US Poverty Rate Unchanged
At around 50 million
In order to buy food
More than $150,000 in a fund set up in his name
What next? Tracking chips?
Maybe we could unshackle the economy, a tad
For many economic security is still left wanting
Has been narrowed to appease concerns of business owners
How long will progressives get away with pretending to care about the poor?
But will we get a new Tang for our troubles?
Death rate has fallen, but so have use of nets, pesticides to stop spread
Doesn't stop public educators from claiming charters leave poor kids behind
A guy going on a shooting spree means we need better housing regulations?
Will allow for manufacture and sale of cheaper generic versions without fear
Curious move considering his support for Obama, who backs the drug war
Anti-poverty spending has soared while poverty rates have held steady. It's time to try something new.
That outstrips the actual poverty rate
Adopting strategies used in Asia to cope with falling living standards
Marikana platinum plant action began a week ago. Lonmin shares tank.
A review of Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty.
A review of Abundance: Why The Future Will Be Much Better Than You Think by X Prize guru Peter Diamandis and journalist Steven Kotler.
Untouchables cling to it because they have few other choices.
Poverty, not global warming, is the cause of death and destruction in the face of extreme weather.
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