The Naked and the Nude
Bernardo Bertolucci gives Paris one more chance
Minaret of Freedom tries to square the Quran with the free market. A Reason interview
Philosopher Daniel Dennett on determinism, human "choice machines," and how evolution generates free will.
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How nationalism, protectionism, and collectivism spawned a century of dictatorship and war.
Political relevance and the funding of Middle East studies in the U.S.
Journalist Christopher Hitchens explains why he's no longer a socialist, why moral authoritarianism is on the rise, and what's wrong with anti-globalization protestors.
Why the Salvation Army and other religious groups shouldn't take federal money
The FTAA protesters in Quebec were misguided. So was the police-state response to them.
Judge and scholar Richard A. Posner speaks out on the Clinton impeachment, the Microsoft case, and nude dancing.
Eminent philosopher John R. Searle defends free speech, free inquiry, and the Enlightenment.
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