Fiscal Cliff
Obama Asks Governors to Help Stop Sequester
They're all too busy trying to keep their state pensions from going broke
White House Threatens To Reduce Money to States Over Sequestration
The most devastating 1.5 percent reduction in proposed spending increases evah!
As Sequester Approaches, Governors Want Control of Federal Funds
Want more discretion on how they can spend money they're getting from D.C.
White House Warns Sequester Will Affect Airports
They'll probably make sure of it, in fact, in order to scare citizens
Obama's Sequester Strategy Raises Concerns About Arrogance
He's not actually talking to anybody and playing overtly political games
Dems Want Congress Back to Stop Sequester
Something about sleeping in beds they've made seems appropriate
Democratic Congressional Districts Face Tough Hit From Military Cuts
If you make yourself dependent on government spending ...
Napolitano: Sequestration Would Mean Severe Cuts to Border Patrol
Amazing how such budget cuts that are actually relatively small seem to result in the potential loss of everything the government does.
D.C. Flummoxed By Looming Budget "Cuts"
Really reductions in the rate of increase, but that's all we got
Soaking the Rich
Sorry, Warren Buffett, but extracting cash from the wealthy won't solve our problems.
5 Big Problems Obama Will Ignore in His State of the Union Address
What President Obama says in his 2013 State of the Union Address isn't as important as what he leaves out.
Spending Denialists and the Fiscal Illusion
The late economist James Buchanan predicted our current budgetary impasse. Is there a way out?
White House to Defer to Congress for Sequestration Plan
On how to avert it, of course, not how to implement it
Administration Officials Ordered To Avoid All Talk of Spending Cuts
Most transparent administration ever!
Obama's Spending and Revenue Plan Already Dead in the Water
You can't be serious, says the House
Obama Wants "Short-Term" Delay in Spending Cuts
Because government spending isn't a problem at all
Obama to Propose Package to Stave off Sequestration
Will give full presentation this afternoon
No More Corporate Welfare
Selective, complicated exceptions to the law do not reduce the burden of government
Sandy Aid Consumes Year of Estimated Revenue from Tax Hikes
All gone, already, and we haven't even dealt with the debt ceiling
White House, Congress No Closer to a Deal on Spending and Debt
Spending within your means is hard!
White House Will Miss Budget Deadline
Condescending Wonka would like to hear more from the president about fiscal responsibility
Despite President's Claims, Debt Default Not at Issue
If the ceiling is hit, the feds just can't borrow any more
Beware Obama's Big Ideas
The president and his fans say the best is yet to come. That can't be good.