvashia, and Tatarstan, and six non-Slavic "autonomous districts," some with a population larger than some republics.
Some of these entities have previously tried to secede—most notably Chechnya (pacified through two brutal wars and a deal that allows its current president to rule it as a de facto principality) and Tatarstan (whose 1991 declaration of sovereignty was approved in a referendum but invalidated by Russia's Constitutional Court).
A May report from the Association of Accredited Public Policy Advocates to the European Union indicates that separatist movements exist in 36 of the federation's constituent entities, but they are mostly small and weak. Even in republics extensively used by the Kremlin as a source of cannon fodder for the war in Ukraine, such as Buryatia and Dagestan, there has been no clamor for liberation.
Obviously, that could change quickly if the Putin regime collapsed, the economy tanked, and the country descended into chaos. Even in regions with an ethnic Russian majority, a group of determined activists could generate a serious push for independence.
The possibility of Russia's dissolution has been extensively discussed, with vigorous disagreement on both the plausibility and the desirability of such a scenario. Some anti-Putin, pro-Ukraine pundits believe that the West's reluctance to give Ukraine enough support for a decisive victory is due in large part to fears that the collapse of the Putin regime will lead to the collapse of the Russian Federation and the proliferation of dangerous rogue statelets in its place. Warlords with nukes are the ultimate nightmare.
Many Russian opposition figures, including Khodorkovsky, believe that Russia's disintegration is extremely unlikely and would be a disaster if it happened. On the other hand, politicians, activists, and commentators from countries historically subjugated by the Russian Empire or the Soviet Union—be it Ukraine, Estonia, or Poland—often argue that Russia will remain an imperialistic menace unless it's literally cut down to size, and that its peaceful dissolution via separatism is the best chance to do that. Writing in Politico last January, Janusz Bugajski of the Jamestown Foundation even suggested that Western democracies should encourage Russia's disintegration by supporting local separatist movements.
A more dispassionate analysis of the federation's possible breakup is offered by French scholar Bruno Tertrais, deputy director of the Foundation for Strategic Research, in a March paper for the Montaigne Institute. Tetrais warns that the disintegration of the Russian Federation, which he believes is entirely possible, would not be a relatively orderly event like the breakup of the USSR into 15 constituent republics. He instead expects a prolonged and chaotic process, very possibly accompanied by bloodbaths. What's more, the conflict would likely reverberate beyond Russia's borders—Tetrais bluntly writes that "the lockdown of Russia in the pandemic-related sense of the word" would be a necessary response—and the end result could be Russia's reunification under a new totalitarian regime.
The only good news, Tetrais argues, is that nuclear proliferation is unlikely, since Russia's nuclear forces today are almost entirely located "in the heart of the Federation," in areas under Moscow's secure control. But "severe disruption" could reach even those regions.
There's also the China factor. While Bugajski's Politico piece speculated that Russia's disintegration would weaken China because Beijing would lose a valuable ally, it is entirely possible to imagine a different outcome—one where China turns Russia's battered remnants into a resource-rich de facto colony, or even annexes portions of Russian territory in the Far East. (In September, China ruffled some feathers in Moscow by publishing a "national map" that includes some disputed land which is currently Russian.) While the Chinese regime almost certainly doesn't want Russia's collapse, since it favors stability, it would also be in a position to take advantage of such a collapse if it happened.
Forecasting Through the Fog of War
With the outcome of the war still uncertain, predicting the fate of the Putin regime and of Russia is necessarily speculative. Many other scenarios besides the ones outlined above may come to pass, most of which we cannot even envision today. (Who could have predicted the Prigozhin mutiny in early 2023, when the official Russian media were hailing the Wagner Group men as a heroic force fighting at Bakhmut?)
But there is a very strong chance that in a few years the United States and other liberal democracies will find themselves in a replay of the 1990s, making difficult decisions about how to respond to sweeping, uncertain changes in Russia. We may have to decide how much to trust and help a new liberalization, whether to respond with humanitarian aid or "lockdown" to chaos and collapse, whether to lend our support to breakaway republics.
After the evil that Russia has visited on the world in 2022–2023, reviving ghosts of World War I and World War II in the heart of Europe, it is tempting for many—especially those victimized by Russian imperialism—to write off the entire country as hopelessly toxic and fit only for a cordon sanitaire. But the exiled journalist and staunch Kremlin critic Igor Yakovenko has warned emphatically against such an approach.
"The idea that you can build a mile-high fence and dig a moat filled with crocodiles…and the rest of the world can breathe a sigh of relief—this is a mistake," Yakovenko said on his YouTube channel earlier this year. "Russia isn't going to fall into a deep hole, it's not going anywhere." An authoritarian Russia will pose a threat even if temporarily weakened; a Mad Max–like Russia of chaos, desperation, and private armies will pose a different kind of threat; and the replacement of Russia with a dozen or two dozen smaller states could create an entirely new set of problems.
Optimism about Russia's future, at this point, looks absurdly naive. But forever pessimism is not only bleak but ugly; it almost invariably involves borderline-racist notions of collective guilt and inherent national character. Better to adopt a cautious realism that adapts to developments within Russia and seeks to identify genuinely liberal forces. But nothing good is apt to come from Russia unless it is defeated in the Ukraine war and Putin's regime falls.
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Russia will be free once the US gets out of NATO.
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How would that work?
How would the US leaving NATO lead to Russia becoming free?
Russia has been threatened by western powers for centuries. Napoleon invaded all the way to Moscow. Britain and France later teamed up to fight Russia along the Black Sea while also threatening Petrograd with naval bombardment. The next century saw the German Empire declare war against her and invade. Millions of Russians perished. The US expeditionary force then fought her after that on Russian soil. A few decades after that, an Austrian painter again invaded Russia killing tens of millions. At the collapse of the Soviet Union, NATO pledged not to expand east beyond the DDR and later went back on its word multiple times installing military bases ever increasingly close. A decade ago, western powers including US elected officials participated in a coup against one of her neighbors.
The US leaving NATO will allow the EU to develop better relations with Moscow, potentially free from the current and historical western hegemony path.
Yeah right, you forget Russia became an empire thru conquest? Then there's that whole Stalin helping to start ww2 and then seizing the Baltic states then half of Europe at wars end. They always cry the victim.
When did Russia attack the west? Western nations have invaded Russia multiple times with tens of millions of casualties.
Nations that sided with the Axis got a bad deal post WW2. Western Europe effectively became vassal states to the US post WW2 with many still housing US military bases. Lindsey Graham, Joe Biden, and George W Bush thank you for your support.
The US government and taxpayer dollars should stay out of it. If you want to GoFundMe Zely or volunteer for the Kiev foreign legion, have at it.
Poland considers itself to be Western Europe. Russia invaded in 1939.
The primary reason they didn’t try to expand west in the centuries prior was that easier territories lay in literally every other direction.
Russians have been expansionist since the day they founded the empire.
Poland is central Europe. Molotov-Ribbentrop is indefensible. It was a continuation of a previous interwar conflict and an issue created by Versailles. Afterwards, a western nation invaded Russia/USSR that cost over 25 million lives.
Russia can’t invade the US but could exchange icbms if a conflict in her backyard ramped up. Playing Karen the world hall monitor has helped pull the US govt into $33.7T of debt. About a quarter of federal taxes paid go to interest payments.
As for the US, the recent track records in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria should be enough to avoid warbonering harder.
Ackshutally, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are the biggest chunks of our National expenditures and hence our National Debt. The manual for filing Income Taxes show this.
Defense and Foreign Aid, though they deserve cutting too, are smaller.
When did Russia invade the west? Multiple invasions of Sweden and Finland, right up to 2 wars with Finland during WWII. Four partitions of Poland, plus the permanent occupation after WWII of Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Albania. Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania were never asked whether they wanted to be incorporated in either Tsarist Russia or the USSR.
If you want to complain about Napoleon's invasion of Russia, Russia sent troops to invade France in 1799; Suvorov's army marched across western Europe to northern Italy and Switzerland before they were defeated in Zurich. That is much further from Moscow than from Paris, and much further than any other troops of the Second Coalition marched against the French. Other Russian troops boarded British ships to join in an attempt to invade France through the Netherlands. The Russians also joined in the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Coalitions against Napoleon; although they never got so near France again, and lost every time, they were still sending the biggest armies on the longest marches.
The Tsar signed a peace treaty after losing the War of the Fifth Coalition, but it became shaky in just a few years. So Napoleon decided that since he couldn't march across the English Channel to invade his most persistent enemy, he'd eliminate his next worst enemy for good. It wasn't so far anymore; his troops could start out on the Russian border anywhere from Poland to the Balkans...
"They always cry the victim."
How antisemitic
Worth noting Lying Jeffy never responded.
That Austrian paper-hanging son-of-a-bitch was enabled by Stalin and Hitler making the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, so all of Russia’s deaths in WWII are at least half Stalin’s fault.
Also, not one U.S. or British service person died of starvation in WWII. Russian servicepeople starved to death by the millions because of Stalin’s agriculture programs keeping them poor and impoverished.
Russia’s suffering is more than anything the product of Russia’s leaders.
How does any of that negate the statement that Russia acted out of fear of European powers?
They didn't fear Hitler or Poland enough to keep from making The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact so that Hitler and Stalin could mutually pull Poland apart.
Nor did Russia fear Western powers so much that they refused money, credit, and resources sent or plundered from the West from 960 CE to the present, as documented in Werner Keller's book East Minus West Equals Zero.
Moreover, Russian neighbors weren't annexed by NATO, but joined willingly.
And who the Hell would fear France today with their never-fired-dropped-once WWII rifles?
Stick to punnery, Chumby. It's what you do best.
Moreover, Russia's neighbors joined NATO willingly, no doubt out of fear of a future resurgent Russia that never gave a Nuremberg trial to the Soviet Communists.
And the Sun never rises on the British Empire. And who the Hell would fear France nowadays with their never-fired-dropped-once World War II rifles?
Stick to punnery and Engineering, Chumby. These are what you do best.
Sorry for the semi-repetition. Handling posts with iffy Internet connection is not what I do best.
Free to overrun all of Eastern Europe, you mean. How much is Putin paying you?
I don't see it any time soon. The history of Russia is that of authoritarian government and conquest. Same old same old.
Correct Answer: I. Do. Not. Care.
Russia deserves Putin.
As a Canadian I'm having a hard time seeing how Putin is worse than Justin Trudeau/Christia Freeland.
As an American I have a hard time seeing how Putin is worse than the Bushes, Clinton, Obama or Biden.
They are ALL individually FAR worse than Hitler AND Stalin combined!
(Only Trump and Saint Babbitt can save us now! That's what the OnlyTrumpFans have told me... And I BLEEEEEVE!!!)
Hitler is about 1 month away from being cool again.
The radical far left Hamas-supporting progressives are already pushing Hitler as a role model.
Sad but true! And rather frightening!
That was Trump who was quoting Hitler, silly.
You are a fool.
Were any of the Bushes, Clinton, Obama or Biden ever secret policemen? Except for Biden, did they send political opponents to prison? Putin was a secret policeman, and still acts like KGB when running his country.
Trump has promised to imprison his political opponents if he wins the 2024 election.
You'll care if Putin threatens to send Nukes our way. Recall, we are no longer protected by two oceans.
I'd also care if he unleashed a horde of velociraptors upon us.
I'll wait for an actual threat to occur.
...and, mind you, WE are funding attacks on them.
Catherine The Great horse-fucker fucked horses! Putin The Great hearse-fucker fucks the hearses of all the people that He kills!
"Some called her the "Messalina of the Neva", while others termed her a nymphomaniac.[2] There is also a legend that she died while having sex with a horse.[3]"
Every tyrant who has ever lived, believed in liberty... For Himself, that is! https://www.azquotes.com/quote/137621
So YES! There WILL be freedom in Russia!
No, Russia will never be "free". They are not Westerners, even though they sometimes pretend.
You might be right. And we do need occasional reminders that many people do not want to be free, at least in a libertarian sense, including many in the US.
For most of the world, the deal-breaker for classical liberalism is tolerance. Having to accept your neighbors as equals even though they insist of living and believing differently from you is a hard sell. It's contrary to human nature and seems dangerous. The potential benefits are not easy to understand for people who have living memories of existential threats from "others", as most humans do. Most of the world would prefer the perceived safety of strong rulers who will enforce conformity and protect them from the "different" ones.
Everyone wants to be free. Many do not, however, want others to be free. Russia has never had the Enlightenment, where we learned to trade tolerance and live and let live for violence against others not like us. It was the turning point in history. The idea that others were not to be killed for the crime of being different was the beginning of a sort of adulthood for the human race. Now all that is needed is for the other 70% of humanity to realize it.
Thanks! Agreed! Sad to say, the fight is still strongly on-going among the 30%!
Much of this has to do with the intersection between tribalism and "do-gooder derogation".
The intelligent, well-informed, and benevolent members of tribes have ALWAYS been feared and resented by those who are made to look relatively worse (often FAR worse), as compared to the advanced ones. Especially when the advanced ones denigrate tribalism. The advanced ones DARE to openly mock “MY Tribe’s lies leading to violence against your tribe GOOD! Your tribe’s lies leading to violence against MY Tribe BAD! VERY bad!” And then that’s when the Jesus-killers, Mahatma Gandhi-killers, Martin Luther King Jr.-killers, etc., unsheath their long knives!
“Do-gooder derogation” (look it up) is a socio-biologically programmed instinct. SOME of us are ethically advanced enough to overcome it, using benevolence and free will! For details, see http://www.churchofsqrls.com/Do_Gooders_Bad/ and http://www.churchofsqrls.com/Jesus_Validated/ .
Then they crucified Jesus, 'cause Jesus made them look bad! ALSO because Jesus made them look bad FOR THEIR STUPID, HIDE-BOUND TRIBALISM! "The parable of the Good Samaritan" was VERY pointed, because the Samaritans were of the WRONG tribe, in the eyes of "Good Jews" of the day.
It's hilarious how people like you act enlightened and above "everybody else".
Eat a dick.
And it's why open borders ends the West. People simply don't want to be us.
Stop Asian hate.
Russia will be what it is. They will follow their own civilizational path as they are a part of Orthodox Civilization, not Western Civilization. They will never be Western (that ship sailed over a millennium ago); they have different values and societal structure. Far too many in the West seem to assume everyone is the same and values what they value. They don't. Our elites have made this mistake before with Islamic Civilization and with Sinnic Civilization. The best thing we can do is stay out and watch while tending to our own problems and our own self-created issues.
So what if someone had said that, 300-odd years ago, regarding the whole Enlightenment experiment in the West, just because past human history was completely the opposite?
Yes, it looks shitty for Russia now as it has in times past, but I say never say never.
"Two words I never use: 'trend' and 'predict.'"--Alvin Toffler.
Governments are a reflection of society, and Russia is a very low trust society.
A reflection of their days under the Golden Horde. Before the Mongols the Russian psychology appears to have been similar to the rest of Northern Europe.
Mongols, then Tsars, then Commies, and now Putin. The Russian people can't catch a break.
The US probably should have found a different puppet than Yeltsin to represent how western democracy is supposed to work.
Dash Cams for All.
Cathy Young is literally cancer.
Good to see Reason drop the veil and go full neocon.
Let's hope everyone that works for this totalitarian publication becomes a lamppost decoration soon.
Is there anyone at Reason you don’t want to murder?
Liz (hopefully).
You're not a true libertarian unless you join the Big Government Trump Cult and support isolationism.
Also, US support of NATO makes you a Neocon. Further, supporting a treaty that prevents Iran from building nuclear weapons makes you a warmonger.
Trumpism is the George Costanza opposite strategy of politics.
“US support of NATO makes you a Neocon”
You’re a Neocon because you support neocon principles and ideals, and push famous neocons here, and post links and citations from them.
"Further, supporting a treaty that prevents Iran from building nuclear weapons makes you a warmonger."
The CIA reported that Iran had resumed it's nuclear program immediately after the Obama administration paid it the money. It had no intention of keeping its word.
I know that you know this so why are you lying?
You're a liar.
The stench of Bush is all on you Republicans.
You're the liar.
Trump campaigned very publicly against Bush, the neocons and war. All your neocon pals you love to quote are ferocious NeverTrumpers.
Shrike is such a dumb cunt he literally equates being an anti-interventionist with being a warmonger Bush acolyte.
His use of big government trump cult while he defends Biden and the left at every turn is just hilarious.
Then his Soros support who wants government to censor and regulate everyone. Hilarious.
Open Society is the ultimate form of free speech, you moron.
That's like claiming Der Stürmer promoted racial harmony. Open Society has been funding half the "anti-misinformation" endeavors out there.
Why he spends billions of dollars, as you’ve been shown dozens of times, to censor people.
The only person you have tricked here is sarc.
Has "ties to" so and so?
Right-wing lies noted.
The ties are funding and working with dumbass. He didnt set up a corp himself to do it. He pays others to do his bidding. Just like the DAs and politicians.
Are you this dumb?
Sort of like how Fauci used Ecohealth Alliance to get around the gain of function research bans Obama put in place.
Has “ties to” so and so?
Open Society paying the bills is a little more than ties.
Lol, yeah, nothing says "big government" like not getting involved in internationalist organizations.
That treaty didn’t stop them from doing shit. Fuck, the previous treaty they were a party to didn’t stop them even with regular oversight visits.
The libertarian case for Western hegemony.
Young has always been a neocon. A fiscal conservative who dreams of empire is no libertarian.
But such a person is PERFECT for Reason and its billionaire supporters!
The country is dying, bleeding out in the streets. You wouldn’t know it because standing next to it’s slumped over body is a woman insisting the country is fine and not bleeding out, she almost went to medical school you know
Companies that suspended advertising on X/Twitter recently:
1. Apple
2. Comcast
3. Disney
4. IBM
5. Lionsgate
6. NBC Universal
7. Paramount
8. Warner Bros
Watch Apple’s stock prices tomorrow. Tim Cook reportedly got nothing from Emperor Xi.
The pulling of ads is allegedly due to X posting the J6 videos.
Is that the real story?
The excuse was "antisemitism"
I hope Musk sues each company that alleged his comment was antisemitic.
They need to learn not to play ball with Blackrock and Media Matters.
Musk has a much better case than just accusations that he made an "antisemitic" remark.
Media Matters sought out comments/posters that they alleged were "antisemitic" and repeatedly refreshing the page trying to get ads to show in those threads. They then used these appearances as "proof" that Disney/Warner/etc ads were appearing on "problematic" posts to lobby those companies to withdraw advertisements.
X has the data and the users' logs. The actual occurrences that MM were citing were something like 1 in 5 billion.
Switch it over to subscription only, no ads.
Problem solved.
Media companies haven't ever made money on subscriptions going back to the colonial era. They make money on ads.
It’s the future
You're assuming X's goal is to make money.
Media Matters created 3 accounts and followed 30 accounts similar to the ones in the article. They then constantly refreshed the timeline of posts (13X the number of ads served to this user as opposed to the median.) 50 impressions served agains the the content in the article, out of 5.5B served the whole day,
points to the fact of how efficiently our model avoids content for advertisers. Data wins over allegations.
The story was Media Matters creating an account to follow neo nazis then hitting page refresh thousands of times until they got an ad to pop up. Tomorrow morning will be fun.
Apparently, it may be worse than that. Media Matters may have photoshopped some of the images with the advertisers.
J6 has become the climate change of the political right. It can be blamed for anything!
Youre the one in denial that there is a very high difference between j6 defendants and every other fucking protest group put there. Palestine protestors have done the EXACT same the last few weeks multiple times, damage, assault, interrupting congress. The very charges against J6. 1 arrest. Already released.
This is why people call you a dem supporting statist. Biden is open with his goal of charging 2000 j6 protestors, the vast majority committed no violence or vandalism. And it is clear you support this with this comment.
This is an example of your fake principles.
Dude, take your assumptions and go play in the street. When you’re ready to respond to what I say instead of the voices in your head I’ll be here.
These implications in what I say that you dream up exist only in your dreams. Instead of telling me what you think I implied and arguing against it, perhaps try asking if that's what I really meant. You know, be a human being instead of a bag of dicks.
Did you read your fucking comment? It is a dismissal of the overbearance of the state. Just like you dismiss no bail for a year, solitary, shooting of an unarmed woman and mock people over things like 5 years for feet on desk.
Seriously youre a piece of shit. Justifying extreme measures by the state against people you perceive as political enemies. You have dozens of posts enjoying state abuse. Then you have the pathological urge to declare this a lie? Should I go post your comments again?
Never once have you stated the j6 protestors were being improperly charged or treated. Not once. Youre a statist when it comes to your perceived enemies.
I was responding to Nardz being fooled by Chumby’s blaming X’s problems on J6 videos.
As far as your post goes, there’s nothing there for me to respond to because you’re expecting me to defend arguments I never made.
Should I go post your comments again?
Go ahead. All you do is take things out of context and infer things that aren’t there. I actually feel sorry for you when you post my comments and claim they mean things that they plainly do not mean. Can’t figure out why you’re not embarrassed at your own stupidity.
Anyway, I'm done with this conversation.
In the future if you want me to actually argue and defend a position, try arguing against something I actually asserted instead of some moronic inference.
I didn’t blame the X walkout on J6, I indicated that this has been alleged.
Either way I thought it was funny.
Isn’t there literally footage now of the conspiracy occurring? In the form of the arrested man being taken inside, uncuffed, and then fist bumps his capital police Bros and hangs out a minute before jetting?
There is video of that. Seems like an eppsception to what typically occurs.
J6 has become the climate change of the political right. It can be blamed for anything!
J6 isn't "blamed for" anything. J6 is merely a symptom of far deeper problems among the federal bureaucracy and Democrats, and that's how conservatives and libertarians see it.
The stock price increased by one percent.
Hesham A. Ayyad claimed he was assaulted and hit by car by someone yelling anti-Palestinian slurs at him.
He was just arrested for staging his own hate crime.
Better luck next time, Hesham Smollet!
Yeah, that story smelled from day one.
I never once heard the names Mao or Lenin in public school. Only Hitler.
"I taught US history at public schools in one of the reddest states in the country
Every lesson was about racism, slavery, colonialism, and sexism"
What they are tearing down.
What they are erecting.
“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history."
- George Orwell
Musk endorses tweet claiming Jews stoke hatred of white people as ‘the actual truth’ After X user posts message that Jewish people push ‘dialectical hatred against whites,’ billionaire owner agrees with message, following it up with further attacks on ADL
Musk turning X-Twitter into Stormfront.
Advertisers flee.
Who is surprised?
Your party is marching nightly, killing and assaulting people, calling for genocide, etc. As soros funds them. Lol.
"From the river to the sea Palestine will be free!"
Free from what, Buttplug?
Its the far right and far left that hate Jews, you asswipe. You qualify and I don't.
Naturally as an atheist I tended to have more in common with Jews than I did Christians. I discovered as a teen that my heros were all Jewish (Bob Dylan and Albert Einstein most notable)
Free from what, Pluggo?
You truly are an idiot.
If there is one thing I have made clear here is that I hate Islam and Islamic theocratic states more than anything.
Fuck "Palestine".
Soros sure doesn't as he funds the groups.
Free from what, Pluggo?
From the river to the sea, Israel shall be free. Of barbarians. That want to murder it. And I'll have no trouble sleeping.
I am perfectly willing to live and let live.
I am also willing to murderfuck and let murderfuck.
Pick your poison, bitches.
Except that's not even remotely what the tweet said, and it looks like Musk is suing Media Matters for pushing that narrative amongst others.
For a guy who calls black supreme court justices and politicians "lawn jockeys" and assigns them minstrel accents, it's pretty gutsy of you to imply that post was somehow racist.
OP: “Jewish communties [sic] have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them.
I’m deeply disinterested in giving the tiniest shit now about western Jewish populations coming to the disturbing realization that those hordes of minorities that support flooding their country don’t exactly like them too much.”
Stinky: "You have said the actual truth"
Musky is suing Media Matters for what Trump would almost certainly call "free speech"...
I assumed Musk was talking about Jewish voters who keep electing Democrats, putting the party that hates white people in power.
In this never-before-seen footage of the January 6th insurrection, you can see capitol police officers fighting for their lives as the violent insurrectionists endanger American democracy in real-time
They deliberately hid these videos from the public and the courts:
Jan 6 defendants have long argued that the initial entrants were peaceably escorted into the building by Capitol Police, and therefore had no reasonable expectation that their conduct was unlawful
These videos, suppressed for almost 3 years, confirms it.
A fucking Celine Dion concert gets crazier than this.
Proof Jan 6th Was An Inside Job
Capitol Police Uncuff January 6th Protestor
He takes the handcuffs and then he gets a fist bump..
Who is he, and why was he released?
Do you not know, or are you just not telling us?
For a free country it’s surprising how many political prisoners we have.
Do you want Kizinger to cry? Shoeing the truth is what makes him cry.
And for sarc... facts changed! Nobody knew! You were still a conspiracy theorist!
Oh FFS. Not Douglass Mackey again.
Sure, he's a "political prisoner", because he committed fraud in a vote-stealing scheme.
I guarantee, if he had been a person who sent "memes" that impersonated an official Trump campaign notification, with the false message that voters could vote for Trump by text, you would be up in arms about it, ESPECIALLY if it happened in 2020, and then you would point to it over and over and over again as "election interference" and as one of the reasons why Trump lost and why isn't the corrupt FBI doing more about these real threats to democracy instead of going after parents protesting at schoolboard meetings.
And Tucker Carlson is such a dishonest shithead - "it could be you!", stoking unwarranted fear. Sure, Douglass Mackey "could be you", if you are also organizing a vote suppression scheme with your buddies using fraudulent messages to do so. Sure, what he did was no different than some boomer meme on Facebook complaining about Biden. Sure! No different!
Tucker is such trash.
stoking unwarranted fear
You guys arrested a Republican for posting the exact same thing as Democrats did before. Seems the fear is warranted to me.
You guys
not "you guys"
the exact same thing
not "the exact same thing"
try again
not “you guys”
You guys. You're pushing for internment for political speech and your complicit. It's not without basis that I call you a Nazi.
not “the exact same thing”
The exact same thing. Tell us how it is different aside from being aimed at Trump voters.
Yes it is without basis that you call me a Nazi. It is a lie. It is just an exercise in name-calling, and a particularly vile one at that.
You have a great deal of chutzpah getting upset that I or SBP might lie about your position on TikTok while repeatedly and continually lying about me in such a disgusting manner.
"Yes it is without basis that you call me a Nazi. It is a lie. It is just an exercise in name-calling, and a particularly vile one at that.”
I’ve given you half a dozen examples of where things you’ve advocated aligned with official Nazi policy including racial views, religion, economics and politics and never once have you said something like “Hold up, I don’t believe in corporatism”.
Probably because you are an actual Nazi.
“You have a great deal of chutzpah getting upset that I or SBP might lie about your position on TikTok”
I didn’t get upset. I completely expected it. That’s what you two freaks do, lie. That would be like getting upset that birds are flying and fish are swimming.
Chemleft should be beaten to death with a sledgehammer. And given the chance, I'd do it myself.
What's your address, fatfuck? (Not that I expect him to be any more honest about that than anything else he has ever said.)
I hope you die in a fire, and roast to death slowly, Chemleft. You deserve nothing other than inordinate screaming agony as your last hours.
How come none of the Democrats who used the exact same meme but for Trump voters BEFORE Mackey used it, were arrested or labeled as part of your "vote stealing scheme" allegations, Lying Jeffy?
In fact all their posts and shares are still up and not one of them was visited by the police.
Why is that?
Nope, not gonna play your whataboutism game.
Here is one of Mackey's memes:
Here is another one of his memes:
They shamelessly steal the IP from the Hillary campaign and they make it look like official campaign statements. These are not your typical boomer memes complaining about 'libtards'.
So, is it your position that free speech includes the right to steal the IP of others and to make false statements so as to deprive others of their right to vote?
It is the responsibility of the voter to vote how they will.
"whataboutism game"
Lol. I literally posted screenshot of a Democrat posting the exact same thing but with Trump instead of Hillary, and BEFORE McKay's post, but Lying Jeffy pretends it's somehow different.
And you aren't going to answer the question that I posed because you know that Mackey's conduct is indefensible on its own merits, and the only reason you support what he did is because it benefits your tribe.
“So, is it your position that free speech includes the right to steal the IP of others and to make false statements so as to deprive others of their right to vote?”
So are you admitting then that the original false statements that could theoretically deprive exquisitely stupid people of their right to vote is actually the intellectual property of the Democrats?
Sometimes you twist yourself in so many rhetorical knots you accidentally admit what you were trying to argue against. I wouldn't have even noticed if you hadn't tried to bring my attention to your idiotic question.
It harmed his political enemy. That is the difference for Jeff and others here.
"whataboutism game"
Otherwise known as "equal treatment under law".
Were those people arrested? How unjust!
Looks like the next brave new letter to the alphabet sex cult moniker is about to be added.
'Heavy petting': Princeton prof makes case for bestiality
That dude needs to be killed
Cultural conservatives in 2035:
"I'm okay with marrying your dog, it's puppyphilia that I'm against."
A beagle call for such debauchery?
Don’t be so catty.
They may get hounded for that.
Son of a bitch....
For the record, Pansexual does NOT include anything you fry in a pan!
LeVar Burton threatens violence against Moms for Liberty at book ceremony because of their opposition to porn in school curriculums.
Look at you, being so dishonest.
Moms for Liberty is going around banning books in schools for reasons that go far beyond 'porn'. But you know this.
Alright, shillbot. What are the other reasons?
...and cite them properly. No fucking unfounded allegations.
Also, do you agree with Burton about "throwing hands" against these women?
Here is one of the books that Moms for Liberty has banned.
You show me where the "porn" is in this book.
Show me where Mom's for Liberty banned it.
Not bitched that a story about child sex slavery is inappropriate for minors. Banned it.
Odd that a story declaiming child sex slavery would be your example, given your defense of fucking around with teens.
Where's the "porn" in that book, ML?
There isn't any, but even the publisher blurb says the subject matter is inappropriate for kids. Is Amazon "banning" it?
And where did MfL“ban” it, Jeff? You still haven't cited that they "banned" it.
Here is a list.
And now we get the lawyering about what is a "ban" and what isn't.
This is the discussion you want to have, because it lets you off the hook that you were lying from your original point that Moms for Liberty is only opposed to "porn" in schools. There is an example of a book that they want to see removed from schools, that has no porn in it.
They are not merely opposed to "porn". They are opposed to a wide range of books in schools that THEY deem "inappropriate".
It’s worse than that Jeff. By you and Newsweek’s definition of “banned” the publisher and Amazon are “banning” them too.
Publisher : Hyperion (April 1, 2008)
Language : English
Paperback : 263 pages
ISBN-10 : 0786851724 ISBN-13 : 978-0786851720
Reading age : 13+ years, from customers
Lexile measure : 820L
Grade level : 9 and up
Slaughterhouse-Five was a great book by the way, but schoolchildren shouldn’t be reading it, Lying Jeffy.
Did Amazon remove the book from its inventory? No.
Are you going to admit that you lied when you claimed that Moms for Liberty is only opposing books that have "porn"?
"Are you going to admit that you lied when you claimed that Moms for Liberty is only opposing books that have “porn”?"
Are you going to review the thread and then admit that you lied when you claimed that I claimed Moms for Liberty is only opposing books that have “porn”?
I know you're probably fifty-centing a dozen sites right now, but keep your head in the game here, Nazi.
But yes, it's primarily pederastic porn they're opposing, although as with Sold and Slaughterhouse5 they obviously want all the material in schools to be age appropriate.
You can enjoy Lady Chatterley's Lover and Hustler's How To Give Good Head in university Jeffy. It shouldn't be given to preteens. It's not "banning" to not introduce it into school curriculums, you sick fuck.
Now for old times sake, tell us all again about Snow White.
I'll stand up for Mom's For Liberty. LeVar can throw hands against me.
I don't expect him to survive.
Fuck off. I don't give a shit. You are on the side of the censors. I am on the side of free expression.
When have the book burners ever been on the right side of history?
Lol. So they are “opposing” books, not banning? Goalpost shift noted.
Look at the radical individualist go with his contempt for free speech!
I'm not the one demanding these books be taken out of libraries.
Neither are they. They're specifying school curricula and grade school libraries, not public libraries, you creepy fuck.
you are a joke
me: I’m not the one demanding these books be taken out of libraries.
you: Neither are they. They’re specifying school curricula and grade school libraries, not public libraries
Where did they ban it, you fat fuck?
The book "Sold" by Patricia McCormick contains sexual content, including scenes of a man attempting to rape the protagonist, Lakshmi, and her subsequent experiences in a brothel.
Interesting, just below it suggests similar books, one being “gender queer”.
Is Amazon wrong in this comparison?
Why don't you take it up with Amazon?
Probably because you're the one defending child porn, fat boy
That's a lie, I have never defended child porn.
Just the people who want to diddle children.
You lied when you claimed that I defended child porn. That was a vicious slander and you should apologize.
And I have never defended child molestation, you evil fuck.
Let's be fair—Jeffy advocates molesting children ONLY with the consent of the parents.
Not true. You conveniently ignore the rest of the discussion where I state that there is a limit to what parents may consent to on behalf of their children.
You conveniently ignore the rest of the discussion where I state that there is a limit to what parents may consent to on behalf of their children.
You have refused to say where you draw the line on what parents may consent to on behalf of their children, in that and other conversations. Clearly, deciding for one's children that they should be poisoned with puberty blockers and opposite-sex hormones and sexually mutilated with surgery is more extreme than just consenting on their behalf to a sex act.
Have I ever defended child molestation? Yes or no?
The answer is no.
And "poisoning" a child is also what happens with chemotherapy in the case of pediatric cancers, and no one would seriously claim that parents who consent to their child getting chemotherapy would also consent to child molestation. So no, you are wrong on this point as well.
And I have never defended child molestation, you evil fuck.
LOL, you literally whined that denying child molesters refugee status was "limiting their liberty." The evil fuck is the person who argues these people should be let in while providing limp-wristed euphemisms about "heterodox" beliefs.
Which one of us wants an active campaign of oppression against people with differing ideology? It's not me. I'm not the evil fuck.
Why do you think you deserve respect, Jeff?
You’re trash.
What does a nigger tell a chick with 2 black eyes?
Nothing, he already told her twice
Yesterday MLand Jesse supported a TikTok ban.
Where? The only tik tok post was citations for the data tik tok gathers.
So cite the post.
Under my 'Why do conservatives want to ban TikTok post' you listed a number of reasons besides LBEGTKXX hate that a ban would be effective.
Did you come out and say "I want to ban TikTok". - No. You did list reasons to do it in support of your conservative pals.
Cite the post. I mentioned tik tok once in response to sarc. So cite the post. I didn't even respond to you retard.
How do you lie even about simple things?
"Did you come out and say “I want to ban TikTok”. – No."
It's always innuendo and dogwhistles with you clowns.
Of course they did. They are "free speech absolutists" don't you know.
TikTok is reportedly collecting biometric data like fingerprints and face scans. That is not a good thing. Especially if they start selling that information to our government.
Apple and Android encrypt such data on the device such that it can't be exported. It's totally protected. If TikTok is collecting instead of protecting, then that is worrisome.
Hey he learned. Congrats.
It isnt just collection as you were shown. It is the sending it back to servers on China where every tech firm has to allow CCP access to the data.
Apple and Android encrypt such data on the device such that it can’t be exported
Would you like to buy a bridge in NYC?
Pluggo: "Yesterday ML... supported a TikTok ban"
Chemleft: "Of course they did."
Maybe you two lying chucklefucks want to post a link to where I said anything of the sort.
It was only yesterday so my posts aren't hard to find.
Why do you think you deserve respect, ML?
You're trash.
Shitty dodge, and why the fuck would I want "respect" from evil garbage like you? I wouldn't want Pol Pot or John Wayne Gacy's "respect" either.
But that's beside the point. You dodged because you two clowns were lying that I said I supported a TikTok ban.
Both you and Jesse lie about me all the time. Why shouldn't I treat you the same way that you treat me?
You obviously do not care about truth for its own sake. The only reason you call me a liar is the same reason that you call me a Nazi: as an exercise in name-calling. It's not an accurate description, it's just a weapon to be used against me.
So why shouldn't I play the same game with you?
Maybe you do want to see TikTok banned. Maybe you also have sex with goats while worshipping Satan. I don't know and I don't care. Maybe I should just continue to repeat them over and over again until everyone believe it instead of the truth. That is the ultimate tactic of your team, isn't it? The 2020 election was definitely stolen and the covid vaccine is far worse than the virus itself, and the 'proof' for these statements is that they have been repeated so often in the right-wing universe that they have achieved infallibility status. Right?
So tell me, ML, why should I give a shit about even attempting to represent your views accurately and honestly, when you don't lift one finger to do the same for me.
That’s an awful lot of invective to say that you and Buttplug lied about me supporting a TikTok ban and you won’t provide a link because you can’t.
Can't believe you admitted it though; "So tell me, ML, why should I give a shit about even attempting to represent your views accurately and honestly".
You'll be seeing that line again a lot in the future.
Are you going to provide an answer? Why should I even pretend to care about being honest with you? You lie about me all the time. You accuse me of horrible things. Why shouldn't I treat you the same way you treat me?
"Why should I even pretend to care about being honest with you?"
I never thought you did. This is exactly why we all call you Lying Jeffy.
You've never cared about being honest, but thanks for providing proof for the next time this comes up.
"You lie about me all the time."
How have I ever lied? I'd ask for proof but you've basically just admitted that you're only going to lie about it.
No, you are wrong. I have actually tried to be honest when dealing with you all. But I am wondering now why I even bother.
Where is your proof that I am a Nazi? You offer nothing but bald-faced accusations.
This is exactly why we all call you Lying Jeffy.
It is just a name-calling exercise, like calling me a Nazi. That is all. That is what it has always meant substantively.
People like R Mac will take my words intended as sarcasm, and interpret it literally, and then call me a liar over it. That is not a lie, that is his bad-faith interpretation of my words.
And you all do that over and over again, and my mistake was not challenging that meme often enough. And because it happened so often, then it became a Trump-like nickname of "Lying Jeffy". It's not true, but in your little right-wing universe, it became true because it was repeated so often.
I'm tired of the insults and I'm tired of the double standard. I'm tired of you continually lying about me and then jumping down my throat if I do make an honest mistake and calling me a liar over it. *As is what happened here*. I didn't remember who said what about the conversation yesterday, and it was totally believable that you wanted to ban TikTok. But at this point, frankly, I don't care.
The way I see it, you all are allowed to engaged in the absolute shittiest behavior, but I have to be on my absolute most perfect behavior, and if I deviate just a little bit, then it is no different than if I were a Nazi. It is unfair and I'm tired of it.
"Where is your proof that I am a Nazi? You offer nothing but bald-faced accusations."
YOUR OWN FUCKING POSTS you dishonest tit!
You've supported Critical Race Theory which word for word is Nazi Racial Theories with the villain swapped. It even features Rassenschande.
You support abortion and euthanasia policies that don't differ in substance from the Nazi Aktion T4 campaign.
You support evangelical church censorship right out of the Kirchenkampf campaign.
You espouse corporatist economics.
You support imprisoning political dissidents whether nonviolent J6 protesters or Douglass Mackey right in this very thread.
What else is that if not Nazism, and what are you if not a Nazi?
There you go, your bald-faced accusations.
Give proof for your claims.
Otherwise it's just another exercise in name-calling. More lies from you.
"There you go, your bald-faced accusations."
Point out which one you disagree with and haven't advocated, NaziJeff.
Chemleft Lying Fucktard needs a bullet in the head.
Yes, I mean you. You need to die. Eat a fucking round and become a corpse.
How about this, ML:
You provide proof of your claims.
You do this every fucking time. You make some accusation then you demand everyone else do the work to back up your claims.
Well, no. You really think I support Aktion T4? Then fucking prove it.
You literally argued for child molesters to be granted asylum, fat boy. You're hardly one to be getting on a high horse about anything.
Fuck you. My views are far more moral and humane than yours which wants to oppress and exclude anyone with heterodox views from your own.
Freedom doesn't require inclusion, so you are very wrong about your moral superiority.
Yeah, pedos like to couch their deviance in esoteric euphemisms.
“esoteric euphemisms” like individual liberty, yeah I know
and before any one of the clowns chimes in here, no I am not claiming there is a right to molest children. I am claiming that all human beings have inherent inalienable rights, even child molesters. Authoritarian assholes like RRWP doesn't recognize that though.
Wanting to molest little kids is hardly an expression of individual liberty, and pedophiles are evil fucks. Couching that predilection as a benign expression of individual preference simply gives the game away.
As I wrote:
no I am not claiming there is a right to molest children.
pedophiles are evil fucks
I agree, but even evil fucks have inalienable rights.
Couching that predilection as a benign expression of individual preference
Not what I said, liar. GFY
no I am not claiming there is a right to molest children.
But you have been clear that parents have an unlimited right to consent of behalf of their children.
I have never said there is an unlimited rightto consent. If you read further down in the discussion, I make it clear that yes, there is a line between what parents may and may not consent on behalf of their children.
So, Vernon Depner, since you were wrong about me, I will accept your apology now.
Yes, there is a line, and I don’t precisely know where to draw the line
You have refused to say where you draw the line on what parents may consent to on behalf of their children, in that and other conversations. Clearly, deciding for one’s children that they should be poisoned with puberty blockers and opposite-sex hormones and sexually mutilated with surgery is more extreme than just consenting on their behalf to a sex act. If you don’t draw the line before that, then I won’t make any charitable assumptions about where you would.
But you were wrong to claim that I supported an "unlimited" right for parents to consent on behalf of children. Just admit this.
State what the limit is, then.
First things first.
You were wrong to claim that I supported an "unlimited" right. Admit your error and apologize.
Your words and your omissions have spoken for themselves.
You are such an asshole.
I would just like to point out that when I made a mistake and misrepresented you, I was big enough to admit my mistake and make a correction.
And this was about *you*.
You made a mistake, just admit your error. Then we can move on.
Show that I am wrong by linking to the post where you stated what the limit is.
I already showed you where you are wrong by stating that there is a limit. You said “unlimited” and that is incorrect.
Just admit your error.
Or, I suppose, if you can't do that, you are admitting that I am more of a man than you.
Aaand Vernon runs away. Man what a coward.
He came here to try to score a cheap point, was shown to be wrong, and he couldn't face up to his own error.
I agree, but even evil fucks have inalienable rights.
They don't have an inalienable right to declare themselves refugees here. In fact, countries have a vested interest in not letting these people in.
Not what I said, liar. GFY
Your statement:
which wants to oppress and exclude anyone with heterodox views from your own.
Pedophilia is a "heterodox view" that should be oppressed and excluded.
Oh fuck you. When I refer to 'heterodox views', I'm not referring to goddamn pedophilia. I'm referring to statements of yours like the one below:
You've expressed this idea many times before and I think you full well know that that is what I was referring to above, not pedophilia.
So I recognize that even pedophiles have inalienable rights. Not the right to practice pedophilia, but the inalienable rights that every human being has. Part of being a libertarian is sticking up for the liberty of everyone, even people with disgusting beliefs. You on the other hand apparently view concepts like inalienable rights to be an 'esoteric euphemism'.
RRWP by his own admission wants to "attack, harrass, resist, and suppress" Marxists and communists - not their ideas, but the *people* themselves. He's an authoritarian asshole, trying to practice this same tactic on me - continually harassing me, bringing up irrelevant topics intended just to embarrass me, with the presumed idea that it would cause me to exit, just as he wants to do. That's his goal, that is why he acts the way he does. At least that is my hypothesis. Isn't that right? Isn't that why you continually lie and claim that I am pro-pedophilia even when you know that is not true, because you think that if enough people believe it, and/or if I get fed up with the accusation enough, that I'll be driven away and your tactic will work?
“So I recognize that even pedophiles have inalienable rights. Not the right to practice pedophilia, but the inalienable rights that every human being has.”
If they are convicted and known predators in their home countries, most normal people are going to question why they should be allowed in to this one.
If they are convicted and known predators in their home countries, most normal people are going to question why they should be allowed in to this one.
And my position has NEVER been that they should be automatically allowed in.
My entire point in the discussion on this topic was that when it came to matters of asylum and people fleeing oppression, what ought to matter are the actions of the OPPRESSOR, and not the OPPRESSED. Because if one were to claim that an asylum application should be denied because, even though the victim was legitimately oppressed, it turned out the victim had also done something bad, then it gives free rein to the oppressors that they are free to oppress people as long as they oppress the 'naughty' ones. It is in no small part blaming the victim for his/her own oppression. And that's not right.
I can understand why, in a practical sense, there may be more deserving candidates for asylum than others. But let's just keep the above issue in mind when discussing asylum.
Oh fuck you. When I refer to ‘heterodox views’, I’m not referring to goddamn pedophilia.
Fuck you right back, fat boy. You're trying this misdirection because you're an apologist for child molesters.
At least that is my hypothesis. Isn’t that right? Isn’t that why you continually lie and claim that I am pro-pedophilia even when you know that is not true
You support child molesters being let into the country. That makes you pro-pedophilia.
And my position has NEVER been that they should be automatically allowed in.
You literally whined that not letting them in was "limiting their liberty." Sorry, but it's in a nation's self-interest to not let in child molesters. We have enough in our schools to worry about.
RRWP by his own admission wants to “attack, harrass, resist, and suppress” Marxists and communists – not their ideas, but the *people* themselves.
Liberating tolerance consists of tolerance of movements from the right, and intoleration of movements from the left.
You’re trying this misdirection because you’re an apologist for child molesters.
That is not misdirection. That was the original intent of my statement. You are the one who attempted misdirection by claiming that what I meant by 'heterodox views' was pedophilia. No, it was what I quoted above - your 'liberating tolerance' of outright repression of people with ideologies you disagree with. It's downright authoritarian and fascist. That is you.
And this whole bit of accusing me of these horrible crimes is just one more tactic in your 'liberating tolerance'. It is a means to an end, which is to drive me away, isn't it?
You support child molesters being let into the country. That makes you pro-pedophilia.
You know this is a bullshit argument - supporting the right of Nazis to march in Skokie doesn't make one "pro-Nazi" or an "apologist for Nazis". Give it up, no one buys the bullshit you are selling.
They can’t help it. Their arguments fall apart so easily they all just lie constantly.
Except they didn’t and shrike is lying, like usual.
Moms for Liberty is going around banning books in schools for reasons that go far beyond ‘porn’. But you know this.
Good! The only books that should be in schools are those directly relevant to the curriculum, a curriculum that should not include sex or neo-Marxist history/social science/economics.
Add another hriible pro pedofile to the list of people to never support
Why do you think he needs that visor thingy to see, anyway?
Chemjeff chortles.
Girl Scouts To Host Training Sessions On ‘Internalized Racism,’ ‘White Supremacy Culture’
Is this a "how to" session?
Trump campaign defends "vermin" speech amid fascist comparisons
The big picture: Trump's increasingly violent rhetoric — calling for a U.S. military leader to be executed, mocking a near-fatal assault on a congressional spouse, urging police to shoot potential shoplifters — has become a staple of his brand as he faces the threat of conviction in four different criminal cases.
As Axios reported Monday, Trump's allies are pre-screening the ideologies of thousands of potential foot soldiers as part of an unprecedented operation to centralize and expand his power at every level of the U.S. government.
Power grab and putsch.
We get it. You got your act blue memo to push the Trump is Hitler story. Sure Biden has a red speech. Sure democrats constantly call half the country irredeemable. But you have your talking points.
Trump pals around with Nazis, not me.
Like who?
And as far as I'm concerned, your Klansman pals count as Nazis, Mr. "Lawn Jockeys".
In November, Trump dined with rapper Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, and white supremacist Nick Fuentes, both of whom have praised Adolf Hitler and denied the Holocaust. Last month, Trump’s campaign compared his federal prosecution connected to his effort to overturn the 2020 election results to Nazi Germany, a statement the ADL denounced as “completely inappropriate and flat out offensive.”
same link
Lol. Shrike thinks Ye is a nazi. Obama, Hillary, and other prominent democrats have had multiple dinners with Farrakhan.
"Kanye West iS a nAzI"
Okay Pluggo.
Now let's talk about the Democrats and Robert Byrd, Al Sharpton, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and Louis Farrakhan.
They’re all loathsome people – right there with Fatass Donnie.
I’m no Democrat and I never defend them. I defend the TRUTH.
Buttplug – Actually we are more energy independent now than with Trump (cites Fortune, Bloomberg, WS Journal)
buttplug – But it is the truth. I think facts matter
Right wing liar —– DEMOCRAT! COMMIE! MARXIST!!!!!
"I’m no Democrat and I never defend them. I defend the TRUTH."
Buttplug – Actually we are more energy independent now than with Trump (cites Fortune, Bloomberg, WS Journal)
buttplug – But it is the truth. I think facts matter
Right wing liar —– DEMOCRAT! COMMIE! MARXIST!!!!!
(for your database)
Why is there a 2 after your name?
Actually we point out which administration signed those leases and then point out Joe’s own policies limiting further growth you retarded fuck.
You know facts and not narratives. Who signed the leases leading to the growth shrike?
Not only is Plug a bald-faced liar, he lies by omission too.
"I’m no Democrat and I never defend them. I defend the TRUTH."
Goddamn man.
The most prominent nazis endorse Hillary. The Hitler was right posts are coming from leftist marches. Youre not fooling anyone dummy. It is the left calling for genocide.
Biden gives a speech that has fascist imagery.
Trump gives a speech that has fascist content.
Which is the one that Jesse criticizes more? Three guesses, and the first two don't count.
What "fascist content" was in Trump's speech, Lying Jeffy?
"We pledge to you that we will root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our Country."
Hold up. He pledged to root out the "Fascists that live like vermin", and you're calling him a fascist for it?
Are you sane?
It's the "rooting out" part and the dehumanization part.
Calling communists and fascists, the people who killed over two hundred million people in the last century, "vermin" is dehumanizing?
See, this again is why I call you a Nazi.
Sorry, but the Communists, Fascists and their fellow travelers dehumanized themselves, and pointing that out is never fascist, NaziJeff.
You complaining about this shows us all how evil you are.
Dehumanizing your opponents as vermin is literal Nazi propaganda.
“When the vermin are dead, the German oak will flourish once more.”
(You don't need to think too hard about who the "vermin" were in this context.)
It's the dehumanization and the collective guilt that is fascist. A communist living today is not responsible for the crimes of communists of the past, no matter how much we disagree with the communist's views.
No one "dehumanized" themselves. Trump did that, and you are enabling it. You don't have to be pro-communist to oppose dehumanizing communists.
That you defend such fascist bullshit is way more Nazi than I will ever be.
1. "Dehumanizing" is YOUR word here. Not mine. And I emphatically disagree that saying fascists "live like vermin" is dehumanizing. You're yet again dishonest in your assertion.
2. You're claiming that Nazi's and Stalinists never dehumanized themselves by their own behavior.
3. You're calling Trump a fascist for saying that Nazi's and Stalinists and their fellow travelers behave like vermin.
This is exactly why I say you're a Nazi, Jeff.
This is a joke. You are a joke, right?
You are literally going to argue against every single thing that I say, even if it means contradicting the dictionary itself.
Is a communist living today responsible for the crimes of the communists of 50-100 years ago? Yes or no?
The answer is of course no.
When Trump is referring to "the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our Country", is he referring to the ones from 50-100 years ago, or the ones living today?
The answer is "the ones living today".
And those people, who Trump is referring to as "the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our Country", are they American citizens?
The answer is - most likely, yes.
So Trump is taking a subgroup of American citizens within the country, the ones he considers his political enemies, he is dehumanizing them by comparing them to vermin - something that the Nazis explicitly did - and then you come along and try to defend his statement by attempting to apply standards of collective guilt to "the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs", that they "dehumanized themselves" by their own behavior, even though they were never responsible for the Holocaust or the Holodomor or any of the horrible things that Communists or Fascists did in the previous century, that they really do behave like vermin, and then you top it off and call ME a Nazi for daring to object to Trump's dehumanization and collectivization of guilt on an entire subgroup of American citizens.
Do I have that about right?
So according to ML, the "non-Nazi" thing to do is to take a subgroup of American citizens, dehumanize them, apply standards of collective guilt to them, accuse them of destroying the country, and pledge to "root them out". That is the NON-NAZI thing to do.
That is how ridiculous ML has become in his Chemjeff Deranged Syndrome brain.
Dehumanizing your opponents as vermin is literal Nazi propaganda.
The Nazis also literally made chocolate cake; that doesn't make chocolate cake a Nazi product.
You don’t have to be pro-communist to oppose dehumanizing communists.
I despise both communists and Nazis in equal measure. I would use the term "dregs" and "scum" to describe the followers of these ideologies, but "vermin" works as well.
to deprive (someone or something) of human qualities, personality, or dignity
Communists, fascists, Nazis, and socialists lack "human qualities" and "dignity"; you can't take something from them that they don't have.
It’s the “rooting out” part and the dehumanization part.
I have zero problem with dehumanizing communists, socialists, and fascists: people like you are the worst of the worst, Chemjeff.
Did jeff ever rationalize why Bidens red speech was just fine?
Jesse, why don't you respond to me directly, since you claim not to have muted me?
“…. mocking a near fatal assault on a congressional spouse…”
If you can’t mock underwear hammer boy, you have no sense of humor.
Classy. Probably reflects your views about the elderly?
There's a lot of violent rhetoric out there these days, mostly from pro-Hamas protesters.
Trump attacks 'liberal Jews' amid Rosh Hashanah holiday
As Jews all over the world this weekend celebrated Rosh Hashanah – the start of the new year and one of the holiest days on the Jewish calendar – former President Donald Trump accused those who did not support him in 2020 of voting “to destroy America and Israel" in a post on his social media platform.
“Next time you attack American Jews, think twice before about doing it on one of our holiest days. Your antisemitism is loud & clear,” wrote Rep. Jerry Nadler, a Jewish Democrat who long represented the most Jewish congressional district in the country. “And your fear of democracy supporters here & in [Israel] is showing because you [love] authoritarianism.”
Trump made that statement for JEXIT, a Jewish group that aims to encourage American Jews to leave the Democratic party.
Here's the actual Jexit post Buttplug’s Democratic Party propaganda link is complaining about:
JEXIT stands with President Trump! You want to know what President Trump did for the Jewish people and the State of Israel during his presidency?
Please share this with a liberal Jewish person who voted to destroy America & Israel and has no clue.
Watch how triggered they get. It’s so embarrassing to me that 74 percent of American Jews voted for Biden. #DISGRAZIA You don’t however have to send this to the wonderful Orthodox Jewish community because most know their history and support President Trump because they were not brainwashed by fake news media and know these facts listed below!!!
#1 Trump moves the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem which is Israel’s true capital. No other president had the balls to do it.
#2 Trump recognizes Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights.
#3 Trump recognizes Israel’s sovereignty over settlements in Judea & Samaria.
#4 Trump signs an executive order for Judaism to be a nationality in addition to a religion so it would fall under the category Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. That act prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color and national origin in programs receiving federal financial assistance. Institutions that violate Title VI may lose their federal funding. This means that BDS will have a hard time harassing Jewish students on college campuses.
#5 May 2020 – Trump signs the “Never Again” education bill into law which allocates millions of dollars to expand Holocaust awareness and create websites with curriculum tools for teachers nationwide.
#6 ABRAHAM ACCORDS! JEXIT stands with President Trump, and the Judeo- Christian principles America was founded upon, for such a time as this…. It’s time folks to #JEXIT
So Buttplug and Democratic Party functionaries are pretending that what Trump and Jexit posted is Antisemitic because it opposes Democrats.
You can’t make this shit up.
Meanwhile, black Republicans are “Lawn Jockeys”.
Always read Buttplug links, they’re self-refuting.
Meanwhile, black Republicans are “Lawn Jockeys”.
I never said that. I did say that Tim Scott was the lawn jockey of the Republican Party - a token lawn ornament to check that 'We got a black guy too' box for this cycle just like the other lawn ornaments like Flava Cain, Alan Keyes, and Ben Carson.
You see, I actually am opposed to affirmative action.
It's funny how you imagine we're not keeping receipts.
Sarah Palin's Buttplug 2 1 hour ago
Flag Comment Mute User
No, you’re a fucking snowflake who only gets offended when one of your Lawn Jockeys is criticized.
The leftists here can’t help but lie about literally everything. Jeff, sarc, shrike all lie. Then cry like little bitches we have been forced to bookmark their lies because they lie so much about their past statements.
They are truly pieces of shit.
I don't think sarc is a leftist, it just seems he hates most everyone here and it just so happens that all the people that also hate the posters are leftist.
"when one of YOUR lawn jockeys"
Thanks for confirming it.
This is all just kabuki theater on their part anyway. They aren't offended by the use of the term "lawn jockey". Look at kuckland above making a totally offensive n-word joke, where is their condemnation? Nothing but crickets.
They hold you, and me, and others, to a fake standard that they don't even believe in themselves.
Yes, and a guilty pleasure of mine is throwing their own rhetoric back at them and pissing them off.
I've never seen you throw anything other than more racist invective back.
Youre the only one here using the rhetoric dumbass. The KKK/DNC has a long an sordid history if attacking any minority conservative. Youre just the latest iteration. You and your ilk believe you own your votes. Biden was open about it even.
That would be because you, buttplug and sarc are egalitarians.
So then you agree with Buttplug that Black Republicans and conservative SC justices are "lawn jockeys" Jeff?
So then you agree with me that you don't really give a shit about epithets like "lawn jockeys", they are just fodder that you use to attack people you don't like? And that when people in your tribe use racial slurs, such as kuckland above, you happily ignore such things?
Nope, I decry actual racism, here and always have. Why wouldn't I? By your rules I'm not even white. But you sure as fuck don't seem to care when the guy yelling "lawn jockey!" or the hordes in the streets shouting "Kill the Jews" are Team Blue.
Idiot hypocrite.
Hmm. I still see zero responses from you under kuckland's racist joke above. Yet you go on and on about SBP's "lawn jockey" comment. Sure looks like a double standard to me.
You do not decry "actual racism", you use racist comments as a cudgel to beat your opponents with.
I’m not seeing it. Give us a link if you're not lying.
"you use racist comments as a cudgel to beat your opponents with."
Stop making racist comments and I lose my cudgel. It's that easy.
I’m not seeing it.
Bullshit. You're not even trying.
Stop making racist comments and I lose my cudgel. It’s that easy.
LOL. I'm not making racist comments and yet you still accuse me of being a Nazi. So obviously you are lying. You just call people names and make shit up about them and then have the gall to get on your high horse if someone makes an incorrect statement about you. You really are an asshole and a piece of work.
Jeff's team is open with their racism. They shout it loudly whenever a minority walks off their plantation. They advocate race based policies. They advocate segregation.
But jeff hates that. He wants to project his and his teams racism to others. So he calls racism to be hidden such as with societal racism and disparate impact. While he ignore the actual racism. His side has to constantly create rate hoax crimes as well while ignoring their own sides open statements.
Bullshit. You’re not even trying.
Give me a link and I’ll condemn it. How come you won’t?
LOL. I’m not making racist comments and yet you still accuse me of being a Nazi.
You were most certainly defending racist comments. Do you disagree that calling a black supreme court justice and black Republican politicians “lawn jockeys” is racist?
This is why I call you a Nazi.
God you really are a lazy fuck.
Prediction: You will lawyer the hell out of it trying to argue how it's not really racist. Even though it is, and you know it. Because it's your team that you are defending.
You were most certainly defending racist comments.
That's a lie. I'll add that to the huge list of lies that you tell about me.
This is why I call you a Nazi.
You call me a Nazi as an exercise in name-calling. Still waiting on your proof.
And just to review:
I'm not making racist comments.
I'm not defending racist comments.
ML lies about me doing both, and calls me a Nazi anyway.
He's going to call me a Nazi no matter what, because that is what he does. He's a shameless liar who just trolls and name-calls.
He's like yogi Berra "I never really said all those things I said before"
A true anti-Semite wouldn't care if the Jews in question were liberal or conservative, would he?
Trump is not a "true anti-semite" in the same way he's not a true racist or white supremacist: he simply doesn't care enough about any ideology, philosophy or ethos.
He's an orange supremacist, and that's all he will ever be.
Russia will win, Zelensky gets the axe, sanctions are dropped due to the desire for cheap oil and gas.
This will be the outcome.
The pentagon is buying Russian oil. Skirting the sanctions they imposed
Well, this is bullshit.
Florida passes law exempting DeSantis' publicly funded travel records from public scrutiny. Now it is being challenged in court.
TikTokers Discover Osama bin Laden's Letter Justifying 9/11, Decide They Agree With Him
If you kids think Bin Laden made some good points, wait'll I tell you about a vegetarian former art student with an ironic mustache whose impassioned manifesto about the Zionist oppression of his people sparked a worldwide movement
(h/t iowahawk)
Was listening to tim pool yesterday, so this is from him. But he generally has citations for his statements.
Apparently the day after oct 7th the posts were 10 to 1 pro Israel vs pro hamas. The very next day the prevalence switched. Seemingly pointing to an algorithm change.
I was thinking that post came from the Babylon Bee or the Onion, but once again, it's real.
Looks like the governor's wife is the leading candidate for Senator from New Jersey.
She's a Democrat but a former Republican so she may be the least insane option of the bunch.
And it looks like the "least insane" potential presidential candidate is Joe Manchin among the whackjobs, senile goats, and criminals slated so far - Donnie touches all three categories).
I'm no fan of Manchin but he represents more Americans than the others do.
Yeah I would take Manchin over Trump or Biden.
In a shock to nobody shrike wants a Democrat to win.
Will he rail against Manchin for being the deciding vote on the IRA. Nope. But will still do so for any conservative backed spending. Principles and all.
there are no "least insane" Republicans to choose from.
first- the Big Lie must be acknowledged but Romney isn't running.
Which big lie would that be?
That shrike isn't a far left democrat.
The Big Lie rhetoric originated with Hitler in Mein Kampf where he accused the Jews of propagating “the Big Lie” in order to force German surrender in WW1.
Of course Buttplug and the Democrats are going to pick the rhetoric up and accuse Trump supporters of propagating “the Big Lie” too.
You couldn’t make this shit up.
The "big lie" Trump was accused of was for saying that the 2020 election might not have been fair and free from interference and shenanigans. So basically the same thing Clinton said about 2016.
Only Hillary didn't have ~50 Intel agents saying they lied to protect her opponent
Nothing about it being "stolen", apparently!
Rob Misek approves.
The US fucked up Russia's brief flirtation with democracy when its puppet turned out to be a massive blotto drunk who couldn't maintain the rule of law, while subsuming Russian interests to western cosmopolitans who saw the country as a piggy bank and social engineering lab. So the Russians turned to Putin since he could at least keep the dysfunction manageable while promoting Russian nationalism.
To be fair, trying to find a Russian leader who wasn't a massive blotto drunk is no small task.
True, but even the tsars tended to show more self-discipline on that front than Yeltsin managed.
There are about 150 million people in Russia. They deserve liberty as much as the rest of the world.
Perhaps a disintegration of the Russian Federation into smaller states would be a better option in the long run when it comes to liberty, I don't know. It doesn't seem like the centralized model from Moscow has worked very well for, say, the past 500 years.
The US should largely stay out of the way, and at most try to nudge Russia in a direction towards greater liberty. Once this war with Ukraine is concluded - which hopefully will be soon - and Putin is out of the way, one way or another, only then can any meaningful progress be made it would seem.
Petrograd/St. Petersburg was the capital of tsarist Russia. Lenin moved the capital to Moscow in 1918.
Thank you for the correction.
Dissolving the USA into its constituent parts might be better for liberty here, too. At least then California and Illinois and New York would be the only ones who end up paying for their ill-conceived governance.
It could be, in some places. In others, it would just enable the extreme left or extreme right to take total control free of any oversight whatsoever.
At a minimum I do think a renegotiation of the basic federal structure of the USA is long overdue.
Balkanization of the US is something being discussed in circles looking at the decline of the empire.
Looks like Oregon is going to revisit its drug decriminalization law.
Will they find a happy medium?
Well, I did note from the article that the whole citation/counseling mechanism of the law appears to be completely worthless. The drug users who are cited don't go to counseling. Maybe that is a good thing, maybe that is a bad thing, I am not sure. But that part at least probably needs to be revisited.
Another big issue appears to be the open-air drug usage part of things. I imagine this is partly because of the novelty of it all.
What do Donald Trump and Homer Simpson have in common?
So, the Republicans are having a difficult time getting their messaging straight on the important topic of whales.
On the one hand, one group of Republicans is accusing Biden of favoring the interests of whales over the interests of oil & gas developers in the gulf.
On the other hand, another group of Republicans is accusing Biden of killing whales by installing wind power farms in the ocean.
So, Biden (and Republicans) are both simultaneously pro-whale and anti-whale.
It’s not inconsistent to point out that the supposed “save the environment” measures are killing wildlife and harming the environment.
Well, if you read the article, those two groups are referring to two separate incidents.
Things are not looking good for Team Blue.
Biden had better hope this Israel-Hamas war ends very soon. Imagine what the DNC National Convention looks like if the war is still going on at that point. It would make 1968 look like a Boy Scout picnic.
The Dems will have a hard time holding their coalition together once everyone is aware that the far left wing of it supports a far right terrorist group who wants to exterminate people on the moderate left who long supported the Dems, and who would crack down mercilessly on the pro-tolerance crowd.
Yeah you already hear the chatter about how Biden is in trouble because his "young base" is much more on the pro-Palestinian side of things (not necessarily pro-Hamas though).
Eh, not sure how keen I am on this plan.
If the visa applicants haven't been even accused of a crime, let alone charged, then I am not sure what the basis should be for denying them a visa. Seems like a violation of due process.
If the visa applicants haven’t been even accused of a crime, let alone charged, then I am not sure what the basis should be for denying them a visa. Seems like a violation of due process.
Let’s give Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Lebanon a call, just to name a few. I wonder what their disposition is about Palestinian refugees?
Visa requirements are not just criminal violations dumbass. I gave you the links to the conditions just a week ago. You commented on it.
So this is you pushing a narrative and feigning ignorance. It is a well established condition to not be a part of or support terrorist organizations as a condition of a visa. It includes monetary support and has been used for decades to include public and open support. Even Bidens DHS admits this. It isnt a novel interpretation of conditions.
This is too funny.
First, you do realize that Biden's proposal here is to keep out the Jewish settlers who are allegedly instigating violence against Palestinians, right? It's not about keeping out the Hamas terrorists per se. But you have such a bad case of Chemjeff Derangement Syndrome that you immediately leapt to criticize me even though I imagine we are probably on the same side of things here.
Second, I am "pro-open-borders", remember? (Not really, but that is how you label me.) So why would I be bothered with pesky visa requirements of existing law? This is more a case of confusing "is" with "ought to be". So let me rephrase my objection then:
If these applicants haven't been charged with a crime, then even if they are ineligible under current law, then maybe they shouldn't be.
For the past decade or so, under Putin's authoritarian rule, Russia has been a superspreader of global anti-liberalism. Now the war in Ukraine has dramatically reduced Moscow's influence by severely damaging its image, its international standing, and (thanks to Western sanctions) its economic reach.
What in the hell news is Cathy Young reading?
The reality is literally the opposite Young's depiction. Even western media outlets are begrudgingly admitted that sanctions have failed utterly-- not a single drop of Russian oil has sold below the $60 cap set by the Western countries, its economy is doing quite well as economic power shifts from Western de-industrialized countries to the eastern hemisphere. Russia and China are making economic deals with Brazil, various countries in Africa, mending fences in the middle east. The list goes on. It sounds like she's on Anthony Blinken's Journolist listserve.
With the outcome of the war still uncertain, predicting the fate of the Putin regime and of Russia is necessarily speculative.
And here, like the Biden administration neocons, she continues to tie in the fate of the Ukraine war with Regime Change in Russia.
This whole article reads as if it was written by Pussy Riot's publicist.
Pretty much my take. Russia is doing just fine. The reality is that the neocon freakout has led to a major geopolitical realignment the does not benefit the Biden regime and their NATO butt boys. Russia, China and the BRIKS 11 are ascendant. The Saudis won't even pick up the phone when Brandon calls. Good bye Petro Dollar. Europe is twisting in the wind. Ukraine has already lost the war. Putin will get exactly what he wanted, the Donbas. And more if he wants it. The only alternative is WW3 and the end of the US empire. Sooner than later. I'd say Cathy is living in a bubble but it's more like a hot air balloon.
Also the Ukraine is a bastion of liberal beliefs, they consolidated all media into 1 state media, banned religion, baned opposition parties, and stopped elections
Well, Putin has managed to single-handedly expand NATO.
The war has been at a standstill for months. All of the death and destruction is pointless now. It's a good thing that the initial Russian invasion was effectively repulsed, but both sides are better off negotiating an armistice now.
Armistice? Are you calling it a “war”?
I'm not sure legally recognising the illegal spoils of conquest is very 21st century.
A sad story of father and son and Jan. 6. Worth reading the whole thing.
Is it as sad as people being imprisoned on false charges while the DOJ prosecutors, Pelosi and the J6 committee sat on evidence they knew would explicitly exonerate them?
Not false in this case. It seems he went there for a protest and ended up in a riot. Now he's paying for it.
Putin is a man in his 70's and he may live quite a bit longer, but the downside of being a dictator is that there is no retirement system. When he starts to show vulnerability, he is dead. I suspect his successor will start reforms until he has consolidated power. It is in that window between taking power and firmly establishing it that the people of Russia have a chance to get more freedom. The west should be ready to help do what we can. Russia has a large well-educated population that lack jobs and a good economy. If the west can help here we could see a roll back of authoritarianism in Russia.
In the US you just pick someone no one wants as your designated successor, like Dan Quayle or Kamala Harris.
Generally speaking, the designated successors in the US have done a pretty good job. Harry Truman or Theodore Roosevelt for example. The difference in authoritarian countries is that the leader often fears the successor rather than embracing them.
What did you do to level up today?
I listened to the 2023 remix of The Beatles' blue and red greatest hits albums. Even better than they were before.
Milei won, and it wasn't even close!
We know what Reason will be talking about come Monday.
He gets the label "Far right" from folks like CNN. I assume that's because he's minarchist and liberal. I hope he works out for them. 100% inflation is pretty dire, makes people feel helpless and unable to see a future for themselves.
Well, here it is after 8 AM EST and still not. But commentary elsewhere on Milei all connects libertarians with Trump, so it's even more egregious that HyR bloggers don't make that connection. Maybe now they'll have to acknowledge it a little.
How will they try to deny it? By saying Milei and his observers are all wrong about his being libertarian? Or by saying he's not Trump-like and that the favorable words exchanged publicly between him and Trump are a smoke screen? Or that MAGA is completely different depending whether the first A is for Argentina or America?
We will see what happens. He's made a lot of promises, and some of them are rather outlandish.
Yeah, and the press calls him a "far-right libertarian," while his socialist/nationalist mainstream opponent is "center-left."
I guess there's a blueprint now for a libertarian to win the presidency in the US: drive the economy into the ground with unchecked government spending, runaway inflation, and crushing debt. Looks like we're on track.
“This vote just reeks of desperation. A lot of Argentines voted knowingly against their economic interests because they recognise that the status quo is catastrophic. And there was no reason to believe that the current finance minister could plausibly be the answer,” Gedan said. “It’s a huge gamble but not a completely irrational one.”
Yeah, "voted knowingly against their economic interests" -- I think they knew those interests had already been ruined by the status quo.
Let's check in on the open borders crowd
Let's be clear: Le funny memes aside, Milei is a fascist and populist who opposes abortion rights (including for rape) and sex education in schools, promotes COVID conspiracies & anti-vaxxerism, and wants to dismantle Argentine public science institutions.
[Thread- this soy is really, really upset]
Milei is a fascist
He was running against an actual Peronist.
As for the rest, my (admittedly US centric) media filter ingests these terms and sees someone who doesn't want abortion until birth and transgender indoctrination in schools. Likely thinks things like the lab leak theory might be possible and that requiring a vaccine rather than allowing someone to choose is a violation of bodily autonomy. Thinks politicizing science is a bad thing.
I could be wrong. Maybe Hank actually makes sense and I'm the crazy one. What's Spanish for "Comstock?"
Javier Milei has won the presidency of Argentina.
Let the fireworks begin!
Good. Now you can move there and rid us of your presence.
Eighty years ago today, Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address. Worth re-reading.
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
80 years ago today? Lincoln must've been really late! That bullet really slowed him down, should've retired.
Sorry ,that should have been 160 years.
Since no one has said it, I will and hope to start a chorus:
Fuck Vlad Putin!
Fuck Joe Xi zelenski putin who-ever-is-getting-paid-in-iran if you think there's a difference your an idiot
I can go along with that too.
That Cathy Young is a contributing editor to Reason speaks volumes about the decline of this publication. This article is filled w/neocon fantasy: Ukraine might win & the outcome is in doubt, Putin may be overthrown, Russia may disintegrate, if “we” don’t win Russia may rebuild the USSR. No mention of the ineffectual sanctions, the diplomatic failure of the US to bring most of the world along with it, the eroding credibility of the USD as a reserve currency by the sanctions overreach, blah, blah, blah.
For her history began 2/24/22 with zero provocation by US/NATO (yes Russia committed int’l law violations & war crimes). No mention of US failure to take Russia’s security concerns into account before the war and the US rejection of an acceptable deal in March of 2022.
All most unserious and proposing a policy stance of US political & economic hegemony (it’s called imperialism Ms. Young). This belongs in National Review, and she should never have been platformed in a libertarian publication. In fact this is the worst thing I have seen published in Reason in over 40 years of reading this magazine.
The mere handle "Believe and Obey" makes my Spidey-Senses tingle, my teeth clinch, and my dick itch. Maybe you should go to NR or some other manmade Hell, it makes no difference to me.
Russia has always instilled distrust between its people and its government. If you think your neighbor, your family member, your co-worker, the stranger in the street is going to turn you in to curry favor with the government, you're not going to establish the trust that permits mutually beneficial commerce, a healthy community and freedom.
China has the same problem.
Developing trust among people is the minimum requirement for freedom and then a prosperous society.
US $27 trillion, China $18 trillion, Russia $1.8 trillion.
So why do we care about a shrunken turd like Russia? Their nuke forces are as rusty and inconsequential as the rest of their military.