Kamala Harris Has Usefully Poor Memory of How Mortgage Settlement Was Spent
It's just as well. How California is spending its portion of the money is slightly better than what Harris wanted.
California Controller Sees Pension Spiking in School Districts
Executives in school districts getting big raises before retiring
California City to Vote on More Open Employee Negotiations
The community would actually know what the city is giving its employees before the council votes on it
California's Delegation Establishes Itself at Convention with Drunken Tirades, Hospital Visits, and Nazi References
Welcome to the folks who tell us we need to be grown-ups about America's future!
Gov. Brown Authorizes Off-Reservation Casinos In California
Agreements still require legislative approval, which is where opponents (rival tribes) have the most influence
10,000 at Risk of Hantavirus from Yosemite
CDC estimates how many people stayed in tents in park from June to August
Calif. Lawmakers Send Pension Reform Bill to Brown
Most savings come from future hires, does little to address current unfunded liabilities
California Judge Blasts Failure to Upend State Judicial System's Central Bureaucracy
He wants the Judicial Council, which oversees the system's bureaucracy, to be elected by trial judges and not appointed by the chief justice
Police Unions Cross Line While Bullying Public Officials
California cops employ mafia-style tactics against their critics.
California Set to Ban Open-Carry of Rifles
A bill has made its way to Governor Jerry Brown's office
California Lawmakers Ban Attempting to "Cure" Gay Youths
The bill completely bans reparative therapy for those under 18.
Federal Judge Tosses Suit About Speech Rules at County Meetings
ACLU represented case about whether Orange County's Board of Supervisors could set guidelines about how the public speaks at the meetings.
Gov. Brown's Pension Reform Plan Won't Defuse the Bomb
Plan for California will help fight fraud and pension spiking, but doesn't deal with the reality of the system's unsustainability.
Gov. Brown to Share Details of Pension Deal
Deal brokered by Democrats and union leaders to cut the state's public employee pension costs.
Two Have Died From Rodent Borne Disease in Yosemite
Visitors warned to check for flu-like symptoms
Oil, Soft Drink Companies Fund Calif. Tax Prop. to Avoid Becoming a Target
If increase in state sales, income taxes pass, maybe additional taxes won't focus on them.
USDA Reopens Slaughterhouse
Claims that the abuse that caused the slaughterhouse to close in the first place has been stopped
Series of Smallish Earthquakes Hit San Diego After Magnitude 5.5 Quake
Cans overturned, no injuries
Hospital to pay $16.5 Million over Kickback Scheme
LA-based chain accused of recruiting homeless for unnecessary services to defraud Medicare, Medi-Cal.
California Still Refuses to Face Fiscal Reality
What the Golden State can learn from the Badger State
Border Authorities Seize a Ton of Marijuana
Literally. Seven arrested off the coast off Santa Catalina Island
California's Decade of Ridiculously Growing State Employee Costs
Watch the fiscal disaster unfold.
Cali's Lancaster Leaps into Daily Police Aerial Surveillance--At Least It's Not a Drone?
The city is putting a Cessna in the air for ten hours a day for aerial surveillance. Video footage will be fed directly to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office.
Calif. Lawmakers Seek Ban Against Internet Voice Chat Regulations
Yes, that's right: California might pass a law to prevent regulations.
Rodney King Was Chock Full of Drugs When He Drowned
PCP, cocaine and marijuana all found in his system.
The 5 Dumbest Drug Laws in America
From banning the sale of magazines to regulating chemistry equipment, local and state drug warriors mainline stupidity.
California's For-Profit Two-Year Schools Are Kicking Community Colleges' Asses
Graduation rates reverse trends when looking at "non-traditional" students.
Calif. Bill Would Turn Stores into Mandatory Recycling Centers
Large shops would be required to have in-house plastic bag recycling programs.
Protesters Plan Anaheim Sit-In
Upset about failed effort to change way City Council is represented.
Moody's Sees More California Cities Going Bankrupt
Agency to begin review of municipal finances across state.
California Teachers: We'll Decide for Ourselves How Awesome We Are, Thank You Very Much
A bill would require school districts to negotiate teacher evaluation rules with the unions.
Even in Bankruptcy, Unions Get Special Treatment
The pension-debt time bomb detonates in bankruptcy court.
Collective Bargaining for Teacher Evaluations?
Yes, this is a proposal. Of course it's in California.
California Bondholders Pay for Pension Explosions
Bankrupt cities halt payments to the bondholders who bought into its pension obligations
California Initiative Puts Profit Ahead of Science
Proposition 37 props up profits for organic growers and denies the scientific consensus in favor of biotech crops.
California Congressman Abruptly Resigns
Democrat Dennis Cardoza to step down Wednesday, cites family concerns.
California Rules Block Lake Tahoe Crayfish Farming
Allegedly pro-environmental regs block pro-environmental cleanup efforts.
California Officials Asked Local Governments For Money for Park With a $54 Million Surplus
An independent state audit intends to find how the money was hidden
Irvine, Calif., May Be Next to Ban Plastic Bags
City Council to consider proposal to investigate on Tuesday.
Hermosa Beach Meter Maids Making Bank
Supervisors make nearly $100,000 annually in total compensation.
California May Release More Inmates Due to Jail Overcrowding
Plenty of non-violent offenders still in prison