Jerry Brown Signs Cellphone "Kill Switch" Into Law in California
What could go wrong?
One of the strangest live political broadcasts of all time.
California's lieutenant governor no longer wishes to ride the rails
California's Democratic governor says "No, that's not in the cards, unfortunately"
Plus much smaller amount toward state's massive debt
Since industry won't invest in project, let's make them pay to do business in the state and use that money instead
Despite having raised millions
Or they'll lose state funding
Crazier than the moon beam idea
California's recovery is a miracle. Somebody go tell San Bernardino and Stockton.
"You're not following your own rules" apparently means "There's some wiggle room here"
Judge didn't specifically order them to stop yet, so on it goes
Loathsome paternalism from the left. Where are the protests?
Encouraged mass incarceration during his first terms as governor
By at least seven days
Projects a surplus, but warning signs show an upcoming drop in tax revenue
Maybe Californians should be grateful if all they get is the high-speed rail
Maybe getting tips on making public works projects even more corrupt?
Pension spiking bounces back and unions look for any excuse for an exemption
Everything's fine, as long as you completely ignore the public pension crisis that is bankrupting us all!
Sets forth to destroy any recovery with more government spending
Californians may have to pay even more to fight tickets or access state records
Assuming, of course, actual spending matches the budget, which it never does
Education and health spending on the rise, but those commitments still can't kill high-speed rail
Governor still not willing to realize community has turned against it
While announcing spending increases
State casts about for new stones to get blood from
Wants to give school districts more control over spending and send more money to poor students and English learners
Democrats may soon have veto-proof majority in the state's legislature
Reforms to teaching rules fail, but voters see increased interest in education alternatives
Voter blackmail is not a reliable way of garnering support
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