FrankenMoths Attack Organic Farmers in Upstate New York
Or so some hyperventilating scaremongering nitwits would have you think.
Or so some hyperventilating scaremongering nitwits would have you think.
A review of A Dangerous Master: How to Keep Technology from Slipping Beyond Our Control
Is life better than death; health better disease; wealth better than poverty? Opinions vary.
Is progress itself an ethical obligation? Opinions vary.
Bioethicists and scientists who say otherwise are wrong.
Permissionless innovation works best for both scientific and moral progress.
Now watch the bioluddites swarm out of the policy woodwork.
Naturally the usual bioluddites are eager to stop progress.
Gene drives could be a powerful new tool to manage wild ecosystems.
Researchers develop a powerful new tool to manage wild ecosystems.
Many countries around the world ban in-vitro fertilization practices that allow for the selection of a child's sex.
The moral case for designer babies
A tale of crowdsourced DIY bioengineering
Can have them turn to other animals instead. Sucks for those other animals.
The San Francisco Chronicle is reporting this morning that Proposition 37 that - on specious "right-to-know" grounds - would have required labeling foods containing ingredients from biotech enhanced crops has failed.
New Zealand scientists say the moo cow they engineered produces milk that lacks a protein some people are allergic too
How Prop 37 restricts speech and needlessly meddles in consumer choice.
Special interests trump science in the debate over transgenic salmon.
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