IPAB: "The Roach After the Nuclear Blast."
ObamaCare's Medicare cost-control panel may be unworkable, unconstitutional, and a barrier to real reform. It's also very difficult to repeal.
The Great Basketball Swindle
A riveting new documentary takes on New York's shameful eminent domain abuse
Leviathan's Lawyers
The Office of the Solicitor General has traditionally defended the government. But should it?
A Grandstanding Attorney General
Why Ken Cuccinelli should drop his misguided case against climatologist Michael Mann
Passive Resistance
Excluding inactivity from the Commerce Clause still leaves Congress with far too much power.
A Conservative Defense of ObamaCare
Reagan's former solicitor general says the individual mandate passes constitutional muster
An Overreaching Attorney General
ObamaCare foe Ken Cuccinelli's misguided fight to expand state power in Virginia
Does Federal Law Trump an Oath to the Constitution?
Obama's decision to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act follows conservative precedent.