South Carolina Considering Bill to Strengthen FOIA
Most states trying to weaken their FOIA laws instead
Torture Censorship Challenged at Guantanamo
You say the government finds it awkward?
Ex-CIA Waterboarding Whistleblower Prepares to Head to Prison
He was the man who confirmed the CIA was engaged in waterboarding, but that's totally not why he's getting 30 months in jail, right?
Alexandria, VA Police Department Refuses to Share Basic Info with Public
Including incident reports, which shed light on police shootings
Pelosi on Informing Public About Drone Strikes on Citizens: "It Depends"
One presumes it depends on which political party is calling the shots
We Can't Confirm the Existence of the Program We've Been Bragging About
Drones and transparency.
Nobody's Holding His Breath over Obama's Latest Promise of Transparency, Right?
The president has a history of making such promises. A very disreputable history.
Senators Want Legal Opinions on Targeting U.S. Citizens in Drone War, DOJ White Paper Not Enough
Senators say they want to provide the president the oversight he said he wanted
Treasury Demands Pre-Payment for FOIA Request by Non-Profit
The department previously waived the fee for 7,300 e-mails they originally said didn't exit, but is now requiring the Competitive Enterprise Institute to pay first
Anonymous Hacks MIT Websites in Protest Over Aaron Swartz's Prosecution, Suicide
Swartz was hounded over his open-access activism
Obama Treads Path of Less Transparency, Larger Donations for Second Inauguration
Looking for big-money ball buddies
Judge Rules Bradley Manning Pre-Trial Detention "Excessive", Credits Him 112 Days Off Potential Sentence
Not much of a victory for Manning, who still faces life in prison
TX Hospital District Establishes Nonprofit To Dodge Open Meeting Rules
Tax money goes in, but no information comes out
Anonymous Twitter Account Suspended
@YourAnonNews announced a back-up account was ready days ago
New Journalism Group Targets Government Secrecy
Countdown until it's labeled a "terrorist" outfit starts ... now
Eric Holder Congratulates Himself for Transparency Reforms That Never Happened
The Justice Department claims it "has demonstrated its historic commitments to transparency."
Greece, Italy Rank as Europe's Most Corrupt Countries
When you have terrible governments and awful laws, corruption might actually make the place tolerable
TX Government Contractors Sue To Escape Open-Records Rules
They want to feed at the trough, but not pay the price
EPA Chief in Hot Water Over Private Email Accounts
You're not supposed to do official business over unofficial channels
Salt Lake Police to Wear Special Recording Glasses
Increased transparency from a law-enforcement agency? That's just crazy!
Obama: Transparently Disappointing
The president has fallen far short of promises to establish "an unprecedented level of openness in government."
ICE Demands Return of Already-Released Records
Documents released a year ago show private companies resisting surveillance requests
Report: White House, Congress Lousy at Online Transparency
Lots of talk, little action on informing the public through the Internet
Treasury Refuses To Surrender Obamacare Documents, Cites "Executive Privilege"
Critics think the IRS is up to funny business