What Women Want
Maybe it's to be treated as individuals?
Elves need not apply.
Podcaster and music critic Rob Harvilla reminds us of the debts we owe to the tunes of that often cringeworthy decade.
The Lords of Easy Money argues that the Fed created an economy with nearly irresistible incentives for foolish choices.
An underground network in Chicago helped women terminate thousands of pregnancies amid abortion prohibition.
It's the story of a distant future where rich denizens meddle in the affairs of the past.
Falwell and his wife engaged in extramarital trysts with a younger man and introduced him to powerful friends, such as future president Donald Trump.
A call for restricting immigration in The Culture Transplant accidentally makes the case for radical liberalization.
Sebastian Mallaby's The Power Law explores how venture capital and public policy helped shape modern technology.
The director worries that the public doesn't trust his spy agency.
Libertarians should recognize language as a quintessential example of spontaneous order.
For the first time, The Great British Baking Show's three best bakers are immigrants to the U.K.
The U.S. and the Holocaust condemns anti-refugee policies of the World War II era.
Star Wars remains an epic tale of good vs. evil, but underneath the myth are ordinary human motivations.
The new book Inventor of the Future prefers to show him as a credit hog.
The game is one of the greatest pieces of outsider art created in the 21st century, and it just got a lot easier to play.
Robots don't get cabin fever, develop cancer from cosmic radiation, miss their families, or go insane.
What does "longtermism" offer those of us who favor limited government and free markets?
The millennial generation has had enough anti-prequel propaganda.
The video game merges free market trading with exciting space combat, and your ethics and goals are up to you.
What if our interplanetary future involved train heists, legal sex work, and a lot of running from the feds?
"Deep Space Homer" aired only eight years after the real-life Challenger disaster.
Stray began development in 2015, so it's not intended to be an allegory about COVID-19 lockdowns, but it sure seems like one.
The black market for drugs empowers bad actors while imposing serious burdens on innocents.
Perhaps boutique businesses with hip tastes can be as bad for bands as the biggest corporation.
Extreme taxes and regulations are hampering legal marijuana markets.
The series deals with themes of fate, freedom, and choice.
It's the superpolitical vs. everyone else.
Activists were divided about whether to professionalize the political community or keep it ideologically pure. Sound familiar?
Tracer takes mind control to a new level.
Netflix's The G Word tries and fails to restore faith in big government.
High recidivism rates are not surprising when life in prison features the same factors that drive crime.
It's the economics of energy production that make petrostates more trigger-happy, Emma Ashford argues in Oil, the State, and War.
Joe Biden, MAGA fans, and Xi Jinping all fall victim to the band's violent displays on its current tour.
Between the books and the new TV series, we see two different visions of freedom.
The British spy series shows the lengths to which government overseers will go to protect themselves.
Caroline Elkins' book raises an important question for people today, particularly liberals—an issue that Elkins herself sidesteps.
Peaky Blinders reminds us that when the government bans or artificially limits a resource, control of that resource often gets decided through violence.
Podcaster Molly Lambert's gambit to get listeners to critically examine the conflation of sex work is mostly successful.
The Netflix docu-thriller Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey shows the downfall of Warren Jeffs and the unjustified taking of 450 children inside his religious community.
The Stolen Year acknowledges the public schools' COVID failures but refuses to hold anyone responsible.
Even as it gained fans around the world, home sales of the film remained illegal in the U.K. until 1999.
Her 1969 Songy a Balady (Songs and Ballads) was yanked from shelves, only to reappear after the 1989 Velvet Revolution.
Senators asked for an investigation since the "sweet, chocolaty taste may encourage consumers to eat well over a recommended quantity of melatonin."
The drama is engaging, but fans of the book should prepare for a wildly different story.
A Sam Raimi fun house burdened by the Marvel universe's not-so-glorious purpose
The new comedy explores women's liberation, the world of publishing, and sex.
Books, films, and more related to the dissolution of the Soviet Union
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