Reason Staff
Latest from Reason Staff
Sheldon Richman: Let the Clock Run Out on the NSA
If nothing happens, the NSA's bulk collection of phone data will die at midnight on Monday.
Attention Aspiring Journalists: Intern at Reason This Fall!
Applications are due July 1.
Ronald Bailey Hangs Out WIth the Bioethicists at the BEINGS 2015 Summit
Is life better than death; health better disease; wealth better than poverty? Opinions vary.
Kurt Loder Reviews Tomorrowland and The Human Centipede III (Final Sequence)
Into the future with George Clooney, into the dumper with Tom Six's last trash fest.
Sheldon Richman on Marco Rubio's Reckless, Reactionary Agenda
Rubio thinks Obama has not warmongered enough and wants more confrontation with countries from China to Cuba.
Andrew Napolitano: Government Is the Negation of Personal Liberty
And personal liberty is the birthright of all persons.
Shikha Dalmia on a Federal Ban on Late-Term Abortions
Why Republicans pushing the ban are hypocritical
Sara Mayeux on the Dark Side of Police Reform
The costs and benefits of modern American policing have not been distributed evenly.
Scott Shackford: Death Comes for Terry Pratchett
The fantasy humorist's beloved Discworld novels tackled liberty, authority, and self-ownership with a devastatingly light touch.