Paul Ryan
Paul Ryan To Visit Iowa
Reportedly for governor's birthday, of course it has nothing to do with 2016
Rep. Paul Ryan Endorses Immigration Bill
Healthcare policy had been causing rifts among legislators
Why The GOP/Ryan Budget is a Non-Starter for Libertarians
It grows the size, scope, and spending of government.
GOP Releases Budget Proposal Aiming to be Anti-Obama
Still spends more money than the government has though
Paul Ryan Releases Plan to Balance the Budget Within 10 Years
Makes assumptions that some say are unrealistic
Former George W. Bush Budget Director Doesn't Think Ryan's Budget is Realistic
Assuming repeal of Obamacare a major assumption
Paul Ryan Says a Budget Deal is Possible
Thinks he can compromise with the president on spending and taxes
Obama Invites Paul Ryan to Lunch at the White House
Still looking for a compromise on the budget
Paul Ryan Expands Medicare Voucher Proposal
He would offer the transformed program to those under 56
Paul Ryan: We Lost 2012 Election on Communication, Not Issues
2012 Republican nominee for vice president speaks out about the loss
Rep. Ryan Asks if Obama Administration Will Submit Budget This Year
Senate hasn't passed budget resolution since 2009
Romney/Ryan First Ticket Since 1972 Where Both Home States Were Not Won
Not much good news coming out of post-game analysis
Fear No Hurricane: Obama Quietly Approved Federal Subsidies to Houses in Floodplains in July
President Obama expanded a program offering subsidized insurance to ocean-front homeowners this summer.
Ryan Doesn't Understand Obama's "Horses and Bayonets" Comment
Confused by the comparison the President was making
On Taxes, Paul Ryan Debates Mitt Romney
The next debate should be between Romney and his running mate, about what exactly is in their tax plan.
Sarah Palin: VP Debate Was Like Musk Ox Running Across Tundra With Somebody Underfoot
The moderator allowed Joe Biden to "run roughshod" over Paul Ryan according to the former vice presidential nominee
Ryan Withdraws Support of Wisc. Lawmaker over Rape Comment
Had related statements from father that some women change their minds about consensual sex and call it rape