John Stossel is the host and creator of Stossel TV. The former host of Stossel on Reason, Fox Business' Stossel, and ABC's 20/20, he has won 19 Emmys and authored several best-sellers, most recently No, They Can't: Why Government Fails—But Individuals Succeed. He is also the author of a popular weekly column that is syndicated via Creators.
Latest from John Stossel
The Private Space Race
Competition is cutting the cost of space travel to a fraction of what it was.
Don't Put Too Much Faith in the Experts
“There is no such thing as expertise on the future.”
Want to Reform the Criminal Justice System? End the Drug War.
Drug prohibition increases conflict between citizens and the police.
Human Challenge Trials and COVID-19
Should we intentionally expose willing participants to the coronavirus?
What the George Floyd Protests Say About America
There is still injustice. But there is also progress.
A Libertarian Candidate Enters the Presidential Race
Jo Jorgensen is running for the White House.
Homeschooling Thrives in the Face of Coronavirus
If the pandemic steers more parents away from state schools, that's probably a good thing.
When Government Programs Do More Harm Than Good
Shame on the U.S. government for making unemployment pay better than work.
Plastic Bag Bans Do More Harm Than Good
Why are politicians suddenly cancelling their plastic bag bans? Because of COVID-19, of course.
Coronavirus Restrictions That Go Too Far
Politicians rush to limit our choices in the name of "keeping us safe."
Don't Follow China's Example on COVID-19
China's dictators are quick to take extreme measures against whatever they see as a problem.
The Private Sector Heroes Leading the Fight Against COVID-19
The free market adjusts. We don't need "production acts" to tell us what to do.
Government Red Tape Delays the COVID-19 Response
At least some unnecessary regulations are finally being waived.
Why Price Gouging Laws Are a Bad Idea
What politicians call "gouging" is just supply and demand. Prices rise and fall all the time.
The Moral Panic Over 'Stranger Danger'
Why are we freaking out about the safety of our kids?
Government Should Repeal Out of Date Laws
"People commit crimes all the time without knowing it. It's impossible to know what sort of behavior is criminal."
Presidential Candidates Promise Freebies for Everyone
Politicians win, taxpayers lose.
Occupational Licensing Hurts the Little Guy
People who want to work should be allowed to work.
Can We Stop With All the Congressional Grandstanding?
Hearings aren’t about educating lawmakers or getting answers. They're all about getting good soundbites.
Stossel: Hot Air on the Hill
Politicians use congressional hearings to score cheap points and bully productive people.
Give, Don't Govern
Philanthropy helps others. Government controls them instead.
The Case Against Socialism
Sen. Rand Paul's new book discusses the horrible things that befall countries that tried it.
Stossel: The Case Against Socialism
Rand Paul takes on socialist arguments about Venezuela, Scandinavia, and fairness.
Tulsi Gabbard: The Anti-War Candidate
She's not a libertarian, but Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is shaking up the race for the Democratic nomination.
America's Forgotten Debt
Neither party is serious about reining in spending. This is unsustainable.
On Thanksgiving, Be Grateful for Property Rights
When people respect private property, they interact more peacefully.
When the Government Creates Mandatory Shortages
Don’t let regulators and their cronies suppress competition.
Stossel: Government Bans Ambulance Competition
35 states have laws that let established businesses block new businesses. This hurts consumers.
Stossel: Is Bitcoin Better Money?
Regulators hate Facebook's proposed "Libra” currency. They may kill it. But they can't kill Bitcoin so easily.
Rand Paul's Case for Ending America's Wars
"Intervention after intervention hasn't had the intended consequence. We've got more chaos."
Stossel: Rand Paul Wants to End America's Wars
The Kentucky senator makes the case for less American military involvement abroad.
How to Fix the Student Loan Mess
There is a better solution than the ones politicians offer.
Stossel: The Science Around Male Brains vs. Female Brains
It's politically correct to say men and women are mentally the same, but Stossel lays out science that says otherwise.
Stossel: Tulsi Gabbard Full Interview
Stossel's full interview with Tulsi Gabbard covering war, drugs, free healthcare, free college, the minimum wage, and more.
Tulsi Gabbard Blames Both Sides for Waging 'These Wasteful Wars'
“As though the only way that we can relate with other countries in the world is by bombing them.”
John Stossel Interviews Tulsi Gabbard
Tulsi Gabbard and Stossel discuss war, drug legalization, and government spending.