Pro-Business Modi Wins Third Term as Minister in India
Played big role in inviting global companies into country
Obama Signs Trade Bill with Russia
Lifts some trade restrictions but sanctions some accused of human rights abuses
Imagining the World in 2030: "Driven by new technologies, nonstate actors take the lead in confronting global challenges."
The National Intelligence Council presents possibilites for how the next 20 years might play out
India's Lawmakers Endorse Looser Retail Rules
Would allow for more foreign markets to set up shop in country
Clerical Strike at LA Ports Could Divert Freight Elsewhere
Retail trade group asks Obama in intervene
Panama Canal Expansion Fueling Port Upgrades; Some U.S. Ports Burdened by Security, Environmental Regulations
Panama Canal set to double capacity by 2015
Despite Criticism, U.S. Doesn't Name China as a Currency Manipulator
So much for Romney's hole card
France Loses Export Ground to European Rivals
Competitiveness-wise, the French aren't doing well
China Filing Complaint Against E.U.
Not happy about some solar panel companies being given subsidies
The Candidates' Trade Nonsense
Both candidates indulge the superstition that while exports are good, imports and outsourcing are bad.
Romney Is the Most Protectionist GOP Candidate in Living Memory
The Republican presidential hopeful is at odds with his party's free-trade beliefs.
"Buy Local" Push Made by French Government
But consumers have noticed that stuff made in France is spendy
Obama Administration Gets Slippery On Its Deadline for Expanding Exports
Not that we ever took them seriously
Australia Works to Strengthen Ties with India
India, notably, has been working to open up its markets
Opponents Criticize Proposed Chinese Solar Panel Tariffs
Trade war would ultimately hurt United States, they argue
Suspected Russian Agent Arrested for Exporting US Technology
Apparently it takes a spy to bypass America's licensing systems
Source: Deal on WTO Doha Rounds May Be Close
World leaders have been talking for years on liberalizing trade
EU Seeks $12 Billion from US over Boeing Subsidies
While US complains about China's subsidies, this is going on
US, EU Spar over Boeing Subsidies
America says they've stopped them. Europe says they haven't
The End of International Environmentalism
Green ideology crashes and burns at the Rio +20 Earth Summit.
Indian Shopkeepers Protest Plan to Open Nation's Markets
Foreign supermarkets, investors will be allowed in retail sector
U.S. Launches Auto Trade Battle with China
China's subsidies bad. America's subsidies good! Go America!