IMF Offers a Glimpse at the Perils of Central Bank Digital Currencies
Government-controlled digital money could mean the end of financial privacy and independence.
Government-controlled digital money could mean the end of financial privacy and independence.
A new IMF study finds that a global increase in tariffs could decrease global GDP by nearly 1 percent by 2025 and over 1 percent by 2026.
Governments around the world have been on a borrowing spree, and prosperity has suffered.
The self-described anarcho-capitalist president devalued the peso, halved government ministries, and announced a series of spending cuts.
Alex Gladstein on how "monetary colonialism" has crippled the Third World
The main driver behind the reduction is inflation—inflation that politicians created with their irresponsible spending.
Senegalese app developer Fodé Diop sees bitcoin as a way to end "monetary colonialism" in the developing world.
Her resignation cannot come too soon.
Never bet against human ingenuity operating in free markets.
Tsipras needs to actually pass legislation, not just propose reforms.
Free markets weren't on the ballot.
Greeks want big government but they want someone else to pay for it.
Alexis Tsipras is officially calling for a referendum.
Christine Lagarde anticipates "seven strong years"
Worried about the effect on the global economy
$2.3bn bailout payment backed on Monday
Uncertainty about whether debt levels were sustainable
Christine Lagarde made the comments ahead of a meeting with policymakers
Not fans of austerity
Plan to discuss creation of a bank that could rival the IMF and the World Bank
The IMF demanded that the deal would not need approval from the Cypriot government
Part of investigation into illegal payouts to a supporter of former French President Nicolas Sarkozy
Also wants demand boosted in Germany
Says European leaders must follow through on commitments made to help Ireland finance its debts
IMF and European officials disagree on how to fund Greece
Island dispute continues to cause tension
List of Greeks who are being investigated for corruption and tax evasion was handed to Greece's Prime Minister last week
Former IMF head has escaped rape allegations mostly unscatched
New regulations and legislation could be a shock to the system
Impasse between the nation's leaders and the International Monetary Fund
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