Indiana Defendants Get "Benefit of Hindsight When It Reveals Their Conduct Was Necessary in Self-Defense," …
"even though that necessity wasn't fully apparent in the moment."
"even though that necessity wasn't fully apparent in the moment."
Politicians who’ve dropped the ball inevitably see the solution as reducing people's freedom.
Gotham’s police department has a long history of shooting bystanders in "self defense."
"A couple million times a year, people use guns defensively," says economist and author John Lott.
The ruling says some restrictions on guns in "sensitive places" are constitutionally dubious but upholds several others.
The ruling concludes that the government failed to show an Illinois ban is "consistent with this Nation's historical tradition of firearm regulation."
The Second Amendment doesn’t protect guns; it protects the human right to self-defense.
The ruling notes that Breonna Taylor’s death resulted from the "late-night, surprise manner of entry."
Does the Second Amendment allow the government to ban guns in common use for lawful purposes?
Detached reflection cannot be demanded in the presence of an open maw.
After announcing he would vote for Ron Paul, an onslaught of criticism ensued. Those critiques missed the mark, even though the gun rights advocate ultimately caved.
Without providing any evidence, the paper says "loosened restrictions on firearms" contributed to gun violence in Columbus.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott takes a tactic from the progressive prosecutors he says he opposes.
Legislators are taking a page from constitutionally dubious state laws that make carry permits highly impractical to use.
The decision likens the federal law to Reconstruction era restrictions on firearms near polling places.
"I have encountered many things," one witness told the grand jury, "but nothing that put fear into me like that."
Survey finds growing acceptance of civilian firearms among the country’s population.
Bans on standard magazines benefit criminals and endanger victims
Law enforcement amicus brief against Colorado magazine ban.
LaShawn Craig may spend years behind bars—because the gun he used to justifiably shoot someone was unlicensed.
He is not the first defendant that has struggled to reconcile the controversial raids with self-defense.
Almost 10 years after his arrest, Marvin Guy will soon learn if he'll spend the rest of his life in prison.
A Texas court holds that only self-defense—not defense of property—is excluded from such orders (which can also temporarily strip defendant of Second Amendment rights). And the same logic applies to force, even nonlethal force, used to defend your family members against another family member as well.
The governor's attempt to rule by decree provoked widespread condemnation instead of the applause she was expecting.
Local police officials are leery of enforcing Michelle Lujan Grisham's ban on public carry, which gun rights groups have challenged in federal court.
"I've seen signs in different people's yards in the past after these disasters, ... 'You loot, we shoot.' ... You never know what's behind that door."
Americans support tighter laws, but not as much as they distrust government and like owning guns.
Researchers report that many gun owners, especially newer ones, falsely deny owning guns.
The government appears to agree that Charles Foehner shot a man in self-defense. He may spend decades behind bars anyway.
As pot prohibition collapses across the country, that policy is increasingly untenable.
"[O]ne [tree-cutting] crew member made sexually suggestive gestures towards his fiancée and another waved a running chainsaw towards his dogs with the apparent threat to dismember them ...."
The state defied a Supreme Court ruling by banning guns from myriad "sensitive places."
Conservatives who support the bill recognize the conflict between unannounced home invasions and the Second Amendment.
of an unrestricted concealed carry pistol permit," says N.Y. appellate court.
A Texas jury unanimously rejected Perry’s assertion that Garrett Foster pointed a rifle at him.
The duty to retreat from public confrontations has nothing to do with the cases cited in recent stories about seemingly unjustified shootings.
From self-defense law scholar (and former prosecutor) T. Markus Funk.
Alvin Bragg has finally moved to stop prosecuting Tracy McCarter for murder.
Alvin Bragg campaigned on Tracy McCarter’s innocence. Once in office, that was apparently less politically expedient.
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