Tonight on The Independents: Mike Riggs on Drug-sentence Clemency, Garrett Quinn on Boston Security, Ben Powell on Sweatshops…Plus Drone Killings, More 9/11 Conspiracy Talk, and Sexy After-show!
Monday's live episode of The Independents (9 p.m. ET, 6 p.m. PT, on Fox Business Network) will feature maiden appearances on the program by two semi-beloved members of the Reason extended family: Former stafferMike Riggs, and contributor/Masshole Garrett Quinn. Riggs, now at Families Against Mandatory Minimums, will talk about the news that the Obama administration is considering a significant (and significantly overdue) mass clemency to "hundreds, perhaps thousands" of people locked up for non-violent drug crimes. Quinn will talk about beefed-up security at today's Boston Marathon, a year after terrorism maimed dozens at the finish line.
The Party Panel tonight, composed of National Review Online contributor Deroy Murdock and Fox News contributor Santita Jackson, will talk about the foul comment from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) that supporters of the Bundy ranchers are "domestic terrorists," and then they will discuss whatever YOU, the people with the Facebook pages, decide between the following two topics:
Chicago Public Schools introducing Afro-centric curriculum or the 16-year-old who flew to Hawaii in a plane's wheel well. LIKE if you vote Afro-centric curriculum or COMMENT if you want to hear about the teen stowaway.
The Free Market Institute's Ben Powell (watch his Reason TV interview here) comes on to discuss his new Cambridge University Press book Out of Poverty: Sweatshops in the Global Economy. And Kmele Foster will have some thoughts about what happens when you challenge (his political hero) Ron Paul about publishing 9/11 conspiracy stuff.
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