Rep. Amash Wants Clapper's Resignation
For bold-faced lying about surveillance to Congress
For bold-faced lying about surveillance to Congress
CEO is imprisoned over insider trading. He says it's because they wouldn't play ball with the NSA.
The software is available and increasingly easy to use
The NSA scandal didn't just reveal PRISM. It also exposed serious hypocrisy in the Democratic Party.
Tracking all of our online activity, just like our phone calls
We still have a democracy in America. It's just not connected to anything.
We're tumbling down a slippery slope.
After millions of people's records were scooped up
Much to the displeasure of Feinstein and Graham
"He is introspective and, perhaps, a bit prone to brood: the type of person who thinks long and hard before coming to a decision"
Comedian Trevor Moore has an idea on how to thwart massive surveillance by the NSA
Powerful elites hate being challenged
Most people think the federal government would have no interest in them, but many discover to their horror how wrong they are
A rare win before the secretive court
The former Libertarian presidential candidate also talks about his own future in politics.
Don't lie, this time, Jimmy boy
Politicians may be fine with the surveillance state, but they can't force you to be.
Administration insists Congress was fully informed about phone data gathering, despite claims otherwise
Want to provide the public with more detail
Neither terrorism nor the NSA are the greatest threats to American liberty.
Believes James Clapper lied to Congress about extent of data collection
In an interview, says "I am not here to hide from justice; I am here to reveal criminality."
Scandal spreading across oceans
Says the NSA whistleblower had strong moral convictions
NSA whistleblower called dangerous by Democrats and Republicans
May also be worth being concerned about laws that allow the sort of behavior that has some people upset
Says it's a shame those who tell the truth get in so much trouble
How Obama learned to stop worrying and love unaccountable surveillance
Google, Facebook and Microsoft want the US Government to let them disclose security requests for handing over data