I Say Tomato, You Say No
Why does it seem like local government officials are competing with each other to see who can implement the most obnoxious rules against people in their respective communities growing food?
With summer now upon us, gardening season is in full swing. And that can only mean it's time for local government officials around the country to try to outdo one another when it comes to preventing everyday people from growing fruit and vegetables in their own yards.
If the proposition that squads of busybody, anti-gardening bureaucrats are waiting in your thicket, ready to pounce on the pecks of peppers you might have tended in your yard sounds like hyperbole, then you clearly have not been paying attention to the news. In years.
Last summer an Oak Park, Michigan, woman faced more than three months in jail for keeping a well-manicured edible garden in her front yard. Oak Park officials charged Julie Bass with a misdemeanor because in their opinion Ms. Bass's tomatoes and vegetables did not meet the city's definition of "suitable live plant material." The city eventually dropped the charges.
Last month, Newton, Massachusetts officials brought the hammer down on a town resident whose handsome hanging tomato garden ran afoul of a city building ordinance prohibiting the construction of "swing sets, swimming pools, or sheds" in a front yard.
"It's a straight-out violation of the ordinance,'' said John Lojek, the city's commissioner of inspectional services, at the time. (If "inspectional" is a typo, then it is one that appears to be repeated all over officialdom in Massachusetts.)
Faced with the prospect of dismantling the structure, the resident, Eli Katzoff, sought a path to legitimacy.
But Lojek stood firm. "There's no path for them.''
Lojek was right--in practice though not in principle. Katzoff was forced to move his plants to the grounds of a nearby theological seminary.
The Boston Globe characterized the move as a sign of "[d]ivine intervention."
The seminary's president took a slightly more secular (and less sanguine) view, calling this a case of "the down side of zoning." And, he wondered, "Who can be against tomatoes?"
Bureaucrats, that's who.
While Oak Park and Newton are wealthy suburban enclaves, urban and even rural home gardeners are not immune to the flowering cruelty of local bureaucrats.
Take Denise Morrison of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Last summer Tulsa code enforcement officers went onto her land and literally ripped out Morrison's edible garden.
According to reports, the ordinance at issue stated that "plants can't be over 12-inches tall unless they're used for human consumption."
Morrison, who was unemployed at the time, consumed the wide variety of plants she grew—including "lemon, stevia, garlic chives, grapes, strawberries, apple mint, spearmint, peppermint, an apple tree, walnut tree, pecan trees and much more."
Last week Morrison fought back, filing a civil rights lawsuit against the city.
Meanwhile, an Illinois woman is currently fighting county officials who won't permit her or her neighbors keep farm animals on their… farmland.
Kelli Otting's garden on her one-acre property hasn't run afoul of the county, but her wish to raise chickens and goats on her farm—located in a rural, unincorporated part of downstate Illinois—has met opposition from the county land commission.
While Otting's struggles raise the sometimes controversial issue of backyard chickens clucking in urban areas, the general hurdles faced by Otting, Morrison, Katzoff, and Bass—and by thousands of others around the country who simply want to grow their own food—can be blamed on local zoning boards run amok.
Zoning is intended—say its proponents—to prevent nuisances from arising. But when zoning itself becomes the nuisance, and when it gets in the way of people using their own property how they'd like--and exactly no one is made better off, save for the bureaucrats who make and enforce the ordinances--then that piece of zoning must fall.
Decades before First Lady Michelle Obama planted a highly visible garden on the White House back lawn, then-First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt's efforts to plant a similar garden met with resistance from her own husband's Department of Agriculture, which Time magazine reported (subscription) at the time was "skeptical of amateur farmers."
That attitude—having spread like a weed through zoning and code-enforcement rules that stretch across America—is one worth combating.
Baylen J. Linnekin, a lawyer, is executive director of Keep Food Legal, a Washington, D.C. nonprofit that advocates in favor of food freedom—the right to grow, raise, produce, buy, sell, cook, eat, and drink the foods of our own choosing.
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SHouldn't someone check to see how the White House is zoned?
I just did. It has an unusual zoning designation of "Fuck You, That's why," which is how much of the DC area is zoned.
I was just about to check that now...
Interesting. The White House sits in an area that is designate as "Unzoned." Guess you can put anything you want on it then.
Unzoned = Fuck you, that's why.
How much more of DC is "unzoned," since our betters can do whatever the fuck they want?
I live in the one part of California where they wouldn't dare come after someone with a garden in their front yard. If there's a single square foot of land someone can plant on, the city and county cheer them on.
Now, on to the livestock issues. I live within a mile of a small dairy. Less then 5 miles away, there are many feed lots with in excess of 5,000 head of cattle at any given time. But the city says it's illegal for me to keep my 8 chickens in my back yard. Fortunately, they haven't come calling yet because none of my neighbors has complained, although the stupid-ass HOA I'm stuck in (we rent ATM) threatened to let the city know...until I pointed out to them that the sidewalks aren't ADA compliant, they are responsible for mending my fences and they owe me or my property owner compensation for cutting trees in our yard and leaving the mess for me to clean up and mulch, which I would be happy to bill them for. Of course, it's one of the few areas in California that is not controlled by Team Blue and has a bit of a libertarian streak in it.
Nope, the biggest fear I have is the stupid fucking dog we got a month ago. I thought I had taught her to leave the birds alone and she had not bothered them for days. But last night, I had her out in the yard with the hens and she killed one of them. I would have been OK with it if it had been one of the ones we bought full-grown, but she killed one we bought at less than a week old and my daughter raised for 3 months.
Try explaining to a 14 year old girl that is emotional about everything, that it's a bad idea to go to the back yard because something she raised almost from an egg is lifeless and has a dog with her tail wagging standing over her.
Oh, and Banjos' infinite wisdom, we now have six new one week-old chicks in my daughters room under the lamp so we can start the process over again. What the fuck am I going to do with 14 fucking birds in my back yard in another 6 weeks? Seriously, what the fuck was she thinking?
What the fuck am I going to do with 14 fucking birds in my back yard in another 6 weeks
Sounds like fido will take of that for you.
That dog kills another bird, we take a ride in the country and I come home by myself.
Why don't you have the dog in another area of the property? He is doing what comes naturally.
The yard layout has made that difficult, but I'm gonna fix it today.
yep. you need to find a home for that dog and get a new puppy. if he grows up with the chickens he won't mess with them.
"What's the matter, sloopy? Wasn't birdie for me?" -- Bow-Wow
"And as long as you're up, get me another. This one's broken."
Dog over chicken, no way. What kind of dog is he?
In the dark of night, slip out with some of the birds and leave them in your neighbors yards, the one's you don't like.
Then call the police.
I was thinking that we have 6 hens that are near the end of their laying cycle and that we needed to start replacing them before we stop receiving eggs. Well that and your emotional and sweet daughter wanted new chicks to raise and now has something to focus on instead of dwelling over her dead chicken.
You need to change your name to Nostradamus or Miss Cleo then, because you bought the chicks before the the dog killed the other bird.
What are you going to do with them? Good grief sloopy.....
We got them for the eggs, man. If we wanted birds for food, no way in hell would I let my kids raise them. You gotta do that with a calf if you're gonna go down that road. Introduce them to the yummy business of veal processing.
I gotta get a bigger place and a cow.
When I was a kid we got 100 chickens each spring and it was my job to feed, water and try to keep the predation to a minimum (lots of coyotes, foxes and other critters).
I HATED those f-ing chickens. Nothing made me happier than when we chopped the heads off them in the fall. Of course those little bastards managed to have one last day of revenge with me having to pluck them all day.
I still won't eat chicken to this day because of all the summer vacation hours that they stole from me.
It absolutely stuns me that your daughter actually cares about the bird.
I also had to do that as a kid - feed during the summer and pluck in the fall. I, however, happily eat chicken.
Sloopy - wouldn't your daughter be even more upset if you killed her dog? I always chose the dogs and cats over the stupid chickens.
IME once a dog has a taste for chicken it's over. He'll be in the front seat of your car waiting for you to take him to KFC.
The real problem is he's got the taste for blood now.
No stopping it, sooner or later he's going to come after you and your family.
Now, on to the livestock issues. I live within a mile of a small dairy. Less then 5 miles away, there are many feed lots with in excess of 5,000 head of cattle at any given time.
I thought you were a denizen of P-town? Or are you over the hill towards Fremont?
No, the company is HQ'd in P-town, but we're down in Visalia. Shit, if I had to live up near the bay, Gilroy or Watsonville is about as close as I could go on the south side.
That's the first order of business with an HOA. Figure out where they are fucking up, write it down, and keep it in your pocket. Make it expensive to fuck with you, and they'll fuck with someone else.
What's crazy is that I'm in the middle of LA and I can have as many hens as I want, just no roosters.
Really? And that same county won't let people actually build farms in Antelope Valley. Jesus, LA is schizophrenic.
There are so many people with chickens here on the eastside that there is a woman down the street from me know as "The Chicken Lady" who boards chickens for people on vacation.
Take away the live chickens in North Mexico and the Rodney King riots will look like a walk in the park. Not to mention that might be a civil rights violation. Brown people and all. They don't want to touch that shit.
True enough, but our chicken lady wears horn rim glasses has a Betty Page haircut and tattoos.
Almost forgot, and is white.
Uh, hens don't crow at the crack of dawn. That may have something to do with it.
No shit
Of course, it's one of the few areas in California that is not controlled by Team Blue and has a bit of a libertarian streak in it.
I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I find this exceedingly difficult to believe.
Why does it seem like local government officials are competing with each other to see who can implement the most obnoxious rules against people in their respective communities...
According to Obama the problem with the economy is that there aren't enough of these petty tyrants snoopy on and harassing the locals.
"That's the Alliance for you: making sure everyone is interfered with or ignored equally."
Hasn't anyone noticed that more and more grocery stores offer only 'seedless' watermelons and 'seedless' grapes?
The New World Order does not want anyone growing their own food.
It would behoove everyone to begin hoarding packets of seed for the future. There are many vegetable plants that can be grown indoors with the right lighting and proper soil. Grow things in pots, too, even tomatoes.
Oh Jesus Fucking Christ, does everything have to be a fucking conspiracy? Maybe people like not having to de-seed their food and farmer's responded to people's wants. I know I personally don't like having to spit out a bunch of seeds when I eat fruit.
OK, I'm coming downstairs to cook breakfast.
+1 to SHE Who Must Be Obeyed
If you say so. Perhaps that's the only way to ensure a palatable meal, though.
Admit it, my omelets are superior.
I wouldn't know. You've only made them like twice the entire time we've been together.
Welcome to the Digital Age, where marital spats are carried out online. I'd tell you two to get a room, but you already have 😉
Haha. No spat here. Our spats usually happen when I scare the shit out of her when I'm texting, screwing with the radio, talking on the phone or watching a movie while driving on the freeway.
Besides, I don't want anybody else in the house cooking unless they're doing something special. It's one of the few things I do exceptionally well.
I can see that. My eldest daughter is a Cordon Bleu chef, I find lots of excuses to avoid cooking when she's visiting.
Room? I think he just wants food.
Sloopy's one of those rare men perfectly capable of feeding himself (well), it's Banjos that wants food.
No seeds in my chicken omelette, please. 😀
Eggs == Chicken seeds. 🙂
Farmers? Try corporations.
Try to comment without the language. It isn't necessary.
If you don't like cursing, go to a different fucking forum. This isn't the one for you.
I think it has a lot more to do with consumer demand than what Hulk Hogan's old splinter group wants. People do not want their kids biting into a grape and breaking their teeth. As far as the watermelons go, I will not buy a seedless melon. Part of the fun of a watermelon is spitting seeds. And the seeded variety is still easy enough to find. Just go to a Mexican grocery store.
And as far as hoarding seeds goes: I take it you haven't been to a Lowe's, Home Depot or an OSH anytime in the last few years. There are more varieties of seed available than I've ever seen. And the prices seem to be flat for the last decade, adjusted for inflation. If there's been an increase, it's been in the seedlings, but I attribute that to fuel prices, not some nefarious plot masterminded by Million-dollar-man Ted Dibiase.
Yes, I've been to Lowe's and Home Depot, but are you a person who purchases those seeds? Have you noticed the difference in the seeds sold today vs. those sold yesteryear?
Yeah, they are awesome. They are packed in foil for freshness like the top European seeds. The new hybrids are more vigorous and resistant to disease than some OP varieties. Although the good OP varieties like Kentucky Wonder are still available. And if you want heirloom varieties not available in the stores you just have to hit the interwebs and order from Baker Creek or join Seed Savers Exchange. I just can't wait till I can get GMOs at HD.
Lol this was too funny. It strikes the Alex Jones mentality and the stoner mentality all in one!
Have you noticed that seedless watermelons and grapes still have seeds in them?
The New World Order does not want anyone growing their own food.
I don't doubt this, however.
They are hybridized to ripen before their seeds develop. Yes, they still have seeds, but most are usually too small to be a nuisance.
And since they are hybrids, whether they have seed or not is irrelevant since they wouldn't come true to type.
In fairness to the grocers, they are catering to consumer demand for largely work-and-worry free food.
And, with the exception of organic produce, much of the produce in the grocery store is sprayed with stuff that inhibits seed germination, which increases shelf life. Potatoes from the grocery store are difficult, if not impossible, to grow, since they are sprayed to prevent their natural tendency to sprout. Also, much of the produce comes from hybridized varietals, whose seeds are usually sterile and can only be grown if you buy the commercial seed from the patent holder on the hybrid.
Your best bet? Seedsavers (dot) org or SeedsofChange (dot) com for seeds, cuttings, and scions, disease-free seed potatoes, and fruit trees. Saving seeds for the next year's garden is relatively easy but certain plants need particular care in the drying and storing process, so it's good to research the process.
Heirloom seeds for desert dwellers
Baker seeds is great too.
As a consumer, seeds in my fruit sucks major ass, so kudos to Big Science on that one.
As a vegetable grower, I'm not bothered by having to pay 1.49 for enough seeds to produce several months worth of carrots (or whatever) in my garden.
They'll have to pry the watermellon seeds from my cold dead jaws.
I don't get the hate for front yard gardening. Front yard is worthless space (not having kids to play in it). Of all the possible ways to put that space to use, growing plants is the most aesthetically pleasing. Can't really build on that space, might as well grow on it.
Apparently its in the constitution that the front yard may only be used for grass (at least in places that have water - where I live front yards are for gravel).
Presumably, "they" think raising crops is low class, as would be anything visibly done for necessity. "They" would like visitors to think everyone in the neighborhood is rich enough to just waste such space, and to commute to work to do that ugly stuff elsewhere.
Funny, I know several rich "old money" families that have chickens and vegetable gardens in their yards. (And it is not a regional thing, as one is in Rhode Island, another in the Chicago area and the third in Tennessee.) Maybe this is another example of extremes meeting. The middle class would never consider the idea of growing crops in their yards or having livestock - my dear, what would the neighbors think! The rich and the poor do not give a damn what others think.
Indeed, and who can blame agribusiness for wanting a way to ensure their customers buy from them every year? That having been said, it has become increasingly clear to me that self-sufficiency in food production is a necessary component for individual liberty. While a nation of gentlemen farmers is a utopian, and thus, unrealistic vision, it would behoove those who wish to preserve their liberty would to look into small-scale food production, even something as simple as canning.
One need not believe that a cabal of Freemason-Illuminati-Zionist-Lizard People sacrificed Whitney Houston for Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee to see the connection between liberty and self-reliance in food production.
I do not disagree with you one iota. We are striving for self-sufficiency in our food production in our house. It's getting there. I plan to have 2/3 of our half-acre under cultivation for veggies and fruits withing the next five years, with space for chickens and rabbits. Luckily, I live in an agricultural area with provisions for people to keep backyard livestock, the type dependent upon your acreage. I can keep 8 chickens and 6 rabbits on 1/2 acre.
Suz raises a good point about how people are being de facto forced into dependence upon the big food producers - sometimes out of preference for seedless grapes or the convenience of tomatoes in winter (yuck). More often I think it is that TPTB fear a nation of people who are independent of most or many systems, and are therefore ungovernable because there is no hammer to keep them in place. Take away the right to grow and eat what you want, even to create localized co-ops of growers to share efforts*, and you maintain control.
*I share my garden grown produce with a neighbor who has chickens. Her yard is small and mostly shaded so growing veggies is tough for her, so I trade her seasonal produce for eggs each week, until I get my own laying flock. She gives me extra eggs when she has them, and my husband is going to clear some trees for her so she can plant a few things in the sunnier areas of her yard. I wonder how many state and federal regs such an arrangement violates!
Thank you, ALHaines.
To the others here, when was the last time you bought a red tomato from a grocery store? I mean, a true red tomato. I haven't seen a red tomato in a couple of decades. They're all orange or a shade of orange, but they aren't red.
Did the consumer ask the farmer to change the color of tomatoes in addition to asking the farmer to grow seedless grapes and watermelons?
They are picked green to extend the shelf-life. It is nearly impossible to pick vine-ripened tomatoes and get them to market and sale before they go bad.
I am having fabulous luck with tomatoes this year. I am drowning in vine-ripened, cherry red jewels. Yummy. Every day I slice one up, put fresh basil, salt, sharp cheddar and jalepenos on it and eat up. The rest get canned. Yum.
It will be a sad day for anyone who shows up here and tells me I cant grow tomatoes.
All our tomatoes are struggling. I think they may have been planted too early; it's been a very wet and mild year so far.
Man, mine are doing well. And our peppers have been just great. A little late in coming, but they've really gotten good since the heat finally showed up.
Oh, and the sweet corn is in and fucking delicious! matter of fact, I'm making a modified Low Country Boil with a California flair as we speak. I'm using our peppers and sweet corn. It is gonna kick ass.
When did you plant your corn? We planted in early-mid May, IIRC, and the corn isn't much more than sprouts at the moment. I'm not too sure it's doing too great either.
Actually, just about the only plants doing well in our garden at the moment is the asparagus and the radishes. Neither of which I particularly like.
We planted in mid-April. The corn is 8 ft tall with at least 3 ears per stalk. Tomatoes are all coming in now, topsy-turvys as well as the ones we planted in the ground. Same with the peppers.
We lost all of our melons before they had a chance to get going. I think we started too early on them. Otherwise, everything is kicking ass.
I don't buy tomatoes, i grow them. If I do buy them they are canned and therefore ripe. The fact is, most people don't even know what a home grown tomato tastes like and therefore don't realize how awful artificially ripened tomatoes taste. But the explanation that it's very difficult for major growers to get ripe tomatoes to market makes a lot more sense than a conspiracy. Plus, if you have grown heirloom tomatoes you should have noticed that red doesn't always equal ripe.
I have 10 different varieties of heirlooms in fruit right now. Red, purple, green zebra-striped, yellow, yellow-and-red, and black in color depending on variety. So, no, red does not always = ripe.
Suz, the tomatoes in the average grocery store are specifically bred for standardized size, shape, and sturdiness to withstand the rigors of shipping across the country, or over borders. I find the flavors tend to be flat and sour, not sweet and juicy like from-the-garden tomatoes. Also, the texture is often mealy or stringy and tough, definitely not worth it for any eating purposes. I take them as a seasonal pleasure and make roasted tomato soup, sauce, or just can them for year-round enjoyment. There is nothing pleasurable about a tomato in winter when you live in NJ and July is a long ways away.
I have seen green tomatoes fall off a truck in the central valley and bounce over cars. Tomatoes shouldn't bounce.
I have been told that I have ruined people by introducing them to garden fresh tomatoes. Bwhahaha
Where are you, SKR? Visalia here.
Los Angeles.
Division of labor FTW!
Societies where individuals grow their own food are pre=feudal.
Grow up, hippie.
Indeed. And it would be one thing if we were just in risk of a fine, but we live in a world where raw milk producers get a SWAT raid if someone carries one of their bottle over state lines.
The best way to carry raw milk over a state line is in your tummy 😉
Speaking of raw milk, there was a small grocery store near where I vacation every year that had the Most Awesome chocolate milk.Normally I'm not a fan of chocolate milk, but I looked forward to chugging large quantities of that particular brand every year. I had no idea why it was the bestest chocolate milk evah, until a couple years ago when I went to get my fix and it sucked. I mean it was perfectly ordinary, nothing special whatsoever. So I asked the owner, what was up with the milk? She explained that the milk had come from a local dairy and had been unpasteurized. When the farmer died, his son decided to expand the business to other states and so started pasteurizing. I will never buy that chocolate milk again.
What a shame.
Banjos and I spent quite a while last weekend at the farmers market talking to a raw milk dairyman. They said the state is making it tougher and tougher on them to comply with expanding regulations and that the growth in popularity of raw milk has actually made it more costly and difficult for them to operate. They have confidence that they will remain operational, but their profits have dropped off since their compliance costs have skyrocketed.
Sad, really, that two people can't agree on an exchange of goods for an agreed-to amount on something as basic as milk. Not surprising, but still sad.
Foie gras goes bye-bye on July 1st, too. I heard an interview with the owners/chefs of Animal (a restaurant in LA) this morning. They sell $300,000 worth of foie gras a year. Well, not starting on July 1st.
This legislation is saving/creating jobs! Oh, wait...
I thought it was just production not sales.
Sales. $1000 fine per serving. Hopefully, this law goes to court to be overturned.
There is a certain type of gourmand for whom the fine will increase the desire to eat foie gras. Forbidden fruit and all that.
I want to see a restaurant with the balls to price their foie gras with the $1000 markup included, just to prove a point. Obviously no one will buy, but I still want to see it on a menu.
We the people, the taxpayers, should demand the cost of enforcement on these bad decisions be taken out of the salary of these bureaucrats.
Its easy to externalize the costs but if you were responsible for the money you spend maybe political rule would change.
Ok the guy with the hanging tomatoes deserved it. That was some rickety ass ugly shit he built right next to the sidewalk.
Agreed, mostly. The Reason article describes it as "handsome" but the linked article shows it's a bunch of orange 5-gallon buckets hanging from raw wood A-frames. It shouldn't be disallowed for ugliness, but call a turd a turd.
It's even more true that he probably has over a thousand pounds of dirt dangling on a structure I wouldn't use to hang a rope swing. I hope it doesn't get too windy where he lives, because that thing would blow right over if I had it in my yard.
Really, it's a rather unfortunate encounter between a petty code enforcement unit and an idiotic gardener.
If the proposition that squads of busybody, anti-gardening bureaucrats are waiting in your thicket, ready to pounce on the pecks of peppers you might have tended in your yard sounds like hyperbole, then you clearly have not been paying attention to the news. In years.
Just do it man, makes sense
First off great picture to go with the article! On that note, WWMD?? The First Lady seems mighty quiet on this subject that she has been pushing. She, actually, wrote a pretty interesting book on the topic, but it is now time for her to put her money where her mouth is and stand up for these gardeners against big government!
So, I now have a large back yard with a sizable garden, and a jungle of tomatoe plants that will soon swamp me with excess produce.
So i inquired at the local farmers market what it would take to be allowed to set up a stall. Essentially:
1. You must be a licensed business.
2. You must pay a $125 fee for the season.
3. You must carry liability insurance which runs around $300 per year.
Basically, all these rules make it not worthwhile for backyard gardeners to try to sell any produce through the local farmers market, since it will inevitably be unprofitable to do so.
ready to pounce on the pecks of peppers you might have tended in your yard sounds like hyperbole, http://www.riemeninnl.com/riem.....n-c-9.html then you clearly have not been paying attention to the news. In years.
The code enforcer is, typically, an especially small-minded large infant. He/she will blossom into a purring infant when allowed to lord over neighbors. Very little can be done about these creatures. They will always exist and be hired. Change or negate the code or law in question and the nasty infant in the city car or truck (or cop car) will go away and the open society can continue on its merry way.
Dude knows he is totally rocking it Wow.