Holder Promises He Won't Prosecute Journalists
Uh huh. Thanks.
Going to trial in Britain
Legislation based on protecting people's feelings could have problematic side effects
He said he didn't know about prosecuting journalists, not spying on them
After revelations that Holder was part of the decision making process involved in naming Fox News' James Rosen a "co-conspirator"
Related to surveillance of reporters
None of them should be attending
When the Obama Administration loses David Axelrod...
Specifically, in a May 17 hearing in response to a question about government surveillance of journalists
Whistleblower Thomas Drake was prosecuted by the Obama DOJ for "mishandling" documents
Six of nine prosecutions of leakers under the Espionage Act happened under Obama's term in office
Trying to win back some friends?
Sent memo to Fox employees
Well, of course they do
Which might marginally improve the situation
Making enemies everywhere
They finally found a way to alienate the press
Admits White House knew about IRS scandal
ACLU also joining in suit
Looks like someone didn't like reports that the president is preparing for his son to succeed him
Reporters as enemies of the state?
Brewing battle between the press and the administration
Part of conflict between army leader, president
Pro tip: Any time you try to "balance" freedom, freedom loses
You probably shouldn't get too hopeful
And that was a ... security risk?
In the tank for a penny, in the tank for a pound
The one with big exemptions for national security?
Transparently control-freaky
It wasn't me! It was the Deputy AG!
Which wouldn't seem all that "unfettered"
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