GOP State Representative Joins Massachusetts Senate Race
Rep. Daniel Winslow (R-Mass.) joining the race after several other prominent Republicans said they wouldn't run
Rep. Daniel Winslow (R-Mass.) joining the race after several other prominent Republicans said they wouldn't run
Setting a new tone for the GOP
It looks pretty much like the muddled message that you'd expect
Plan to advance a bill requiring one
Focus on simplifying tax codes, reforming immigration and labor laws
It's the old establishment against the young turks
At the moment, Virginia Republicans are stronger than Democrats.
Says Republicans could face election defeats
Attempt to force Democrats into making concessions in budget negotiations
Anti-immigration Republicans are advancing organized labor's agenda.
Expecting wave of new executive orders
Anything for a spending cut
Change in leadership of committees leading to the purge
Angry that correspondence using a secondary account isn't being turned over
Would allow borrowing to continue up to May 18 and pressure Democrats in the Senate to pass a budget
Warns that the party risks permanent minority status if it doesn't change
Ron Paul may have exited stage right, but his movement say it's just begun
Want to reform how electoral votes are counted
Only one of the proposals being considered
Pay raise costs $11 billion
Rep. Trey Radel (R-FL) says "All options should be on the table"
Would force business owners to allow people with concealed-carry permits onto their property or provide extra security
Barred from targeting minorities when trying to fight voter fraud
Another congressman tries to clarify Akin's comments and makes things worse
The libertarian Texas congressman has retired. Will his radical ideas stick around on Capitol Hill?
Without a shutdown Republicans have no leverage to obtain anything useful from the White House.
In 2010 and 2011 support was almost equal
Republican Main Street Partnership to become less Republican
Looming debt ceiling debate could see some Republicans putting shutdown on the table
Abandoned half an hour before leadership vote