Rand Paul
Must Conservatives Be Cop Lovers?
Rand Paul challenges fellow Republicans to rethink their reflexive support of law enforcement.
Rand Paul, Racism, and Prison
Paul has had a busy summer trying to roll back mandatory minimum sentencing, bar federal prosecution of medical marijuana patients, and restrain civil forfeiture laws.
Rand Paul Speaks Out on Senate Floor Against Arming Syrian Rebels
Not that it apparently matters
Rand Paul: "If it was wrong not to protect the consulate in Benghazi, then it's wrong not to protect the consulate in Erbil."
Explains rationale for military action in Iraq.
3 Problems Libertarians Have with Rand Paul's Foreign Policy
Libertarians who take their ideas seriously have always judged even purported political allies by tough standards, and rightly so.
Americans: Dubious About War But Ready to Fight ISIS—Just Not With Ground Troops
Public opinion, military action, and ISIS.
What Do Libertarians Think About Rand Paul and ISIL? Let's Ask Them
Prominent libertarian writers weigh in.
Ill-Timed Headline of the Week: 'Rand Paul's Fatal Pacifism'
Richard Epstein misreads Rand Paul.
Rand Paul vs. the Hawks
The Kentucky senator urges interventionists of both parties to contemplate unintended consequences.
Jennifer Rubin's Idea of a Zinger
A boilerplate call for a prudent foreign policy offends the Washington Post blogger.
Paul: "Interventionists Like Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton" Created ISIL
And they may have almost put the group in charge of Syria.
Must Conservatives Be Cop Lovers?
Rand Paul challenges fellow Republicans to rethink their reflexive support of law enforcement.
Return of the Anti-War Right
Sen. Rand Paul is among those insisting on a less aggressive approach to foreign policy.
Rand Paul Tries to Limit the State's License to Steal
The Kentucky senator's forfeiture reform bill would curtail legal theft.
Conservatives Should Resurrect Reagan's Foreign Policy
Rick Perry likes to speculate what the Gipper would do, but he should look at what he DID do.
Rand Paul's 'Third Way' Proposals to Attract Minorities to GOP
"Three out of four people in prison right now for non-violent crimes are black or brown."